Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1403: 3 minutes emperor


The golden beads were the first to touch the energy, and an explosion occurred in an instant. A large amount of real fire from the sun burst out violently, but it only weakened some of the offensive.

Immediately after the energy erupted again, but from the scene, even if King Bodhi tried his best, he was still suppressed, and losses were inevitable.

The next moment, Qingluan rushed out of the energy tide, the King Bodhi was a little embarrassed, he vomited blood from the corner of his mouth, and there were more scars all over his body.

His demon pet is equally injured, but there is still a long way to go before he loses his fighting ability.

"rush out!"

The eyes of King Bodhi were bloodshot, and Qingluan under his crotch seemed to turn into a breeze. He turned slightly, and he was about to rush out of the encirclement.

While directing the monster pets to attack, Li Changsheng felt that the aura belonging to Emperor Feng was getting closer and closer, and he was also distracted and kept in contact with Emperor Wu in the Flame Canyon.

Li Changsheng was sure to kill King Bodhi quickly, but he still kept two points of strength, only let King Bodhi fall into serious damage, but never killed him.

There is no other reason, Li Changsheng is tempting Fengdi.

Now that Emperor Feng is not Li Changsheng's opponent, how can he let go of the opportunity to fish? I believe Emperor Feng will have to come, and it is impossible to abandon King Bodhi.

Of course, once the emperor leaves the Flame Canyon, Li Changsheng will immediately kill King Bodhi, and will no longer ‘take care of’ Emperor Feng. He will sneak back into the Flame Canyon in the first place to join Emperor Wu.

The battle continued. After a few breaths, King Bodhi couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, but all the five demon pets that were broken after the death fell, leaving his sea of ​​consciousness in a violent shock.

As a result, there were only three demon emperor-level demon pets left by King Bodhi, and all of them were severely injured.

"I can't die, I want to survive!"

King Bodhi was ashamed of death, resisting the offensive stubbornly and unyieldingly, and at the same time, the distance between him and the Emperor Feng quickly narrowed.

The distance quickly shortened, and the key Fengdi also felt the state of the Bodhi King. I don't know what secret method was used to increase the speed. I believe that in less than a minute, the two sides can meet.

Until this time, a golden rainbow rushed from the rear, but Ning Bizhen rode on the two-legged golden crow to rush to her. Just now she was fighting against the five demon pets of King Bodhi's broken queen, and rushed to support after the solution.

The room leaked in the night rain, and King Bodhi’s heart was about to sink to the bottom. He seemed to have discovered Li Changsheng’s intentions, but he did not want to believe it. He was still like a drowning man, unwilling to let go of the last straw, and was always firm. Unmoving to pull in the distance between Fengdi.

Half a minute later, King Bodhi was dying, and the two demon emperor class demon pets in a state of burning blood were killed by the fire, but Qing Luan still had a breath.

The scarred Qingluan's chest and abdomen were severely sunken, and one of his wings was almost cut off by the root, and his speed was greatly affected.

The sea of ​​consciousness of King Bodhi was very rough, and he could only suppress the sea of ​​consciousness with all his strength, and could hardly provide any help to the demon pet, even unable to use other treasures.

Until this time, a fiery red figure came into view.

Seeing this figure, the exhausted King Bodhi seemed to see the hope of surviving, and a look appeared in his dim eyes.

"You don't have to keep your hands anymore, kill him!"

Following Li Changsheng's order, he controlled two lightsabers during the day and night, and cut one to the left and the other to the Bodhi King.

King Bodhi hurriedly moved Qingluan to the side, but Qingluan was already at the end of the crossbow, how could he avoid it.

King Bodhi could only throw a golden bead again, and collided with the black lightsaber. The strong sun fire broke out again, barely offsetting the black lightsaber. The remaining milky white lightsaber continued to fall, and King Bodhi had to avoid it in embarrassment, but Qingluan suffered a bit.


Qingluan only felt a sharp pain coming from his back, and couldn't help but let out a whine. He couldn't bear it again, and he was about to fall from the air.

Tens of miles away, Emperor Feng's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly urged Hongluan to continue to accelerate.

After the death of Phoenix, the Emperor of Humanity gave her a corpse of the Phoenix, which allowed her to have Red Luan, but after all, it could not be compared with Phoenix.

Before Qing Luan fell, Kailan cut off with a sword, a bird's head was thrown away, and Qing Luan's slender neck was directly cut off.

If it was in its heyday, when the demon pet dies, King Bodhi may not die. However, if all the monster pets of King Bodhi fall, he can't bear the backlash.

Of course, Li Changsheng still didn't let him go. The Biluohuangquan swords were like a wandering dragon. They opened a blood hole between King Bodhi’s chest and abdomen, almost cutting him in half.

King Bodhi lowered his head with difficulty, and his eyes showed hopelessness, fear, pain, and unwillingness. He did not expect that he had just stepped onto the top of the pyramid and was killed by Li Changsheng so quickly.

After all his calculations, King Bodhi had only been the emperor for three minutes. In such a short time, it absolutely broke the world record of the fairy and even eliminated the possibility of no one coming later. Stared him completely on the pillar of shame.

"Ah, how could this seat die!"

King Bodhi yelled, and there was no more sound.

With the fall of King Bodhi, the fairy world was once again flooded with visions.

The whole world of fairies seemed to have experienced a less severe earthquake, countless blood rains spilled down into the sky, death knell-like screams resounded throughout the world, and the whole world fell into endless sorrow.

At this moment, countless people are paying attention to this scene.

In the Hall of Kings, a vision also appeared.

"Emperor Wen has fallen?"

"Oh, it's time to stand in line!"

"The general trend of the Emperor is, let's go to the Emperor."


In the Hall of Kings, neither the King nor the King of Double Characters left, and they all cast their eyes on the nine emperors in the front. Since Emperor Wen was chased and killed by the Emperor before, they subconsciously thought that Emperor Wen had fallen this time.

"No, it's not Wendi!"

"Look at the throne of King way!"

When they saw that the emperor belonging to King Bodhi quickly turned gray, how could these kings fail to stop the shock in their hearts. They never expected that the object they were still envious of would fall at such an unexpected speed, which is too fast. Well, it's so fast that they can't accept it.

At this time, a word appeared on the gray throne of King Bodhi——Sorrow!

This is the title given to King Bodhi by Heaven, which means that King Bodhi has become the emperor of Ai, and that one word of sadness has ended the King of Bodhi?

Since ancient times, there has never been an emperor of Ai, and King Bodhi is considered the only one, but this is a derogatory meaning.

In addition to the emperor title of Ai Di, I am afraid that the "Three Minutes Emperor" and the "Most Sad Emperor in History" will also be left to the Bodhi King.

In the Flame Gorge, the human emperor's expression changed drastically, and he didn't want to continue to entangle him. He retreated. As the leader of the Mu Cang Empire, he could feel the distance between Li Changsheng and the Emperor Feng.

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