Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1399: Dependence of Emperor Wen

"You hide first, wait for me to pick you up sometimes!"

After confirming that King Bodhi was breaking through, Li Changsheng knew the exact location of Xiang Yutian, and then left the Hall of Kings with Emperor Wu's consciousness.

Emperor Wu appeared in front of Li Changsheng instantly, and asked anxiously: "Should we save Emperor Wen now?"

They formed an alliance with Emperor Wen in the dark. Once Emperor Wen fell, it would be even more disadvantageous for them.

"Emperor Wen must be saved, but Emperor Wen has been severely injured. I am afraid that even if we add Emperor Wen, we are not their opponents." Li Changsheng paused and continued: "Besides, King Bodhi is also a factor. Once King Bodhi breaks through, it will be against us. The situation will be even more dangerous."

"Then what do you say?"

Emperor Wu didn't bother to think about it, he was rather reckless, he was a style that was able to use his hands but not to force him.

"Brother Su, do you have friendship with other emperors?"

"The relationship is just like that, and no matter how good the relationship is, they won't necessarily fall to us."

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome. Why not, let's go back to the fairy world and contact Emperor Wen to determine his situation. If the situation is critical, we will save Emperor Wen. If it is still safe, then we will go to King Bodhi. Come around Wei and save Zhao."

"It can only be the!"

Emperor Wu nodded, feeling that Li Changsheng was right.

After making the decision, Li Changsheng threw out the Yum King Palace. When dealing with Teng Snake Aberisk, he specially installed a plane teleportation array in this palace.

Even if Emperor Human and Emperor Feng found this teleportation formation, it would be useless, because the teleportation formation in the Palace of the Yum King hadn't been activated yet.

After activating the plane teleportation array, the two stepped forward, and they teleported from the dawn plane to the fairy world.

This is a hidden valley in Langya Kingdom. For the first time, Li Changsheng took out the Heavenly Jishi, the mysterious tortoise shell, and a piece of fur, and began to perform his great deduction.

At that time, Emperor Wu gave the Xuangui tortoise shell to Li Changsheng after displaying the "Xuangui Quiet Embryo Miaohua Jue".

Compared with the tortoise shell of Baxia, the pattern on the tortoise shell of the black tortoise is more in line with the rules of the world, and it is easier to speculate about the secrets of the sky.

As for that piece of fur, there is a cryptic contract imprint on it. This is exactly the facial fur of the demon emperor-level demon pet that King Bodhi killed by Li Changsheng. Li Changsheng intends to use this fur to deduce the position of King Bodhi.

In the next moment, the Tianji Stone and the mysterious turtle shell were suspended and revolved around the fur.

Soon, the fur spontaneously ignited without wind and turned into a mass of ashes, but there was a sliver of breath that emerged and was taken into the heavenly stone.

During Li Changsheng's deduction, Emperor Wu also got in touch with Emperor Wen. In front of him was a mirror-like strange treasure with the figure of Emperor Wen on it.

At this moment, Emperor Wen looked quite miserable. Not to mention the loss of his entire right arm, there was a sea bowl-sized penetrating wound on his chest, and most of his heart was gone.

Even so, Emperor Wen is still alive, let alone Emperor Wen, even if the double-character king does not have a heart, he can still live, like the three emperors and six emperors, unless their consciousness is wiped out or their bones are frustrated, otherwise it will be heavier on the surface. The injury will not fall.

No way, this is the credit of the immortal material.

"Emperor Wu, are you back?"

Emperor Wen showed a reluctant smile.

"Yeah, I heard that you old guy is going to be dying, you can't help but come back. By the way, how are you now?"

"It’s okay for the time being. I just trapped them with the Liangyi Dust Forbidden Formation temporarily, but they are crowded and can only last for ten minutes at most. I am now running towards the Flame Canyon, ready to turn to Feng for help. Family."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I saved two young Hongluan in the early years, so I got in touch with the Feng Clan, and the Feng Clan and the Dragon Clan are feuds. They will definitely help me."

This is also where Emperor Wen relies, and this is also the main reason why he was not afraid of the Emperor before.

"That's good."

"What a good thing, with the strength of the Flame Canyon, you can only stop those dragons at most. I only hope you will come here as soon as possible."

Emperor Wen smiled bitterly. Although the Flame Canyon is one of the Feng Clan's base areas, just like the Four Seas Dragon Clan, the Feng Clan and the Qilin Clan also have several base areas.

"Don't worry, I'll discuss with Brother Li first."

"It's up to you to survive this time."

Emperor Wen kept his posture very low, and compared with his life, the rest was just a fart.

"Do not worry!"

After Emperor Wu broke off contact with Emperor Wen, Li Changsheng has completed the deduction.

Emperor Wu first talked about the situation of Emperor Wen, and then asked: "How is it?"

"King Bodhi is in the capital of the Mu Cang Empire!"

"Then what shall we do now?"

"It's better to divide the soldiers, I will solve King Bodhi, you go to help Emperor Wen, how about it?"

"Okay, you have the final say."

"Be careful about everything. If you can't save it, remember to save your life."

"I know that."

The two communicated consciously. Although there were many words, a few seconds passed.

The next moment, the two moved separately, and Li Changsheng once again took out a palace, where there was also a teleportation formation, which could be teleported directly to the border of Xiguo.

Xi Guo was closer to the Mu Cang Empire, and Li Changsheng did not have a teleportation array that could be directly transmitted to the Mu Cang Empire.

When Li Changsheng was teleporting, Emperor Wu was also rushing to the Flame Canyon.

In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng appeared on the border of Xiguo, immediately riding Ning Bizhen's two-legged golden crow, turning into a golden rainbow, and galloping toward the Mu Cang Empire at a very fast speed.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, with the speed of the two-foot Golden Crow's all-out effort, it would take less than a quarter of an hour to reach the capital of the Mu Cang Empire.

Li Changsheng flew to the Mu Cang Empire, while communicating with Emperor Wu at any time.

It didn't take long Emperor Wu had joined Emperor Wen and began to unite with the Feng Clan in the Flame Canyon to use the Forbidden Array to deal with the Emperor, the Feng Emperor and the Dragon Clan.

There is a gap in the strength of the two sides, but it is not a crushing game, not to mention relying on the Feng Clan's forbidden formation, it can be defended for a while.

It is worth mentioning that after seeing Emperor Wu, the Emperor thought that Li Changsheng was also in the Canyon of Flames, but did not go all out.

On the other side, Li Changsheng did not have any accidents. Just as he was about to arrive at the border of the Mu Cang Empire, Liji took back the two-foot Golden Crow, and instead blessed himself with the Heavenly Way of Breath Restoration. The imperial capital rushed.

The reason for this is that Li Changsheng's Human Palace token has long been destroyed. Taking a step back, even if it is not destroyed, it is useless. After all, Human Emperor cannot be cancelled.

Therefore, once carelessly enters the Mu Cang Empire, the Human Sovereign will definitely learn about it the first time.

Li Changsheng didn't think that the Human Sovereign Association had no means to directly transmit the Mu Cang Empire. In order to achieve its goal, he could only sneak in by using a different space.

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