Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1271: Try to break through the double word king

No way, Li Changsheng's growth rate is too fast, far beyond the scope of imagination.

Since becoming the king, it has taken a year to complete the game. Once he successfully breaks through the double-character king, such a speed far breaks the historical record.

The shortest original historical record of being promoted from the king to the double-character king is nearly three years. At that time, the record was still the ancient emperor. No one thought that after thousands of years, it was broken by someone, and was surprised to advance this record to one. Years.

If nothing happens, there will be no one to come.

Although the premise is to successfully break through the Double Character King, the breakthrough success rate is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of the Demon Saint-level demon pets. The better the quality of the Demon Saint-level demon pets, the greater the number, the higher the probability of breakthrough.

With the quality of Li Changsheng's demon pet, unless he is extremely unlucky and happens to encounter an event with a very small probability, he will make a successful breakthrough.

But don't forget that Li Changsheng is now in the period of God's favor, and the possibility of unlucky is extremely low, to the point of heinously low.

After entering the depths of the South China Sea, Li Changsheng did not stop, driving Ashley to slightly change direction and flew towards the North Sea.

Since the purpose is to cover people's ears, it is natural to stay away from Langya country as much as possible. The South China Sea is too close to Langya country, and it is impossible to guarantee that it will not be detected by those who are interested.

From the beginning to the end, Ashe flew in the gang wind layer, without encountering the demon master on the way, and came to the North Sea smoothly.

Li Changsheng did not enter the depths of the North Sea. After all, the four seas are dragons. Normally, the deeper the North Sea, the higher the probability of encountering dragons, and the closer to the mainland, the safer it is.

From the perspective of the division of power in the fairy world, the mainland is dominated by the three emperors and six emperors. They are either dependent or vassal. There is no third choice. For example, Li Changsheng depends on the emperor and escorts himself in the name of the emperor. Certain responsibilities.

What I have to say here is that since joining the Human Emperor’s Mansion, the Human Emperor’s Mansion has not issued any tasks for Li Changsheng. This is related to the perennial retreat of the Human Emperor.

It's just that the Emperor of Humanity has now left the customs, and it is hard to guarantee that a major incident will not be revealed.

Regarding this nominal ‘leader brother’, to be honest, Li Changsheng was very curious about his plans in the dawn world and the secret news he had recently learned from Luo Yuanjun’s mouth.

The commander of the Imperial Palace secretly went to the East China Sea to see the Dragon King of the East China Sea, but he did not know what plan he had.

In a sense, the leader of the Human Emperor Mansion represents the Human Emperor, and it is possible that there is an endorsement by the Human Emperor behind him.

The second monk Li Changsheng couldn't figure it out, and temporarily couldn't understand the intention of the emperor. After all, the area ruled by the emperor was in the center of the mainland. Not only was it not coastal, but separated by thousands of miles, it was difficult to have a connection between the two sides.

Li Changsheng also thought of several possibilities, but because there was too little useful information, he could only put his doubts in his heart.

As for why Luo Yuanjun revealed the information to Li Changsheng, it is nothing more than that he has been under a little pressure recently. After all, the Emperor has recently recruited a top double-character king from Emperor Wen, and the double-character king has also been arranged to enter the human palace. Become the deputy commander of the imperial palace with the same position as Luo Yuanjun.

As soon as the deputy commander took office, he immediately recruited his subordinates and placed several cronies who had ‘hoped’ with him in important positions.

This made Luo Yuanjun a headache, and the power in his hands began to shrink. The most important thing is that he is also the top double character king, and the opponent is stronger than him.

Therefore, in order to prevent Li Changsheng and others from being bought by the other party, Luo Yuanjun had to increase his bargaining chip for this and revealed the secret information to Li Changsheng.

Regarding the dispute between the two deputy commanders of the Imperial Palace, Li Changsheng has no intention of intervening for the time being. At present, the most important thing is to improve his own strength.

Taking a step back, even if he accidentally intervenes, he is not worried, because with his current strength, it is enough to compare with the top two-character king.

The gap between him and the top double-character king lies in the realm and the demon emperor level demon pet. The former is about to fill the gap in the realm. As for the demon emperor level demon pet, it might not be impossible to have it in a short period of time.

As for the secret realm, he had never heard of a double-character king whose secret realm was promoted to the sky, so even if there is a gap in the secret realm, it is very small.

After confirming that there were no humans, Li Changsheng set foot on the deserted island, which was only a thousand miles away from the mainland, and there were almost no monster emperor level goblins nearby.

As for the Demon King-level goblin, the entire Beihai seemed to be in line with the Beihai Dragon King.

The next moment, 365 stars fly out and fall into the void, almost instantly forming a Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation.

Li Changsheng sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly waiting for the night to approach.

When the night fell, Li Changsheng's spirit had been restored to its best.

Before attempting a breakthrough, Li Changsheng first let a few cats perform foreseeable misfortunes and fortunes for the sake of safety.

The results of a few cats are very good, all condensed auspicious characters.

Li Changsheng still took out the Heavenly Mystery Stone and the Baxia Turtle Shell without worry, and performed a big deduction technique, peeping into a big river in the dark.

This is the so-called long river of fate, and one can glimpse the past, present, and future. Of course, with the fur of Li Changsheng's mastery of great deduction, even with the assistance of the Heavenly Mystery Stone and the Turtle Shell, you can only see some scattered pictures at best.

The big game is related to the long river of destiny, and it is of great help to the practice of the big destiny. The big game is more like a branch of the big destiny.

Before long, Li Changsheng vaguely saw a few pictures, but they were relatively blurry, but what is certain is that these pictures did not have any predictions such as warnings.

Li Changsheng is so cautious, mainly to guard against Emperor Xuan, after all, Beihai is relatively close to the area ruled by Emperor Xuan.

He chose Beihai to break through, mainly because he hoped that the Emperor Xuan's light would be dark, and he would not put the target of doubt on him, so that he would have more time to grow up.

After the game Li Changsheng took a deep breath and began to prepare for promotion to the Double Character King.

To qualify for the Double Character King, you need to meet the following three conditions.

One, the first spiritual power Sun is consummated.

Second, have six demon saint-level demon pets.

Third, a top-notch or pseudo-top Yuyao Jue.

If you want to increase the success rate of being promoted to the Double Character King, it needs to be linked to the quantity and quality of the demon saint-level demon pets.

At present, Li Changsheng’s main demon pets have a total of ten demon saint-level pets. Their quality is mainly epic, mixed with half-step legendary qualities. Most of them are semi-divine beasts, and even include a divine beast. The quality and quantity are simply It is outrageous, and this is also the main reason why Li Changsheng thinks he can compete with the top double-character king.

With such an excellent demon pet, the probability of failure of Li Changsheng's promotion to the Double Character King is only theoretically possible.

If the breakthrough fails, it will cause a strong shock in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it will take a while to try to break through again.

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