Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1272: North Sea Dragon King

In the sky, 365 stars of the week flickered, and then cast a series of pillars of starlight. They gathered into a torrent of starlight on the way, and in a blink of an eye, Li Changsheng was submerged in the shining starlight.

In just a quarter of an hour, the sun condensed by spiritual power finally reached completion, symbolizing that Li Changsheng's spiritual power has officially reached the peak of the king and began to run "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Yu Yao Jue".

Although the eighth level has not been comprehended, it will not hinder the breakthrough. However, after becoming the double-word queen, if the seventh level "Zhou Tian Xing Dou" is still running, it will inevitably be affected. For example, there will be a decline in cultivation speed. Insufficient mental strength and other issues.

However, these are all small problems. With the help of Li Changsheng's wisdom and the help of Jade Jue, I believe it will not take long to integrate the eighth layer of "Zhou Tian Xing Dou".

At this time, Li Changsheng used the spiritual channel to instantly establish contact with the ten demon saint-level demon pets.

After learning of Li Changsheng's thoughts, the ten demon saint-level demon pets started their actions almost at the same time.

In the next moment, the colorful power of the original origin overflowed from the ten spiritual channels and entered the sea of ​​consciousness of Li Changsheng.

The ten powers of the source of profound meaning quickly permeated Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness, and without spending much time, the entire sea of ​​consciousness became colorful, full of brilliant colors.

Under Li Changsheng's guidance, the sun, three full moons, and 365 stars flickered crazily, and began to swallow the sea and absorb the power of the source.

In the process of swallowing, their volume quickly expanded.

As soon as there was a sign of shrinking the power of the source of the profound meaning in the sea of ​​consciousness, it was quickly filled up again.

The higher the quality of the demon pets, the more the power of the source of the power of the demon will be output, plus ten demon saint-level demon pets, Li Changsheng doesn't have to worry about the power of the source of the power of justice.

It didn't take long for them to finally expand to the extreme in size.

Under Li Changsheng's control, they all released dazzling brilliance, falling on the soul crystal.

The soul crystal trembled violently, devouring these brilliance crazily.

The sun, the full moon, and the starlight continue to swallow the power of the source of profound meaning while injecting power into the soul crystal, maintaining a balance between the two.

During this process, the soul crystals began to expand and made a creaking sound.

Click~ Click~

When enough power is absorbed, the soul crystal makes a crackling sound, and the volume of the soul crystal begins to increase. The biggest change is the shape, from a round shape to a shape with eight facets, which looks like a crystal clear and flawless. Of diamonds.

After the transformation is over, the soul crystal spews out solid mental power again, which is even better than before in terms of quality.

The solid mental power quickly envelops a starlight, gradually changing the quality of the starlight.

After the transformation was completed, he turned to the second, third, and fourth...

It didn't take long for the 365 stars to complete the transformation, and then it was the turn of three full moons, and finally it was the turn of the sun.

When the sun, moon, and stars are all transformed, the solid mental power immediately falls on the nodes of the second layer, quickly delineating a luminous cluster of light.

The light group grew rapidly, until the soul crystal no longer vomits solid mental power, it turned into a small round of sun.

The formation of the second round of the sun also represents Li Changsheng's successful promotion to the Double Character King.

At the same time, Li Changsheng sensed a demon pet space, and the contract position +1 again.

After Li Chang became the Queen of Double Characters, the outside world began to be turbulent.

At this moment, it was obviously still night, and the sun appeared in the sky, and the sun and the moon were in the sky, and the two competed for glory one after another.

Suddenly, wisps of silver light fell from the sky like raindrops, covering thousands of miles.

This is the emperor flow slurry, but it is very thin, and the effect is far inferior to the emperor flow slurry that is drawn by the heavy light wheels like a shuttle of the sun and the moon, but the victory is extremely wide.

Due to the distance, except for some nearby islands, the mainland could not accept the baptism of the emperor, and the empire under the control of the Emperor Xuan would not benefit at all.

Soon, the wild fairies in the North Sea emerged one after another, opening their mouths to devour the emperor's slurry.

Wild goblins on some islands did the same thing, so how could they let it go with such a rare opportunity.

Of course, there will always be some humans within a thousand li. In the process of receiving the emperor's flow, they gradually become light and healthy, many old diseases are cured without medicine, and they show a smile from the heart.

Some demon masters took the opportunity to release the demon pets, and received the baptism of the emperor flow with the demon pets.

For a time, countless humans and fairies benefited from it.

However, compared with the Emperor Flowing Pulp drawn by the sun and moon like a shuttle, the effect is much worse, and the time is only a quarter of an hour, such a density can only be effective for middle and low-level goblins.

This is the benefit of being promoted to the King of Double Characters, initially revealing a person's ability to ascend to heaven.

In fact, Li Changsheng also wanted to be promoted to the King of Double Characters in Langya Kingdom. After all, this could slightly increase the overall strength of Langya Kingdom.

But he obviously couldn't, otherwise the consequences would be serious. He would only be painful to throw the emperor into the sea, and the one who benefited the most was the many aquatic fairies in the North Sea.

When the emperor flowed down, the sound of bells and drums began to echo in the void, almost half of the fairy world could hear it.

This is Heaven and Earth’s celebration of being promoted to the Double Character King, far beyond the scope of the King.

Suddenly, a mirror appeared in the void, and a large eyeball appeared in the mirror, looking at the island below.

This is naturally a clone of the Queen's Mirror for voyeurism, but due to the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array, the Queen's Mirror was obstructed, unable to see the scene in the island, and also did not find the existence of Star Pan.

This is the advantage of Hunyuan Heluo's Forbidden Array. As a powerful phantom array, it naturally has a powerful shielding function.

If it was the Queen Mother's mirror body, it might still be able to see through, but unfortunately, this was just a clone.

In order to avoid exposure, UU reading Li Changsheng has no idea of ​​breaking the mirror clone of Queen Mother at all.

Soon, the avatar of the Queen Mother Mirror disappeared, and I don't know if he went back or hid it.

Such a huge promotion momentum naturally shocked the owner of Beihai-Beihai Dragon King.

In the magnificent North Sea Dragon Palace, the human-shaped eyes of the North Sea Dragon King seem to penetrate 10,000 meters deep into the sea and can sense the outside world.

"It's rare for a strong person to be promoted to the Double Character King in Beihai, but it has benefited a lot of Beihai creatures. Prime Minister Turtle, it is up to you to invite this strong person, remember not to neglect!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Prime Minister Turtle responded loudly with the turtle shell on his back, lighting up a team of sea patrol yaksha, the North Sea Dragon King stretched out his hand, and a waterspout rolled them up and rushed towards the direction where Li Changsheng was.

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