Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1405: The Fear of Emperor Feng

At this moment, Fengdiqi’s three corpse gods were violent, and at the same time distressed and hard to breathe. These quasi gods are all her accumulation over the past hundred years. She wants to return to the heyday, unless the emperor helps or exploits other powerful people. , Otherwise it cannot be restored in a short time.


However, at this moment, two cats' squeaky meows sounded. Just now, the two silly cats had been hiding behind and holding their big moves. The two large apertures quickly merged and quickly turned to gray.

Hell heaven!

"Hurry up and stop them!"

Emperor Feng's expression changed suddenly, and she could feel the powerful threat posed by the gray halo. Once let it fall, the consequences would be disastrous, not only causing huge losses, but also disrupting the formation.

Once the formation is chaotic, it is easy to be broken by each.

Under the order of Emperor Feng, the recent demon emperor class demon pets wanted to attack two cats and forcibly interrupt their combo skills.

"Stop them!"

However, Li Changsheng had given instructions long ago, and the demon pets tried their best to stop it, and Ning Bizhen was a metamorphosed five-clawed golden dragon, personally stopping a demon emperor grade demon pet that was about to get rid of.

Not only that, but Li Changsheng even throws out the eleventh-grade star palace lotus platform.

When Emperor Ai took out the Mu Cang Empire's capital, Li Changsheng took back the eleventh-rank star palace lotus platform and 365 star pans.

As for why Luo Yuanjun and the others didn't pursue it, it was probably because of the fall of Emperor Ai, even the emperor had fallen. They probably used to be meat buns and dogs, and they never returned.

Although the Ten Thousand Kings Formation is strong, it is really inconvenient to move. After all, the demon masters who make up the formation are uneven, and the speed of movement often depends on the lowest board.

On the other side, Li Changsheng was also pestering Fengdi with all his strength, not giving her the opportunity to hardly resist the ancestral dragon shield against the gray halo.

Although the Biluohuangquan double swords were entangled by the white jade double rings, Li Changsheng still had offensive treasures such as the Sancai Lamp, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, the Five Ding, and the Ice and Fire Magnetic Mountain. If the Emperor Feng did not have the Ancestral Dragon Shield, it would be very dangerous .

Under Li Changsheng's entanglement, Emperor Feng could only give up the idea of ​​letting the Ancestral Dragon Shield resolve the gray halo.

The next moment, under the control of the two cats, the gray aperture quickly rotated and rushed in a straight line.

The demon pets along the way had already given way to their positions. As for Emperor Feng's demon pets or quasi-god or demigod fairy, some managed to avoid them, but more were hit by the gray halo.

Among them, the most unlucky is a monster emperor-level secondary ancestor Thunder Titan. This is also the main demon pet of the Feng Emperor. Due to the slow speed, it has become the main target of the two cats.

The secondary ancestor Thunder Titan only had time to smash two fists that flashed with silver and white thunder. It was a pity that the gray aperture only paused for a while, and then slammed into it, pushing it back quickly.

In the process, the second-level ancestor Thunder Titan screamed again and again, and the muscles of the original muscles quickly lost weight. In some places, the white bones were exposed, but the flesh and blood was strongly corroded by the gray aperture, even Hard bones can't support it.

In the end, the secondary ancestor Thunder Titan was abruptly cut into two segments of different sizes by the gray aperture, which completed the escape.

However, the secondary ancestor Thunder Titan has less air intake and more exhalation, and death has become its only destination.

Due to the blocking of the second-generation Thunder Titans, some monster pets and elves in the rear became beneficiaries, successfully avoiding the gray aperture, but more of them were affected by the gray aperture.

After the gray halo passed, a blood avenue was directly plowed out, and countless stumps and rotten flesh and blood spattered crazily from the sky, and the scene was magnificent.

Just as Li Changsheng predicted, the lethality of the gray aperture is second, and more importantly, it disrupts the enemy's formation, causing them to appear even bigger flaws.

Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen did not let go of the fleeting opportunity. The demon pets took the opportunity to expand their battle results and crush their opponents at a certain level with a greater number of advantages.

The Phoenix Emperor's Demon Emperor-level one-footed Yun-crowned Crane was originally singled out against the two-footed Golden Crow, but Hong Luan and Lei Qilin immediately surrounded it and launched a siege together.

Although these two demon pets are only at the Demon Saint level, they are both sacred beasts, and their strength is not inferior to the ordinary Demon Emperor level demon pets. It's even stronger than three points.

The one-footed cloud-crowned crane hurriedly resisted the offensive and was completely suppressed. As a result, Ashe suddenly appeared behind it, biting the one-footed cloud-crowned crane's slender neck.

The one-legged cloud-crowned crane struggled subconsciously. Unfortunately, the two-legged Golden Crow, Red Luan and Lei Qilin rushed up together. The four demon pets each bit or pecked a limb of the one-footed cloud-crowned crane, and then moved in different directions. Charge quickly.


The scream of the one-footed cloud-crowned crane stopped abruptly, and its body was cruelly divided into four parts, and it ended up almost as if it were divided into five horses. The dead can no longer die.

On the other side, Kailan and Adai were besieging a Demon Emperor Level Flood Dragon.

The monster emperor-level dragons are not their opponents single-to-one, let alone two. After evading the dumb blow in embarrassment, Kailan seized the opportunity, and countless blood-red vines came out of the void and brought the monster emperor. The five-level dragon is **** with five flowers.

The Demon Emperor Level Flood Dragon struggled hard, but even the Demon Emperor Level Flood Dragon could not break free from the shackles of the scarlet vines in an instant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ah Dai rushed up, and under the horrified gaze of the Demon Emperor Level Flood Dragon, a hideous giant claw grabbed it, and its inverted scales were easily broken open like tofu, and the giant claws came from behind. Penetrated out.

This time, Ah Dumb did not hold the heart in his giant claws, but a crystal clear dragon ball.

As a monster emperor-level flood dragon, its dragon ball is not much inferior to those of the adult four-clawed dragon clan, and its value can be imagined.

The scale was broken, the dragon ball was seized, where could the monster emperor-level flood dragon survive? It looked at this world with nostalgia for the last time, and then lost its look in Nuoda's dragon eyes.

In just one breath, Emperor Feng lost three demon emperor-level demon pets.

Emperor Feng also had eight demon emperor-level demon pets in total, including the demon emperor-level demon pets that had been contracted with the assistance of the emperor during this period.

As for the other demon pets of Emperor Feng, some are intact, but many have suffered considerable damage.

Feng Diqi's face was blue, but she knew very well that if she continued, Ai Di would be her fate.

It happened at this time Li Changsheng and Fengdi Qiqi felt something, their eyes all turned towards the Mu Cang Empire's capital.

The emperor is here!

Although this place is in the middle of the Mu Cang Empire, the Human Sovereign possesses a space-exceptional treasure, the Qinglian Cloud Boundary Banner, and he can reach the scene by just giving him two or three breathing times.

Feeling the existence of the Emperor, Emperor Feng turned from sorrow to joy, and shouted wildly: "Boy, you are dead!"

Without hesitation, Emperor Feng wanted to entangle Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen with all his strength. He believed that as long as the emperor returned, he would surely turn defeat into victory, and even have a chance to keep Li Changsheng.

"That's not necessarily!"

As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, the purple golden jue starry sky crown suddenly appeared.

As soon as he saw the purple golden jue starry sky crown, Emperor Feng remembered the fear of being dominated by the purple golden jue starry sky crown. At that time, her two main demon pets were immediately killed, and many demon pets suffered serious injuries. This was when the Emperor of People attracted a lot of firepower at the time.

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