Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1268: Half-step legend-8-tailed snow fox

After Zuo Qiulin left, Li Changsheng spread out his right hand, revealing a mass of jade powder, which slipped from his fingers.

Li Changsheng just used the psychic jade to have a brief exchange with two elderly Lan Yukun, and learned some information from them, such as how many Lan Yukun Langya Qu had in total.

Psychic Jade: A one-time treasure that allows people to have a brief spiritual exchange with wild goblins.

After the two Lan Yukun were consecrated by the Langya Qu Clan, they were frustrated with the Langya Qu Clan, not to mention that they could also feel the faint power emanating from Li Changsheng, but they did not hide it.

There are eight Lan Yukuns in Langya Qu's family. Excluding the two old Lan Yukuns, there are six remaining, and some have been contracted. This is why Li Changsheng asked Langya Qu's Lan Yukun to dedicate more than five Lan Yukuns, and he will be awarded an additional ten. The main reason for Fang Youming Pill.

There is no doubt that he wants to catch all this batch of Lan Yukun in one go.

With this batch of Lan Yukun, I'm afraid it won't take too long to gather the blood of the kunfish to make the big head go further.

As for how Langya Qu Clan obtained these Lan Yukun, it is related to their fallen king for many years.

Hundreds of years ago, when King Qu was out, he conquered two Lan Yukuns. The two old Lan Yukuns in front of him brought them to the family.

After hundreds of years of cultivation, the number of Lan Yukun has reached eight.

This situation is really normal. Basically all forces cultivate excellent wild goblins in this way to expand the potential of the family.

After collecting the two Lan Yukun, Li Changsheng took a look at the other wild goblins who were imprisoned in the steel cage.

Although these wild goblins are not good and bad, they are in line with Li Changsheng's requirements, that is, they have a bloodline of a certain level of purity of the beast.

Li Changsheng finished looking at the effort between two or three breaths.

The vast majority of these wild goblins are pure-level bloodlines, with less than one tenth of the rich bloodlines and majestic level bloodlines, and there is no quasi-god or demigod.

Regardless of individuals or forces, even if they value the emperor flow quota, wild goblins who are too high-quality often choose to digest them internally instead of dedicating them to Li Changsheng.

Therefore, these wild goblins either have low bloodline concentration, or their lifespan is insignificant, they cannot continue to reproduce, and their waste is reused.

Naturally, Li Changsheng totally laughed and accepted these wild goblins into the secret realm that had been promoted to the blessed land.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, when these forces do not have the old wild goblins that meet the requirements, they often can only dedicate younger wild goblins.

Given the importance of the emperor flow quota, these forces will definitely choose to compromise, which is why Li Changsheng is not in a hurry.

In addition to these wild goblins, there are naturally some corpses of wild goblins. Unexpectedly, their number is not as good as that of living wild goblins, and there are not even half of them.

It's normal to think about it. Living wild goblins are of higher value. Naturally, these forces and individuals will not kill them for dedication. Only some wild goblins that have just died can cause such a situation.

Before long, Li Changsheng returned to the palace and began to process the wild goblins and corpses.

The old rule is to draw the blood of wild goblins, keep them in a healthy state, and let them live in the designated area of ​​the secret realm.

The two sides are also mutually beneficial. Li Changsheng guarantees their safety and food, and as a price, he donates blood every once in a while.

Due to the large number, it took a day or two this time for Li Changsheng to finally distill the blood and corpses into the blood of various sacred beasts.

This also made the solvent in his hand almost depleted, and he had to replenish a batch of raw materials.

Produced from the Abyss Gate of Langya Kingdom, Dai Kingdom, and Hu Kingdom, I am afraid that he will not be able to keep up with his consumption rate, especially high-level demon and top-level demon heart, which can only be purchased from other countries.

The results of this purification are also quite gratifying. A total of dozens of cans of animal essence and blood have been obtained, but the quantity of each is not very large, there are as many as two or three cans, and as few as two test tubes.

With the supplement of these essence and blood, the time it takes for the demon pets such as Ai Xi and Duan to evolve into the beasts has been further shortened.

Among them, Li Changsheng handed the collected four cans of nine-tailed snow fox blood to Ning Bizhen, so that her three-tailed snow fox could continuously evolve and become an eight-tailed snow fox.

The eight-tailed snow fox has eight long furry snow-white tails, and its appearance can be said to be quite stunning.

[Fairy name]: Eight-tailed snow fox (growth period, semi-sacred beast)

[Fairy Realm]: Lord Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: Medium Domination

[Fairy Quality]: Half-step legend "It must be able to break through the demon saint level, and slightly increase the probability of breaking through the demon emperor level"

[Fairy Bloodline]: Nine-Tailed Snow Fox (majestic)

[Fairy Attributes]: Ice

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

In the continuous evolution, the quality of the eight-tailed snow fox has been sublimated from an epic to a half-step legend, becoming the first half-step legendary demon pet in the hands of Ning Bizhen.

The quality of the eight-tailed snow fox has improved, in addition to continuous evolution, but also because Ning Bizhen fed it two ice origins.

These two ice origins are treasures obtained by Ning Bizhen from one of the Yuanchen pillars in the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm. Not long ago, Ning Bizhen wanted to try the probability, so he fed the two ice origins to it.

Unfortunately, it ended in failure. As a result, I didn't expect this continuous evolution to increase the quality of the eight-tailed snow fox.

After learning that the eight-tailed snow fox possesses the half-step legendary qualities, Ning Bizhen hugged the eight-tailed snow fox who was still tall and couldn't be so excited.

"Bi Chi!"

Suddenly, the long-eared Hanyu Rabbit who was watching was uttering words, and the eyes of the eight-tailed snow fox were full of raging anger.

Long-eared Hanyu rabbits are usually lazy. UU reading is not interested in the common Chinese language, but has a soft spot for cursing vocabulary.

Although the voice is small, the two present are both kings, and naturally they can hear clearly.

Li Changsheng smiled, and he guessed why the long-eared cold jade rabbit was like this.

Not long ago, Ning Bizhen eccentrically handed the two ice origins to the three-tailed snow fox at the time for absorption, instead of the long-eared cold jade rabbit with the same ice attribute. This made the long-eared cold jade rabbit feel very bad. The quality of the fox has risen again, and he feels that his status is extremely severely threatened.

Long-eared Hanyutu feels that his position will be replaced by the eight-tailed snow fox sooner or later, especially the owner loves the eight-tailed snow fox more, and his anger is naturally soaring.

The eight-tailed snow fox squinted at the long-eared Hanyu Rabbit, his scarlet eyes flashed with sly eyes, and continued to act like a baby to Ning Bizhen as if he did not understand.

As for the long-eared Hanyu rabbit, it is natural that Ning Bizhen will be taught a lesson, hoping that the two demon pets can abandon their previous complaints and help each other friendly.

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