Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1346: Golden apple tree

There is a record of this big tree in the memory fragments of the Dark Night King plundered by the original light. Li Changsheng checked it carefully. After a long time, a smile appeared on his face.

"Golden Apple Tree!"

Li Changsheng did not expect that the Night King would have the famous golden apple tree.

What made him feel helpless was that the origin of this golden apple tree was damaged, and even if the Night King took remedial measures, he still could not avoid the fate of a decline in rank.

If it is in its heyday, golden apple trees and hibiscus trees belong to the same top-grade spiritual roots.

Due to the damage to the origin, the rank dropped by one level and became the middle-rank top spiritual root, but the distance from the top-rank top spiritual root was not very large.

Legend has it that the golden apple tree is guarded by a hundred dragons, which is also a member of the dragon family of beasts. Its characteristic is that it has enough heads, never sleeps, and always makes deafening noises when walking around, and its 100 mouths make a hundred different sounds.

There is no one-hundred-headed dragon in the secret realm of The Night King, if there were any, it would have been released long ago.

Due to the decline in the grade of the golden apple tree, its fruit effect is naturally not as good as before.

Even so, it is still extremely useful to Li Changsheng, because the golden apples born from the golden apple tree can effectively improve the quality of the golden demon pets.

The golden apple in its heyday was the fruit of the inferior world's wonders. As the grade of the golden apple tree declined, the level of the golden apples also declined. It fell into the world's rare treasures, and it was half a step away from the inferior world's wonders. remote.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, the golden apple in its heyday should be as effective as the origin of time and space. Now that the rank has fallen, the effect may be stronger than that of the origin of gold.

The growth cycle of golden apples after the decline in grade is one hundred years to maturity, and nine golden apples will be born each time.

What excited Li Changsheng was that most of the fruit of this golden apple tree had turned golden, with only a small amount of green left, which was obviously not very far from maturity.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, golden apples will mature within three years.

"It seems that the Night King has no chance to enjoy the golden apple!"

With a smile on Li Changsheng’s face, judging from the memory fragments, it has been less than 30 years since the night king had obtained the golden apple tree. This also means that the night king has never enjoyed a golden apple. It is no wonder that he has no half-step legend in his hand. A high-quality golden demon pet.

Because there is no secret realm token, it is difficult for Li Changsheng to integrate the secret realm of the night king, even if it is forcibly merged, it may lead to a weak foundation.

If it was just the medicine garden, Li Changsheng could be integrated.

The operation is very simple. Use violence to cut out the entire medicine garden, and then dug a big hole in your own secret realm, and directly inlay this medicine garden into the big hole.

It sounds like a big project, but in fact, it is not difficult for a strong man like Li Changsheng, and it can be done easily with a little time.

Under Li Changsheng's gesture, the demon pets dispersed and began to cut the entire medicine garden.

The only thing worth noting is that the root system of the golden apple tree is extremely developed, which may directly exceed the scope of the medicine garden.

While the demon pets were working, Li Changsheng continued to tour the secret realm of the Dark Night King, and soon came to the next important place-Dragon's Den.

As a veteran double-character king, the scale of the dragon's den of the night king is naturally not small.

When Li Changsheng stepped into the dragon's cave, nearly a hundred pairs of double dragon eyes stared at him.

Being stared at by nearly a hundred dragons, Li Changsheng was still calm, as if he could not feel any threat.

There is really no threat, just because the strongest dragon in the dragon's lair is also at the Demon King level, and less than a slap, Li Changsheng can easily suppress it.

Giant dragons are not stupid creatures, including five-color dragons. Their long lifespan and inheritance give them a certain sense and patience. Except for white dragons, it's strange that their brain capacity is too small.


At this time, an adult white dragon rushed straight towards Li Changsheng.

Suddenly, the blood-red Dragon Slashing Platform flew out of Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness, a dragon roar with sorrow, pain, despair, and fear resounded, and then a special aura enveloped the entire dragon cave.


Under the power of the Dragon Slashing Platform, the adult white dragon who rushed towards Li Changsheng weakened its lower limbs and slumped directly to the ground. Its claws hugged its head, its eyes cringed, and Nuo Da's dragon body could not stop shaking.

Not only this adult white dragon, most of the dragons in the dragon's lair were directly cowering, and the rest was shivering, and their strength was mostly weakened.

Dragon Slashing Platform is worthy of being a giant dragon nemesis, and just showing off its power, this group of giant dragons almost lost the power to fight back.

Li Changsheng had no time to discuss with these giant dragons, referring to the limp adult white dragon.

A strong traction appeared, and the adult white dragon flew to the Dragon Slashing Platform involuntarily.

Seeing the dragon-shaped sword raised on the dragon-slashing platform, the adult white dragon screamed in shock, but was unable to resist and was fixed on the dragon-slashing platform.

In an instant, the huge dragon-shaped sword fell.


A crisp and melodious voice sounded, and the adult Bai Longnuo flew up, and the hot dragon blood spewed out and spilled on the Dragon Slashing Platform, eventually becoming a part of the Dragon Slashing Platform.

With his hands on his back, Li Changsheng looked down at the group of shrinking dragons and said, "Give you a choice, surrender or die?"


"Surrender, we surrender!"


Without any accident, all the dragons in the dragon's lair chose to surrender, and they were immediately admitted to the secret realm by Li Changsheng.

At this moment, the scale of Li Changsheng's dragon lair rose again, and the number of dragons was even closer to three hundred.

Soon, Li Changsheng left the Dragon Cave and continued to raid the secret realm of the Dark Night King.

In addition to the medicine garden and the dragon’s den, there are a large number of high-quality fairies living in the secret realm, including several quasi-god The dark night king has been operating the secret realm for hundreds of years, and the accumulated high-quality fairies can As I imagined, it turned out that Li Changsheng was all cheaper.

Among these high-quality fairies, there are some fairies that fit Li Changsheng's extraction of blood.

In addition to these, there are some other resources in the secret realm of the Night King, but compared to the medicine garden, the dragon's den and the high-quality goblins, these resources can only be regarded as icing on the cake, and they are of little use to Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng spent most of the day searching for the secret realm of the Night King.

Due to the loss of the golden apple tree, the stability of the Dark Night King's secret realm has been greatly reduced, and the foundation has been damaged to a certain extent, the Dark Night King's secret realm has a faint tendency to collapse.

That is to say, the dark night king Dou Cangqi did not fall, this secret realm can continue to absorb the energy that escapes from the outside world, enough to last for a period of time.

After leaving the secret realm of the night king, Li Changsheng immediately began to visit her secret realm under the initiative of the king of the dark blue.

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