Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1269: The attacking snake

Seeing this scene before him, Li Changsheng shook his head amusedly. Although the sly eyes of the eight-tailed snow fox were fleeting, he still caught him easily.

Naturally, Ning Bizhen saw it too, but she didn't say anything, because this is the difference between each demon pet, and restricting the development of the demon pet's personality is not conducive to future growth.

Of course, the lazy personality like Round Billow still needs to be changed.

After Li Changsheng's training, Yuan Gungun no longer surreptitiously raped as before.

As for the contradiction between the long-eared cold jade rabbit and the eight-tailed snow fox, the imperial demon master carries out mediation, which is also the necessary work of the demon master.

At this time, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and a giant egg flew in front of him.

A few months ago, Li Changsheng defeated Teng Snake Aberisk and obtained three fairy eggs with the blood of Teng Snake and Ba Snake. This is one of them and the one with half-step epic quality.

Due to the strong blood relationship, even if a few months passed, the three fairy eggs still showed no signs of hatching.

Not surprisingly, these three little beings were born as semi-divine beasts, and they are not ordinary semi-divine beasts. The imprint of snake essence and blood contained in them must be far beyond ordinary semi-divine beasts, and they are definitely not ordinary.

Perhaps as long as it absorbs a few cans of Teng Snake essence and blood, it will transform into a real Teng Snake, and their value can be imagined.

It is precisely because of this that Li Changsheng has two considerations.

One, hatch all three fairy eggs.

Second, hatch one, and the remaining two refine the snake essence and blood, plus the six pots of multi-snake essence and blood in his hand, basically you can get a snake cub.

Li Changsheng is more inclined to the second kind, after all, how can the three semi-sacred beasts compare to the first one.

However, Li Changsheng did not take such action immediately. He decided to incubate a half-step epic goblin egg, and then feed the six cans of multiteng snake essence blood collected. If it mutates directly into a snake, there is no need to sacrifice. The other two fairy eggs.

This is in the best interests of Li Changsheng, but the contract between Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen is full, and the blood contract is no longer available.

Although it will be possible to break through the Double Word King in a few days and increase the contract position, Li Changsheng intends to use this contract position to reinforce the Flood Dragon who is still absorbing Yinglong Dragon Ball.

After this period of observation, Li Changsheng felt that even if the dragon could not go further, it would not be far from becoming a beast. He still had nearly four pots of Yinglong essence blood in his hand, which basically guaranteed that the dragon would turn into a real dragon.

Although in essence, Teng Snake is not inferior to the ordinary true dragon, but the dragon has the blood of Yinglong, and there is further hope, but Teng Snake has basically gone to the end. Unless it becomes a two-blooded beast pet, then Teng The snake race will no longer have any hope of improvement.

As for the use of Teng Snake as a temporary demon pet, this is too extravagant, and the limelight is too big. Once exposed, there will definitely be strong ones who will make ideas. After all, even the three emperors’ demon pets only part of the demon pets belong to the beasts, let alone Other strong ones.

If Teng Snake is really used as a temporary demon pet, Li Changsheng is likely to be surrendered to the sky by the gods, and he doesn't know how to die.

Therefore, Li Changsheng decided to hand over the future Teng Snake to Ning Bizhen.

Ning Bizhen is not far from becoming the Shuangzi King, possessing a divine beast, as long as he is cultivated, even if he doesn't have a monster emperor-level pet, his strength will be even higher.

The wild Teng Snake Aberisk can compete with the Demon Emperor-level Burning Mountain Ape of the Dou Cang Qiong at the Demon Saint level, and the carefully cultivated Teng Snake will only be stronger.

"Bi Zhen, come on!"

After making a decision, Li Changsheng handed the Void Crystal to Ning Bizhen.

Ning Bizhen didn't know Li Changsheng's plan, and took the Void Crystal as usual, and directly attached it to the fairy egg.

At the moment the two touched, the Void Crystal suddenly burst out of three-color brilliance, and the three special energies spread out, slowly wrapping the fairy egg, giving people the feeling that it had an extra layer of film on the fairy egg.

After hearing the movement, the two demon pets stopped their movements and stood in the distance looking curiously.

After seeing the fairy eggs, the fairy pets knew that they were about to welcome new partners, and they couldn't help but look forward to them. They chatted in fairy language, as if arguing about who would take care of their new partners.

Soon, the demon pets came to a conclusion.

No way, Kailan also joined the ranks, no one can compete with the eldest sister.

Although Kailan is not the oldest, regardless of strength, prestige, or temperament, the other demon pets are very convinced, which is also the main reason why she has become the eldest sister.

Before long, the tricolor brilliance was gradually absorbed by the fairy egg, and slowly disappeared.

Click~ Click~

After the energy was exhausted, the surface of the void crystal was covered with cracks, and finally turned into a pool of ashes, which slipped from Ning Bizhen's fingers.


At the same time, the fairy egg shook violently, and a crack suddenly appeared on it.

Click~ Click~

As time passed, the cracks grew more and more.

Until then, Li Changsheng's figure suddenly disappeared, and Ning Bizhen will deal with it later.

When Li Changsheng returned, the fairy egg was completely broken, and a young snake over four meters long was eating the eggshell.

It was more than four meters long from birth, and its body shape was completely different from that of an ordinary python, and it was able to grow up. This makes people have to sigh the talent of Ba snake bloodline.

The color of this young snake is rather peculiar, with three colors of white, black, and blue all over its body, and there are two bulges on its back.

At this time, Li Changsheng began to check the young snake's information.

[Leprechaun name]: Unknown species (juvenile period, semi-sacred beast)

[Fairy Realm]: Upper Rank 1

[Fairy Race]: Perfect Domination

[Goblin Quality]: Half-step epic "Compared with the superior and the insufficiency more than the following, it must be able to break through the demon king level"

[Fairy Bloodline]: Teng Snake (virulent), Ba Snake (virulent)

[Fairy Attributes]: Wind + Earth

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weaknesses]: Ice, Wood

Li Changsheng guessed it would be a double-blooded goblin but he didn't expect that the concentration of the Ba snake's bloodline had reached the majestic level.

From the perspective of the category of sacred beasts, Teng Snake and Ba Snake belong to the category of intermediate sacred beasts, but one is sensitive and the other is good at hand-to-hand combat. The combination of the two is equivalent to fusing the specialties of the two together, so that the perfect ruler of the race can be achieved.

Although the baby snake was just born, Li Changsheng still took out more than six cans of Teng Snake essence and blood, as long as it slowly absorbed and digested, gradually strengthen the Teng Snake blood concentration.

Among them, Tengshe Aberisk contributed more than half.

As for Ba snake essence and blood, Li Changsheng only had one or two cans in his hands, which was far from enough.

After the young snake smelled the blood of the snake, it followed its instinct and rushed over, and directly burrowed its head into one of the clay pots, swallowing the blood of the snake with big mouths.

However, before drinking a can of snake essence and blood, the young snake fell directly to the ground like a drunk brawny, and fell into a deep sleep with his eyes closed.

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