Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Good things again and again

Li Changsheng didn't expect to have such a big gain this time. He won four demon saint-level demon pets at once, including a temporary demon pet.

Well, maybe it is the effect of the emperor flow, there is no false demon Saint-level demon pet.

As a result, among Li Changsheng's main demon pets, except for the big head and the horned dragon, all the others broke through the demon saint level.

With the increase in the number of demon saint-level demon pets, it is also beneficial to Li Changsheng. Even if he has completed the golden body and jade bones, his physique has been further strengthened, which is enough to be comparable to the Shuangzi King.

Ning Bizhen's gains are not small, he has obtained two demon saint-level demon pets, and the long-eared cold jade rabbit and eight-armed naga have also removed the "false" character.

Calculating this way, Ning Bizhen has five demon saint-level demon pets, including the big sun fire crow, the long-eared cold jade rabbit, the nine-day sundae cat, the eight-armed naga, and the blue-eyed golden clear beast. They are only one step away from the Double Character King. .

Of course, the spiritual power is still some distance from the peak of the king, and it is expected to reach it in three or four months.

Others have made progress more or less. Take Zuo Qiulin as an example. He has a second demon saint-level demon pet, which makes him happily unable to himself. His smiling eyes are almost out of sight, and his heart is not normal. Of excitement.

Li Haoqiong's demon king-level demon pets have reached six. If it is not that the spiritual power is not yet complete, you can try to break through the realm of kings.

Just once the emperor flowed, it benefited Li Changsheng and others a lot, and the value of the heavy light wheel like a shuttle of the sun and the moon can be imagined.

In addition, this time the Emperor Flowing Baptism is undoubtedly a good advertisement, with many benefits.

In addition to the strength of the major forces, the situation in Langya Kingdom has also been further stabilized. In the next period of time, there will be many forces offering treasures.

In addition, this incident will also'go out' to go abroad, which can greatly increase the attractiveness of Langya country for talents, and it is very likely that it will also attract kings.

At this time, Li Changsheng's gaze turned to Jiaolong who was still sleeping.

Li Changsheng specially set aside a place to hold the Flood Dragon. Although the Flood Dragon did not take the initiative to absorb it, the emperor flow fell on his body and could more or less absorb it.

Judging from the breath of the Flood Dragon, its aura has increased a bit, but it is still in the category of the Demon King.

Li Changsheng felt it carefully, and the dragon's power of Jiaolong had undergone a certain change, becoming more majestic and majestic.

In addition, there were two more bulges on Jiaolong's abdomen, and another sarcoma beside the right angle of its head.

The difference between dragon and Jiao is obvious. Dragon has four legs, while Jiao has only two legs. Dragons have double horns and forked, while Jiao has only right angles.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the bloodline of Yinglong of Jiaolong is heading towards Dacheng level.

This is undoubtedly the credit of Yinglong Dragon Ball. Yinglong Dragon Ball is the essence of Yinglong after all. In the process of absorbing the energy of Dragon Ball, it has been slowly increasing the bloodline concentration of Flood Dragon.

This time the emperor flow baptism has accelerated the speed of the dragon ball absorbing the dragon ball, which is also good news.

After taking back the demon pet, Li Changsheng said to Zuo Qiulin: "Elder Zuo, I will work hard for you next!"

For Li Changsheng, Zuo Qiulin is equivalent to the housekeeper, allowing him to be the shopkeeper without any worries.

If nothing else, Zuo Qiulin will be very busy during the next period of time, not only to spread the news this time, but also to receive the treasures contributed by the major forces and recruit talents who take the initiative to come to the door.

Well, we have to deal with the daily affairs of Langya country.

Really lack of skills!

"It's not hard at all, but the old man enjoys it!"

Zuo Qiulin rubbed his beard and smiled. He knew one thing very well. The more important he was to Li Changsheng, Li Changsheng would not lose his benefits.

He was able to possess two Demon Saint-level demon pets in a short period of time. This is not a clear proof. Perhaps after a few years, he might be able to peep into the double-character king seat.

Li Changsheng was very satisfied with Zuo Qiulin's answer, and immediately told Shi Da: "Shi Da, you will act as Elder Zuo's deputy in the future and help him with some trivial matters."

Ever since Shi Da brought him the seeds of the hibiscus tree, Li Changsheng decided to promote him vigorously, and it will be of great use in the future.

With Li Changsheng's leaning towards Shi Da's resources, Shi Da, no matter how stupid he was, would at least become the king.

In addition, doing so would not allow Zuo Qiulin to take over the power, and it would be considered an extra insurance.

As for things like managing the bedroom, just leave it to other people, not even people are needed.

Well, it can be replaced by some humanoid goblins, and it can be more confidential, and don't have a taste.

"Yes, Lord!"

Shi Da was taken aback, and then happily chose to agree.

"With the help of Shi Guan, the burden on the old man's shoulders can also be much easier."

Zuo Qiulin not only did not object, but was happy for Shi Da's arrival.

At this time, Li Changsheng turned to Li Haoqiong and said, "Second Uncle, you still focus on retreat and strive to become the king as soon as possible. All the training resources are prepared by Elder Zuo for you."

"Then I would be disrespectful!"

As long as Li Haoqiong thinks that he is about to become a king, he feels as if he is in a dream. Three years ago, he was a Tier 4 demon master. He never thought that he would become a king in three years. It is really impermanence. He sighed. Endless.

But this also complied with the saying that one person can be ascended to heaven. As Li Changsheng grows up, just a little bit of resources will be enough to benefit him a lot.

Not surprisingly, Li Haoqiong will become the king within a month.

After finishing the order, Li Haoqiong, Zuo Qiulin and Shi Da left the courtyard with the demon pets who had come.

On the other side, the Earth Titan Giant who was promoted to the Demon Saint level respectfully bowed to Li Changsheng and expressed his surrender to Li Changsheng.

"From now on, Ishdar has been promoted to the High Lord of Silent Forest."

Li Changsheng looked around, and gave orders to the other Demon King and Demon Saint level goblins from the Silent is the name of the Titan Giant of the Earth, and will also become the Silent Forest's horned dragon and beast-fearing After the third high lord.

Li Changsheng's purpose is very simple. Let Ixudal take the horned dragon and beast fearing along with him, so as not to twist them into a rope, which is not conducive to his control of the silent forest.

"Go, guard the silent forest for this seat."

Li Changsheng waved his hand, and the lord and lords of the Silent Forest were as amnesty. Their size quickly shrank, and they directly returned to the Silent Forest through the teleportation array.

Until this time, Li Changsheng looked at the last group.

This is the goblin that Li Changsheng specially released from the secret realm. Among them, most of them are giant dragons. In this emperor flow, they have also gained a lot of benefits. For example, there are three more demon kings in the giant dragon group. Giant dragon.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the Aoki Longevity Cat was lucky enough to be promoted to the Demon Saint level, which was beyond Li Changsheng's expectation.

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