Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1406: Shaved Fengdi's head

Faced with the threat of the Ziji Jinjue Starry Sky Crown, Emperor Feng suddenly turned into a frightened bird, and in a panic, he wanted to summon the demon pet to escape.


The sound of Li Changsheng's voice made Emperor Feng's heart tense.

Although the Ziji Jinjue Starry Sky Crown can be used once less once, but Emperor Feng is Li Changsheng’s archenemy, and Li Changsheng is willing to use it once. Even if Emperor Feng cannot remain, she will suffer a big loss, at least not for a short time. Make waves again.

Without Emperor Ai, Emperor Feng suffered heavy losses and was unable to quickly regain his strength, which is equivalent to losing our man's arm, and Li Changsheng's safety and interests can be better protected.

Emperor Feng wanted to gather the demon pets together to resist, but was entangled by the demon pets of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen, and could not get rid of their entanglement in a short time. The consequences can be said to be doomed.

In an instant, the Ziji Jinjue Starry Sky Crown and the Primordial Stars contacted each other, and countless stars converged, instantly condensing the image of the star emperor.

The star emperor wears a purple golden starry sky crown and a Zhoutian star robe. His left hand is holding the spread out map of the sun, moon and stars, and his right hand is holding the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, majestic and imposing.

Like last time, Li Changsheng's Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda automatically merged with the phantom of the nine-story pagoda on the right hand of the Ancient Star Emperor.

Compared with the last time, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda exudes a stronger light.

The Emperor Feng was sullen, but he still forced to recall his own demon pets first, but other demon pets did not have such good treatment. They would face the power of the star emperor.

In order to reduce the loss, Emperor Feng threw the Ancestral Dragon Shield out. The Ancestral Dragon phantom on the shield raised its head and roared silently, and a layer of golden shield wall emerged, smashing the ancient star emperor fiercely.

This time, the ancient star emperor did not use the sun, moon and stars map to resist, and under the control of Li Changsheng's mind, he used all the power to release the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda.

The Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda spun around, releasing two thin and seven thick beams of light from the nine-story pagoda.

Among them, among the seven thick beams of light, the five beams of light belonging to the five elements resonate with each other, and the five elements resonate with each other, leading to me in you and you in me, making these five beams of light into five colors, greatly increasing their power.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, these five beams of light, which symbolize the five elements, have reached the blow of an ordinary demon king class demon pet, and the power can be imagined.

Among them, the two five-element beams of light not only resisted the Ancestral Dragon Shield, but also easily broke through the light wall of the Ancestral Dragon Shield, and directly knocked the Ancestral Dragon Shield into the air.

The remaining three five-element beams of light combined with the rest of the beams, and the goddess rushed towards their respective targets like flowers.

Emperor Feng could no longer maintain her calmness, and there was a rare panic on her pretty face. She had no other way but to pin her hopes on the demon pets.

Unfortunately, Emperor Feng's demon pets not only had to resist these beams of light, but also had to face the demon pets of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen, and they were already at a disadvantage, and the consequences could be imagined.

In the next moment, the three five-element beams of light directly killed two demon emperor-level demon pets. The only survivor was Hongluan, but it was inevitable to be severely damaged, but it had to face two cats.

With the cooperation of the demon pets, the rest of the light beams also made their own achievements. For a time, Feng Emperor only had three demon emperor-level demon pets left, including the natal demon pets that had been taken back, and all the other demon pets fell.

Fengdi's face was pale, and he felt that his head was about to explode, and he spouted a mouthful of blood.

To make matters worse, due to the Sea of ​​Consciousness riots, Emperor Feng's move to recall the remaining two Demon Emperor level demon pets was forcibly interrupted.


Ah Dui forcefully smashed another seriously injured Demon Emperor-class demon pet who had expelled Hong Luan, and there was a lively heart in the giant claw, which was still beating continuously.

On the other side, day and night, Kailan and Ash encircle the Red Luan.

Hong Luan showed death-seeking eyes, and wanted to use the Burning Blast when they approached.

If it weren't for Emperor Feng's riot in the sea of ​​consciousness, it is impossible to say that she would still bless Hong Luan's bloodline burning or blood burning secret method to strengthen her self-detonation power.

However, how Li Changsheng didn't watch out.

Chilong appeared abruptly in a place that Hongluan could not see. Li Changsheng stood on Chilong’s head. The Uller bow in his hand had already reached the full moon. Once it was loose, a golden streamer seemed to have crossed the space. Instantly hit Hong Luan's back and penetrated straight through.

This is a golden arrow with a red crystal the size of a baby's head, which is Hongluan's Demon Emperor-level Demon Core.

This demon core has been completely penetrated by the golden arrow, coupled with the fact that Hong Luan is about to use the burning body explosion, which directly leads to the energy riot in the demon core, and it has not yet flown a hundred meters away and exploded.

As for why Li Changsheng is so precise, it is nothing more than using special abilities to aim at the place where the energy fluctuations in Hongluan are the most intense, which is naturally where the demon core is located.

Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen's demon pets were ordered in advance to evade them first. Although it is inevitable that there will be damage, they have not been affected too much.

Ashe even held Hongluan in his mouth. At this moment, Hongluan has not yet completely died, but the expression in his eyes is quickly dimming, losing the demon core, and even more serious injuries. Hold on for a while.

At this moment, Fengdi's blood was vomiting incessantly, but with the help of the blood, she used the waste to reuse it, turned into a **** escape, and fled through the air at a speed beyond imagination.

The poor Emperor Feng was almost shaved by Li Changsheng. The loss was so great that it was obvious how long it would take to regain the emperor-level combat power even if the emperor assisted him.

Li Changsheng didn't choose to pursue it, not because he didn't want to kill the Emperor Feng in one fell swoop, but because the emperor is coming.

He felt that the Emperor was not far away from here, even less than a hundred miles away, with the ability of the Qinglian Yunjie Flag, he could catch up in a second or two.

Although Li Changsheng defeated Emperor Ai and defeated Emperor Feng, he believed that there was still a gap between him and the emperor, and it might not be small, because he always felt that the emperor was hiding something.

For the first time, Li Changsheng opened the space portal, and with the exception of a few petite monster pets, the rest of the monster pets were recovered.

As for those quasi-gods, demi-gods, and Bai Ze, he had already taken them back first when they used the Purple Extreme Golden Jue Starry Sky Crown.

No way, the quasi-gods and demigods released by Emperor Feng were almost wiped out, and Li Changsheng didn't want them to act as cannon fodder.


Li Changsheng recovered the eleventh-rank star palace lotus platform and 365 star pans, riding on the two-legged golden crow, turning into a golden rainbow, rushing towards the flame canyon at the fastest speed.

In an instant, the space was shattered, and the emperor appeared several miles away. His eyes were cold and full of so much richness.

The murderous aura melted away.

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