Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1345: Poor Night King

After getting the Underworld Queen, Li Changsheng immediately set his eyes on the comatose Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong.

Unlike King Underworld, Night King and he have a deep hatred that cannot be resolved, and the other party is definitely unwilling to let the cursed spirit merge into the soul crystallization.

Taking a step back, even if the Night King is really willing to'loyalty', Li Changsheng is not willing.

Li Changsheng and the Emperor Xuan are at odds with each other. It is nothing more than the relationship between the King of the Night. What's more, the King of the Night is dead, and he wants to avenge the King of Yum.

However, it is not the time yet.

Regardless of whether the Underworld King or the Dark Night King, their identities are too special, Li Changsheng intends to let them stay on the dawn plane, and exiles the Underworld King and the Dark Night King to another world as an explanation to the outside world.

Well, the same reason as Tengshe Aberisk.

In a sense, King Hades and Night King were indeed exiled to another world.

King Underworld and King Dark Night did not fall, which means that the imprint of the profound emperor's soul will not dissipate, and the heavens of the fairy world will not give rise to visions.

Li Changsheng walked slowly to the dark night king, he did not immediately kill the dark night king, directly put the original light on his forehead, forcibly absorbed his memory fragments.

The Night King's Sea of ​​Consciousness has already tended to collapse, especially when he himself is still in a coma, unable to use his mental power to suppress the riots in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Even if you don't use Li Chang's vivid hands, as long as you wait for a while, the Night King will eventually fall due to the collapse of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

It can be said that the state of the night king is extremely poor, and the effect of the original light can also be maximized, capturing more memory fragments.

Li Changsheng used the original light to plunder the dark night king's memory fragments while preventing the dark night king from waking up.

As soon as the Night King wakes up, Li Changsheng will sap him and keep him in a coma.

After a few breaths, the Dark Night King recovered from his coma due to the original light and stared at Li Changsheng viciously.

"Don't think about it..."


Li Changsheng took the Universe Disk and slammed it on the dark night king's neck. He rolled his eyes madly, and fell into a coma again, continuing his unfinished cause of lying down.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng opened the night king's mouth again and stuffed a bunch of hypnotic pills into his mouth.


There was another muffled sound, and the night king's throat squirmed violently involuntarily, and all the hypnotic pills in his mouth poured into his stomach.

Li Changsheng thought for a while, took out a pile of silver needles from the ring, and under the control of his spiritual power, the silver needles flew and quickly inserted into some of the acupuncture points of the night king, making the night king sleep more drowsy.

After a long time, Li Changsheng recovered the original light with satisfaction. Although only some of the memory fragments of the Night King were extracted, after all, it exceeded expectations, and he was very satisfied.

The remaining unextracted memories of the Night King have also become extremely messy. Unless these messy memories are sorted out, if the Night King wakes up, he is afraid that he will lose his memory. This is also a sequelae of the memory that was forcibly plundered by the original light.

The next moment, Li Changsheng's right hand pressed the night king's head.

The Night King's head shook violently, and then the entire head suddenly swelled. However, under the deliberate guidance of Li Changsheng, the spirit power in the Night King's sea of ​​consciousness became even more violent.

In an instant, Li Changsheng pointed at the Yintang acupoint of the Dark Night King.


As if the sound of farting sounded, the inflated head of the Night King was like a balloon that had been punctured, and his head quickly returned to normal.

This time, Li Changsheng directly guided all the spiritual power in the night king's consciousness sea, so as not to let the night king be eaten to death.

In this way, the life of the Night King was saved.

As a price, the spiritual power that the Night King had cultivated for many years was gone and wasted.

Except that the physical strength is strong enough, the Night King is no different from ordinary people.

Of course, there is the demon pet of the Night King, but Li Changsheng plans to bring it to the fairy world, and then seal it, so as not to give the Night King any possibility of turning over.

For Li Changsheng, although he did not kill the Night King, it was not much different from killing.

Now the Night King has not only lost his memory, but his mental power has also been abolished. The key is that his consciousness has an extra hole. Unless this hole is filled, no matter how the Night King practices, it will be of no avail.

To sum it up in one sentence, the Night King is almost the same as the waste.

Li Changsheng began to explore the Dark Night King, taking away pieces of treasure, including a space ring.

Not surprisingly, the Dark Night King's space ring had a soul imprint, and Li Changsheng could only soak it in the Starlight God Water.

After processing, Li Changsheng began to absorb the memory fragments in the original light.

These memory fragments are extremely messy, most of which are useless memories, but even the remaining half are of great use to Li Changsheng.

"found it!"

Li Changsheng looked at it very roughly, and it didn't take long for him to finally find what he needed, which was the secret realm coordinates of the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiang.

As long as he possesses the secret realm coordinates of the Dark Night King, Li Changsheng can use his space ability to break into it and plunder everything in the secret realm.

Since there is no secret realm token, the night king is still alive, and it is not advisable to force the secret realm to merge.

"King Ming Cang, come and look at him, and you will return as soon as you go."

After Li Changsheng finished speaking, he directly transformed into the body of Emperor Jiang, broke through the space, and rushed towards the location of the entrance coordinates of the Dark Night King.

Because of the spirit of cursing, he is not afraid of the Underworld King colliding with enemies.

While watching the Dark Night King, King Hades healed the injuries of the demon pets. She did not dare to hate Li Changsheng, nor did she dare to think about it. She even decided not to sleep in the next ten years, because if she dreamed that it would be detrimental to Li Changsheng, who Knowing whether the cursed spirit will explode, it would be unjustly dead.

Without spending much time, Li Changsheng came to the location of the entrance coordinates of the Dark Night King.


With the help of Chilong Li Changsheng broke through the secret realm entrance, and got in with the demon pets.

The Dark Night King's secret realm has already reached the category of blessed land, but its area is far from Li Changsheng's secret realm.

For the first time, Li Changsheng and the demon pets began to explore.

Before long, Ashe found a medicine garden.

This is a medicine garden covering a thousand acres, planted with a lot of spiritual plants.

Li Changsheng scanned it carefully and found that the spiritual plants planted here were not below the level of wonders of heaven and earth, and some of them were extinct from the outside world. The value of this medicine garden can be imagined.

In the feedback of spiritual power, Li Changsheng's gaze immediately fell on the center of the medicine garden. The land here was covered with a layer of soil, and every spiritual plant had at least reached the level of a treasure of heaven and earth.

Among them, Li Changsheng's gaze was focused on a towering tree with golden apples, and he could feel an unusually strong energy fluctuation on this tree, which was a solid top spiritual root.

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