Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1286: Legendary quality

"Let go of that demon pet (!

The second is two cats. A half-step legendary demon pet has a 30% breakthrough probability. If converted to a light-dark twin symbiosis, the probability of two cats breaking through is as high as 60%.


Li Changsheng suddenly slapped his forehead. He almost forgot that if the two cats reached the legendary quality, the probability of breakthrough would be greatly increased. After all, the half-step legendary quality is small, and the legendary quality is at least substantial, even reaching the possibility of a certain breakthrough.

Even if it is only a large margin, according to the metamorphosis of the twin symbiosis of light and darkness, the two cats can almost steadily break through the Demon Emperor level.

Thinking of this possibility, Li Changsheng became more excited.

As for Ashe and the four-clawed yellow dragon, according to Yum King’s experience, the epic-quality demon pet's first attempt to break through is probably only a 10% breakthrough success rate.

The four-clawed yellow dragon is a divine beast, and the probability of breakthrough must have a certain bonus, and there is probably a 10% breakthrough success rate.

After such conversion, these five monster pets try to break through. If luck is average, Li Changsheng will harvest three monster emperor class monster pets.

Of course, if the luck is good enough, five are possible, and if the luck is bad enough, there will be no one.

To put it simply, it mainly depends on character.

"I have purified so many abyssal consciousnesses, won the title of the first person in the Secret Realm of Heaven, or the youngest double-character king in history. My character should always be improved, right?"

Li Changsheng muttered to himself, he felt that he definitely contributed to this world, after all, he slightly delayed the pace of the abyss assimilating the fairy world.

Although it has not yet purified the abyss consciousness of an inferior abyss gate, the water dripping through the stone is always effective as long as it is polished with water.

The gap between Langhuan Zhibao and Langhuan Zhibao is also very large. Once the power of the Gate of Light and Darkness increases again, it is possible to completely eliminate the hidden dangers from the abyss.

Therefore, Li Changsheng felt that he was not only paid attention to by the gods, but even had a high probability of being a blessed person. The lucky value was probably higher than that of ordinary people, but he couldn't feel it.

"let's start!"

Li Changsheng did not continue to reverie, and resolutely opened the bottle. Under the traction of his mental power, five distinct groups of light blue gas floated out of the bottle.

This is the Nine Heavens Qing Qi, they are composed of light spirit, but they are different, especially very pure, they can't feel any blemish at all.

The next moment, the four demon pets besides the dark night moved, and began to swallow the nine days of clean energy in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, Jiu Tian Qing Qi entered from the four demon pets' noses and mouths, and disappeared.

After absorbing nine days of fresh air, the four demon pets felt light and fluttering all over, and there was a feeling of fluttering and celestial, and it was easy for people to indulge in them.

However, they are well-trained after all, even in the usually lazy daytime, they wake up at a very fast speed, lying on the ground and trying to digest the breath for nine days.

For the demon pets, digesting nine days of refreshment is not painful, but feels more comfortable.

At this moment, the wisps of Nine Heavens Qing Qi began to pour into the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, gradually strengthening their bodies and demon cores.

At the same time, their aura is gradually rising until it stabilizes.

Li Changsheng stood by, waiting quietly, watching the changes in the state of the demon pets from beginning to end.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the small realm of the demon pets is gradually rising, and they will jump to the next small realm almost every quarter of an hour.

Due to the symbiosis of light and dark twins, the night also entered this state soon.

Two hours later, the five demon pets had all digested and reached the 9th level of Demon Saint.

Until this moment, the five demon pets began to try to break through the demon emperor level.

Prior to this, Li Changsheng handed over the origin of heaven to the day and the origin of **** to the night, and the sacred fruit of wood attributes and the crystals of wood rules were handed to Kailan.

Ashe and the four-clawed yellow dragon looked at each other, they could see the envy in each other's eyes.

This seems very unfair, but Li Changsheng only has these resources in his hands. What's more, Ashe has enjoyed such treatment in the past, but there is no corresponding resource at present, otherwise Li Changsheng will not keep it, and it will be handed over to them long ago.

For the formal demon pet, Li Changsheng is still very fair.

Ashe and the four-clawed yellow dragon could only endure envy, among them, Ashe directly tried to break through, and the four-clawed yellow dragon waited temporarily, because the origin of time and space in Li Changsheng's hands might be its.

Kailan first swallowed the sacred fruit of the wood attribute, and the body surface was full of dark green brilliance. The phantom of the world tree appeared above her head, and her momentum continued to rise.

Li Changsheng's gaze was mainly focused on the two cats. Under his arrangement, the night swallowed the source of **** first and waited temporarily during the day.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the light spot that represents the night began to become more and more bright, and it didn't take long for the light spot that represented the day to have the same change.

After waiting for a long time, the night was digested, but there was obviously still a distance from the legendary quality.

Then it was daytime. During the day, I couldn't wait to swallow the source of heaven and lay on the ground and began to digest.

Just like the scene just now, the light spots representing the two cats became brighter and brighter one after the other.

Soon, the two cats finally reached a critical point.


Like a bright sun, the spots of light representing the two cats suddenly broke out, and Li Changsheng's consciousness was almost ‘blind’.

Obviously, the qualities of the two cats go further and become the existence of legendary qualities.

As for whether there is a higher quality, Li Changsheng will not consider it for the time being. There is no record of this in the memory of the King Yum and other kings.

After the quality was improved, the two cats immediately entered a breakthrough state.

At this time, Kailan digested the wood attribute sacred fruit, and instead absorbed the wood rule crystals to try to break through.

"It's yours!"

At this time, the space-time origin in Li Changsheng's hands flew towards the four-clawed yellow dragon, and was swallowed by the four-clawed yellow dragon.

Without any accident, the four-clawed yellow dragon steadily entered the epic quality, and even exceeded a certain point, and began to enter a breakthrough state.

For a while, five **** of light of different colors appeared in the sky of the secret realm, which gave people the feeling of five more suns, exuding a mighty power.

In the sea of ​​consciousness during the day, UU Reading Upanishad Ocean exudes rich brilliance, spreading out a large number of waves, scouring the original crystal in the center again and again.

Under the constant scouring, the area of ​​the original crystal began to expand, followed by abrupt shrinkage, like a beating heart.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the material in the original crystal is compressing and becoming denser.

In this process, the original crystallization finally reached a critical point.


In the daytime, the Ocean of Profound meaning burst open, and in the big explosion, the entire sea of ​​consciousness became dark and full of silence.

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