Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1398: Fall of the Emperor


As soon as he entered the Hall of Kings, it sounded like a death knell, and there was no tendency to stop.

The entire Hall of Kings shook even more, with the sound of death knell, it made people feel like living creatures were screaming.

Such a scene can't help but make the two of them feel a sudden shock, and they feel bad in their hearts.

The two fell on their seats and began to observe the changes in the Hall of Kings, especially the front seat, because even if the King of No Phase had fallen, the changes in the Hall of Kings were far less intense.

Only when the emperor falls, will the Hall of Kings appear such a momentum.

Among the nine luxurious thrones, one of the thrones quickly became bleak, the original gorgeous throne turned gray, and cracks appeared on it, which naturally symbolized the fall.

In this gray emperor, the word'Lingdi' is written, which also means that the Lingdi has fallen!

Li Changsheng did not expect that the spirit emperor would fall. Although the spirit emperor has only been enlightened for hundreds of years and his background is not deep, it is very mysterious. Will be unimpeded within the jurisdiction of Lingdi.

As for who the murderer was, Li Changsheng felt that there was a high probability that he would be the emperor.

Li Changsheng secretly asked the Butterfly King: "How did your Majesty Spirit Emperor fall?"

The Butterfly King is the only king of the Hu Nation, not very far from the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

"The concubine's body is not clear, but the concubine saw an abnormal movement in the East China Sea not long ago. A five-clawed golden dragon led the dragon son Longsun to the inland. The direction should be towards the Heavenly Spirit Empire. The fall of the spirit emperor must be It has to do with them."

"What about the realm of the five-clawed golden dragon?"

"The concubine just took a look from a distance, but judging from her size, she should have reached the Demon Sovereign level."

"Dragon King of East China Sea!"

The five-clawed golden dragon belongs to the top sacred beast, and there are only a few in the entire fairy world. Since the opponent appeared from the East China Sea, who else can be besides the East China Sea Dragon King. After all, there is only the East China Sea Dragon King on the entire East China Sea. .

Li Changsheng was about to ask again. Suddenly, Xiang Yutian, the second prince of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, appeared on the throne. For the first time, his gaze fell on the throne of the Spirit Emperor, his eyes full of gloom.

Although it was only a consciousness, Li Changsheng could still feel that Xiang Yutian's mood was very bad.

There is no way, whoever loses the ancestors who depended on them will not be in a good mood, because this means that the heavenly spirit empire will fall apart.

In addition, the descendants of Lingdi will also become precarious.

"Brother Xiang, it's great that you're okay, please be sorry!"

Li Changsheng sent his greetings in due course.

"Brother Li!" Xiang Yutian was speechless, his whole mind was still very confused, and for a moment he forgot how to communicate.

"Brother Xiang, where are you? What the **** is going on?"

"I'm hiding in a different world." Xiang Yutian tried his best to sort out the thoughts in his mind, barely recovered his calm, paused and continued: "Not long ago, the Emperor of Humanity and Emperor Feng, under the pretense of an alliance, took the initiative to come to heaven. The Spirit Empire was a guest. For safety reasons, the family ancestor specially invited the Emperor Wen from the Eastern Region. Unexpectedly, Emperor Human and Emperor Feng had no idea of ​​forming an alliance from the beginning, so the two sides fought."

"It stands to reason that even if the family ancestor and Emperor Wen are not opponents of the Emperor Human and Emperor Feng, they still have the ability to protect themselves, especially there are still many forbidden formations and treasures in the palace. As a result, a few dragons suddenly rushed from nowhere. The leader is still a demon emperor grade five-clawed golden dragon, and the rest are also demon emperor grade four-clawed dragons. Even if we try our best to stop it, we will still be defeated..."

Li Changsheng listened quietly. According to Xiang Yutian's description, after the Dragon Clan joined, the Lingdi and Wendi who were already at a disadvantage were completely suppressed, and eventually the Lingdi fell and Wendi was seriously injured and escaped.

If nothing else, the Emperor Human, Emperor Feng, and Dragon Clan are probably still chasing and killing the seriously wounded Emperor Wen.

As for why the Dragon Clan was helping the Emperor, Li Changsheng thought of the matter of the Emperor Wuxiang’s envoy to the East China Sea Dragon Palace a few months ago. It is very likely that the two sides had already secretly formed an alliance at that time, but they have never been attracted.

The question is, does Human Emperor form an alliance with the East China Sea Dragon King? Or form an alliance with the entire dragon clan?

If it were the entire dragon clan, the trouble would be big. As the first race of the ancients, the dragon clan's background was not generally deep, and the four sea dragon kings on the bright side were all demon king-level five-clawed golden dragons.

In addition, the dragon clan also has top sacred beasts such as Yinglong and Qinglong, not to mention the four-clawed dragon clan, and the nine sons of the dragon. It is rumored that the candle dragon may still be alive and is suppressing the sea eye.

Good weather is the conventional way for dragons to obtain merit, and the suppression of the sea eye can obtain more merit, but the premise requires strong strength.

Not surprisingly, there are many veteran dragons in Haiyan who are suppressing Haiyan together.

Even if the Dragon Race powerhouse in the eyes of the sea could not be easily dispatched, the Sihai Dragon Race was still an extremely large force, and each dragon palace was almost equivalent to an emperor, enough to make the situation completely out of balance.

"This is really bad!"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that after the death of the Spirit Emperor, the situation of the human emperor, which had been slightly declining, turned to be more favorable.

The Emperor of the People, the Emperor of the Phoenix and the Dragons of the East Sea, this is a big force, and may be the entire Dragon Clan of the Four Seas. After all, the East Sea is the most noble in the Four Seas, and the Dragon King of the East Sea is also the oldest among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas.

What makes Li Changsheng wonder is, why did the emperor kill the spirit emperor?

If King Bodhi did not lose a demon emperor class demon pet, it would be seamless...

When Li Changsheng thought of this, his heart suddenly burst, and his gaze immediately moved to the Bodhi Throne located under him.

The consciousness of King Bodhi did not enter the Hall of Kings, but his throne began to undergo subtle changes. The already luxurious throne seems to be developing towards a more gorgeous trend.

"Damn it!"

Li Changsheng understood the reason. On the face of it, he killed a demon emperor-level demon pet of King but it does not mean that King Bodhi could not regain the sixth demon emperor-level demon pet.

According to his estimation, the Emperor Human and Emperor Feng might have given King Bodhi the auxiliary breakthrough treasures such as rule crystallization. This allowed King Bodhi to fill up the six demon emperor-level demon pets in a short period of time.

With the resources owned by the Emperor Human and Emperor Feng, there is a high probability that there will be such resources in their hands, and even if they don't, they can be traded with the Dragon Clan. After all, the Dragon Clan is known to be rich in the world.

Now that the spirit emperor has fallen, if there is no second double-character king with six demon emperor-level demon pets, it also means that the Bodhi king can directly obtain this vacant throne without completing the test.

As for whether there will be a second double-character king who has six demon emperor-level demon pets and has reached the peak of spiritual power, how can he not collect relevant information through the channels and forces of the emperor and the phoenix?

The answer is obvious. Today, there is only King Bodhi who can be promoted to the throne immediately.

PS: I wanted to arrange the fall of other emperors, but think about the spirit emperor and the protagonist being in the same area...

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