Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1287: Immortal matter

"Let go of that demon pet (!

The next moment, a ray of holy brilliance appeared, and then spread rapidly, illuminating the entire sea of ​​consciousness transparently.

The crystal wall of the Sea of ​​Consciousness has changed, with a touch of texture more than before, and it seems to be able to withstand attacks from the soul.

In the center area, a crystal floats and sinks. Compared with before, its volume has shrunk a lot, but it has become more pure.

The Ocean of Upanishad reunited, and the power of Upanishad that made up the Ocean of Upanishad became more cohesive and pure than before.

In the big bang, the powers of these profound meanings were forcibly condensed into the essence of the profound meanings, like jelly, wrapping the crystal in the center.

In the next moment, countless secret essences spontaneously merged into the crystal, causing strands of milky white viscous liquid to appear in the crystal.

These liquids are the power of rules, and their energy nature far exceeds the power of the source, allowing the demon pet to become the ruler of the rules.

To put it simply, it can motivate the rules of the outside world to be used for their own use, and by the way, greatly increase the power of skills.

When the force of the rules completely fills the crystal, the crystal strength begins to rise, and finally turns into a prismatic shape.

The original crystal has successfully transformed into a regular crystal, which means that it has successfully broken through the Demon Emperor level during the day.

Opening his eyes during the day, it doesn't look much different from before, and it still gives people a lazy feeling, but if you look closely, you will find that the energy of the Light Element within a radius of 100 meters is shifting along with the thoughts during the day.

As long as a thought is given during the day, you can use your own energy to pull the light energy within the range to form a field.

The domain is similar to weather and venue features, and its main function is to strengthen oneself and weaken opponents. This aspect is similar to the kingdom of gods.

Of course, the domain can only be released if it truly reaches the Demon Emperor level. If the snake Aberisk at the time could release the domain, even if it was led to the dawn world by Li Changsheng, it would not necessarily be able to kill it.

After successfully breaking through the Demon Emperor level during the day, Li Changsheng was shocked all over.

In the spiritual channel connecting the two, a regular force poured into his body and circulated among the limbs, his internal organs were obviously strengthened, and strands of golden matter were produced at the same time.

This is an immortal substance, which has many functions such as life extension, healing, strengthening, etc. When the amount of immortal substance reaches a certain level, it will form an immortal body.

Well, the corpse of the 9th-order Demon Master did not rot after thousands of years, because of the immortal matter.


Due to the relationship between the twins of light and darkness, the next moment, the night yelled, and its sea of ​​consciousness also began to explode.

It didn't take long for the night to complete a breakthrough, and its power was not the same as before.

Just like the day, the momentum of the night quickly slipped, and in the end it was never felt again, and it felt like two weak cats.

This is the characteristic of the Cangmao bloodline, which has a powerful ability to restrain its breath.

Just like just now, a regular force poured into Li Changsheng's limbs, causing the amount of immortal substances contained in the blood and bones to rise rapidly.

At the same time, Li Changsheng's physical strength has also been strengthened.

The two cats jumped up together, their movements were exactly the same, and they landed on Li Changsheng's left and right shoulders.

Li Changsheng touched the fur of two cats that was softer than silk and began to check their information.

[Fairy name]: Sacred light cat (growth period, a semi-divine beast, absorbs the bright jade of the Great Zhou Tian, ​​improves the physical fitness of the demon pet by 20%, and greatly increases the damage to the dark demon pet. Condenses and weakens the power of the rules of the version, The power of the skill doubles and causes continuous damage to the enemy; the weakened version of the rule guard: exempts some damage, depending on the opponent's realm) "Light and Dark Twin Symbiosis: and Dark Night Dark Cat belong to a symbiotic relationship, long-term separation will lead to malaise. If one party dies, the other party must die, one party is promoted, and the other party must also be promoted, including realm, quality, blood and race, and can share the space of the demon pet with the dark cat in the dark night"

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Emperor Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: Senior Domination

[Goblin Quality]: The legend "It must be able to break through the Demon Emperor, and slightly increase the probability of breaking through the Demon Emperor."

[Fairy Bloodline]: Grey Cat (majestic), Seraph (rich)

[Fairy Attributes]: Bright

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

The panels in the night are the same as those in the day, and they are also different in attributes.

This time, the realm and quality of the two cats have all risen to a level, and their strength has been more than doubled. Coupled with the combination of the two, once they cooperate, Li Changsheng feels that they have the ability to compete with the ordinary demon king class demon pets.

What are ordinary demon king class demon pets? Their basic configuration is half-divine beast and half-step legendary qualities.

Of course, there are also epic-quality monster pets at the Demon Emperor level, but they are very rare. The epic-quality monster pets can hardly break through the Demon Emperor level even with the help of auxiliary breakthrough treasures. The probability of breakthrough is really worrying.

After reading the information of the two cats, Li Changsheng turned his attention to the other three demon pets, especially Kailan.

In terms of probability, the breakthrough success rate of Ashe and Four-Clawed Huanglong is too low.

The two cats broke through very quickly, and it took more than two minutes to get a full play.

Just as Li Changsheng had expected, without waiting long, Kailan's momentum skyrocketed, his head full of blue silk and no wind, the world tree imprint on his forehead shimmered slightly, becoming a little clearer.

Not far away, the tree of life seemed to have consciousness. The huge body trembled slightly, the branches and leaves swayed, and countless breaths of life poured out, providing a certain boost to Kailan's breakthrough.

Like the two cats, Kailan's sea of ​​consciousness also experienced a big explosion, but it doesn't mean that she can safely become a demon emperor class demon pet.

If the original crystal cannot be completely transformed into a regular crystal, then Kailan can only be the same as the snake Aberisk, and can only be regarded as a pseudo-demon-emperor-level demon pet.

Compared with the two cats, UU Reading Kailan's conversion speed of the original crystal is slightly slower by three points. Although the lower monster has given her a certain bonus, this aspect does not seem to be as good as the legendary bonus. Come big.

Fortunately, Kailan's own quality is not bad. The wood rule crystallization also provides her with a lot of wood rule power. Coupled with the help of the wood attribute sacred fruit and the tree of life, it finally promotes Kailan’s original crystallization. Surprisingly transformed into the crystallization of rules.

After Kailan completed the breakthrough, the third force of rules poured into Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness, and his physical strength and immortal matter were once again improved.

Kailan slowly opened her eyes and rushed towards Li Changsheng excitedly. Li Changsheng hurriedly opened his hands and hugged her. After two turns, he finally resolved the impulse.

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