Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1404: Ancestral Dragon Shield

If it is the Emperor Feng who has not lost the Phoenix, the Emperor Human is not very worried, but the Emperor Feng who has lost the Phoenix is ​​about the same as Emperor Wu, and I am afraid it is not Li Changsheng's opponent.

Li Changsheng was able to kill the new emperor Ai Di in just three minutes, and his strength was conceivable.

However, even if Human Emperor Ji wanted to leave, at least he had to get rid of the entanglement of Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, which would take a certain amount of time.

As for his teammate Dragon Clan, they are still shaking with Feng Clan, seemingly fierce, but in fact they are not fatal.

Although the dragon and phoenix tribes were enemies in the ancient times, it does not mean that they will fight to death without preparation, which is not in their interests.

Therefore, the tacit understanding of the two sides only hurts but never kills, and no one kills. This is also the reason why the Emperor is not worried about the dragon clan.

Within the Mu Cang Empire, Emperor Feng could be said to have witnessed the fall of Emperor Ai with his own eyes, which made her feel unspeakable, even with a hint of fear.

"No, the deity is not afraid of him!"

Emperor Feng secretly cheered herself up, facing the fast approaching Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen, she did not shy away from it. As a veteran emperor, she had her own pride.

If you haven't done anything yet, you will retreat, especially if you are facing two double-character kings. Where to put the face of Emperor Feng, how to mix in the fairy world in the future, maybe you will be ashamed of the emperor just like Emperor Ai.

In addition, Li Changsheng was still one of the two culprits who killed the Phoenix. If Li Changsheng hadn't been involved, her Phoenix wouldn't have to die. Naturally, she hated her deeply.

As a result, the two sides began to fight hand-to-hand.

Before the demon pets came into contact with each other, Biluo Huangquan's double swords turned into a stomping sword dragon and swept towards Fengdi.

Emperor Feng solemnly threw out the white jade double ring, and at the same time she held a golden shield engraved with Ancestral Dragon in her hand. This shield was called Ancestral Dragon Shield. It was rumored to be a treasure made by Ancestral Dragon, and it was the emperor's most recent time. It was a real Langhuan treasure that was handed over to her for self-defense.

Here you can see the difference between the foundations of the Emperor Feng and the Emperor. Counting the mysterious yellow seal, there are five Langhuan treasures on the face of the Emperor. They are the balance of order, the mysterious yellow seal, the wishful spear, the green lotus cloud boundary flag and Ancestral Dragon Shield.

In addition, the gate of good fortune is probably in the hands of the human emperor. The main reason is that the human emperor’s demon pets are of higher quality than Li Changsheng. There are a bunch of legendary quality demon pets. This is still the relationship that many demon pets have changed after their lives. Fortunately last time Emperor Wu attracted most of the firepower of the Emperor, so that Li Changsheng did not suffer a huge loss.


In an instant, the Baiyu Shuanghuan and Biluohuangquan Shuangjian collided.


The Emperor Feng couldn't help wondering, the imaginary Baiyu Shuanghuan defeat did not appear, but the two sides were at odds with each other, and even the Baiyu Shuanghuan had the upper hand.

Li Changsheng was not surprised. There was no way. He had just used the Biluohuangquan Swords just now, and it was too late to allow the Swords to be contained in the Lingxiao Sword Box for a period of time. Naturally, he could not gain the power increase of the Lingxiao Sword Box.

In terms of rank, the white jade double rings were faintly higher than the Biluohuangquan double swords, and the rank of Emperor Feng's demon master was also higher than that of Li Changsheng, and his spiritual power occupies an advantage both in quality and quantity.

"go with!"

The Sancai lamp appeared above Li Changsheng's head, and he directly burned the Lingbao copper lamp with the burial technique of the strange treasure, and instantly a chaotic flame spewed towards the Emperor Feng.

