Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1267: Lan Yukun

Among the giant dragons, the white dragons are really stupid. Very often, their behavior is the same as that of wild beasts. The main problem is brain capacity.

Only when he reaches the Demon King level will Bai Long become smarter, otherwise he will remain confused.

It is precisely because of the stupidity that when the dragon group is active, the white dragon group often makes mistakes, which is a hindrance, and the death rate is also the highest.

So in the eyes of Li Changsheng, Bailong is no different from chicken ribs, and it doesn't hurt to give someone away.

What's more, these are really nothing compared to the Innate Gengjin Qi. After all, the Innate Gengjin Qi is a must-have item for the advanced golden beasts of the Golden Elf, and the value can be imagined.

Even if the innate Gengjin Qi is useless to Li Changsheng, Li Changsheng can collect information to find out the king and double-character king with the gold elves. Then the lion can open his mouth and take what he needs.

After collecting the two treasures, Zuo Qiulin handed Li Changsheng another ring, which was a treasure dedicated by major forces or individuals in the past half month.

Li Changsheng checked it carefully and was very satisfied.

Among these treasures, most of them are refining tools and alchemy materials, and the rest are also some treasures, secret methods, and demon demon demons that enhance their strength.

Among them, there is the main material of Qiankun Good Fortune Pill, and there is more than one.

The Qiankun Pill of Good Fortune has a special effect and can strengthen the chance of bloodline metamorphosis. Although it is certainly not used much, it is very important to Li Changsheng. For example, the horned dragon, the candle dragon blood he collected is very small, and the horned dragon wants to evolve to the next stage. , Basically can only rely on bloodline metamorphosis treasures.

Li Changsheng took a closer look and took out a crystal that was about thirty centimeters long. It had three colors: red, yellow, and blue, each occupying the same proportions.

Such an obvious feature is naturally an emptiness crystal.

Void crystal contains special energy, as long as it is absorbed by the fairy egg, it will hatch immediately without side effects.

It's just that the Void Crystal is extremely rare, and I didn't expect one to appear this time.

Sure enough, only by gathering the power of everyone can you harvest so many treasures that you wanted to find but couldn't find before.

In addition to these, Li Changsheng also checked the secret method and Yuyao Jue roughly.

These are the secret methods and demon defenses that Li Changsheng doesn't have, and they can enrich the knowledge reserve, and in the future, it may be possible to comprehend by analogy.

Among them is "Zhunti Golden Body Yuyao Jue", although only the first five layers, but Li Changsheng has 5-8 layers in his hands, the combination of the two can be cultivated to the stage of Double Character King.

As a top-level Yuyao Jue, "Zunti Jinshe Yu Yujue" can greatly increase the strength of the body, and finally condense the golden body of the law, the physical body has no leakage, it has the effect of the law, the heavens and the earth, and the non-invasion of the evil spirits. The restraint effect.

In the top Yuyao Jue, "Zhunti Golden Body" is also above "Stay", slightly inferior to "Tai Shang Wang Qing" and "Yuan Shi Jin Zhang", ranking in the middle ranks.

Unfortunately, it's still the last layer.

In addition, there are some relatively advanced knowledge books, almost in every aspect, but there are no techniques for refining essence and blood.

The technique of refining essence and blood can be said to be an unspoken secret, and it is strictly protected by the major forces, even if there is the temptation of the emperor's liquid quota, it will hardly be dedicated.

Li Changsheng was not surprised. For the major forces, the significance of this kind of knowledge is far more important than the so-called heirlooms, and it is also the key to the major forces' ability to pass on for thousands of years.

This time, in addition to offering treasures, there are naturally all kinds of wild goblins and even goblin corpses that meet the requirements.

Due to the huge size of some fairies and the space ring could not accommodate them, Zuo Qiulin specially concentrated them in a palace.

The number of these wild fairies that meet the requirements is as many as two to three hundred, which made Li Changsheng amazed. It should be known that in the past few months, the wild fairies captured did not even reach three digits.

"These forces are really deep!"

Li Changsheng sighed with emotion, even if it is a powerful local power, for the sake of long-term, they will often establish an imperial animal garden to raise excellent wild goblins to provide help for the children of the next generation.

There are nearly 10,000 large and small forces in the Langya Kingdom. With such a large base, the total number of fairies raised can be imagined. Among them, it is inevitable that there will be some wild fairies that meet Li Changsheng's requirements.

According to Li Changsheng’s estimation, the wild goblins contributed by the major forces this time are likely to be only 10% to 20% of the total amount, and most of them are still in their hands. Most of these wild goblins who actively contributed have no potential at all, and belong to the type of scraps. Either the blood vein concentration is not high, or the age is too high.

Of course, with such a large number, there are still boutiques.

Li Changsheng's gaze was concentrated in a huge pond, where two huge steel cages were faintly exposed, which contained two giant whale-shaped behemoths.

These two behemoths are six to seventy meters in length. In terms of size, most demon king-level demon pets can't match them, but they are only at the lord level.

"Lan Yukun!"

Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance. Although Lan Yukun was not a demigod beast, he had the bloodline of a majestic-level kunfish, and the significance to Li Changsheng could be imagined.

Just judging from the feedback of mental power, the two Lan Yukun are already in the aging stage, and the regeneration speed of the blood mark will inevitably be greatly reduced.

"Who sent these two Lan Yukun?"

Li Changsheng turned his head to ask Zuo Qiulin, since the other party sent two Lan Yukun, they probably still have them in his hands.

Zuo Qiulin hurriedly replied respectfully: "They were dedicated by the Langya Qu clan!"

With Langya as the prefix, it naturally belongs to the family of Langya kings. Like the former Langya Liu family, the Langya Qu family also has no kings, and belongs to the declining kings family.

As a royal family, Langya Qu's family naturally has free but they obviously hope to obtain more emperor flow quotas and reproduce the glory of Langya Qu's past.

"Elder Zuo, you will go to the Langya Qu Clan in a while. For each additional Lan Yukun they offer, they will give ten emperor flow quotas. If there are more than five, this seat can give an additional ten-fang netherworld pill. "

"Yes, Mianxia!" After agreeing, Zuo Qiulin asked again: "What if Langya Qu refused?"

"You can handle this yourself!"

Li Changsheng didn't say it explicitly, but he knew Zuo Qiulin understood what he meant.

"Subordinates understand!"

Zuo Qiulin rolled his eyes, if Langya Qu Clan refused, he could achieve his goal by secretly colluding with the dark night king Dou Cangqiang.

Of course, this was a last resort and would not be used easily. After all, Langya Qu's roots in Langya kingdom are intertwined and deep-rooted. Uprooting it will inevitably cause Langya kingdom to fall into shock again and cause panic among other forces.

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