Emperor Feng hurriedly threw out the Ancestral Dragon Shield, and the nine-clawed Ancestral Dragon engraved on the shield flew out directly, and the large dragon-shaped body layered over the Feng Emperor.

In an instant, the Chaos Flame and the Ancestral Dragon Shield collided, but they had no achievements and were unable to get close.

Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, the Zulong Shield belongs to the high-quality goods of the middle-grade Langhuan Zhibao, which is very close to the existence of the high-grade Langhuan Zhibao. It is natural to resist the low-profile version of the Sancai lamp.

Although the burning origin of the Lingbao copper lamp has temporarily reached the Zifu rare level, it is not a real Lingbao copper lamp, and its power must be inferior to the genuine Sancai lamp.

With the guardianship of the Ancestral Dragon Shield, it is also difficult for Li Changsheng to break this hard tortoise shell in a short time.

It was also at this time that the demon pets on both sides began to tentatively release long-range offensives.

All of a sudden, the colorful brilliance swept the surroundings, the wind was violent, and the strong explosion sounded through the world, exposing a large number of gray space cracks.

Feng Dixiu's eyebrows were frowned, she was actually at a disadvantage with this tentative offensive, and several demon pets were hurt to a certain extent.

"The King of All Saints seems to be stronger than before, and the key is the support of the slut!"

Emperor Feng looked at Ning Bizhen with a bad look. She felt that she was not much different from Li Changsheng in strength, but Li Changsheng had one more Ning Bizhen.

Well, Emperor Feng never admitted that Li Changsheng was stronger than her, so Ning Bizhen became her excuse.

Before the energy tide dissipated, the demon pets on both sides withstood the erosion of the energy tide and began to fall into a more dangerous short-handed encounter.


Seeing that she had fallen into a disadvantage, Emperor Feng had to open her own secret realm. Her secret realm belonged to one of the 36 cave heavens, which was three points larger than Li Changsheng's cave heaven.

In the next moment, countless dragons, titans, Bimon, hornet, wind raccoon, Philip, Leviathan, and many other quasi gods rushed out, including some semi-divine beasts.

Although Emperor Feng's background is shallow, after he became Emperor for more than a hundred years, the number of quasi-gods and semi-god beasts raised by livestock naturally reached a four-digit number.

Among them, dragons and titans are the majority.

Li Changsheng did not speak, and also opened the entrance to the secret realm, and countless quasi-gods and semi-god beasts rushed out.

Emperor Feng looked at this scene in surprise. The number of quasi gods released by Li Changsheng obviously exceeded her expectations, and it was not much less than hers. The key was an elderly Bai Ze.

The Emperor Bai Zefeng had seen him during the last match, and he had played a supporting role last time.

But even if Bai Ze is old, but after all he belongs to the beast, the key is to reach the Demon Emperor level.

At this moment, UU read the book Soldiers and generals, and the entire battlefield became quite chaotic.

"Five-Colored Dragon God!"

Li Changsheng didn't use the Dragon Slashing Platform, because it was not necessary. Under his command, the five-color dragon **** uttered a dragon roar, and the mighty dragon was pouring frantically.

Although Li Changsheng's dragons were also affected, they eventually lived with the five-color dragon **** for a period of time, and were more or less accustomed to the five-color dragon god's dragon power, and were far less affected than the dragon of the Emperor Feng.

Under the dragon power of the five-color dragon god, hundreds of giant dragons became stiff and fell straight from the sky. Unfortunately, they were directly used as a dragon's mat and fell into a pool of fleshy mud.

Among these dragons, most are the dragons of Emperor Feng, and the dragons that barely withstand the dragon's power are also greatly damaged in combat power, and the eyes of Nuoda are full of panic, including the second-level ancestor dragons.

The Phoenix Emperor's Quasi-God was instantly attenuated by nearly half, and the rest were also affected by Long Wei, and his combat power plummeted. How could he still be Li Changsheng's opponent? The situation on the court became clear.

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