Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1408: Tianba Treasure ——Gen Huang Treasure

Li Changsheng is very self-aware, and if his strength is severely damaged, there will definitely be many strong people who will attack him.

No way, Li Changsheng was too enchanting. He is definitely the number one enchanting in the fairy world. Everyone knows that he holds a big secret. Once his strength is severely damaged, those guys will swarm like sharks that smell the fishy smell. Then, he was cruelly divided.

This is something that is completely predictable. Since the strength is not as good as the human, then a more stable method should be adopted.

The most important thing is that Li Changsheng has made too fast progress, and he has repeatedly frustrated the Emperor's plan. I am afraid that the Emperor is willing to pay the price to kill him.

Well, Li Changsheng didn't want to give Renhuang such a chance, especially the other party was an old Yinbi who had lived for nearly ten thousand years, and he didn't know where his cards were.

First, he conspired against Emperor Wu, then planned Emperor Ling and Emperor Wen, and even formed an alliance with the Dragon clan in the dark. If it hadn't been for the appearance of Li Changsheng that disrupted his plan, the Emperor would have already ruled half of the country.

At the next moment, 365 star pans appeared, and these star pans could be said to be a whole. As long as the burial technique of the strange treasure was used once, they could all be ignited.

Of course, these star pans can also be ignited separately, and how much they ignite depends entirely on Li Changsheng.

In order to stop the emperor, Li Changsheng resolutely lit all 365 star pans, including the rare-class solar pans and the lunar pans.

There is nothing to gain without giving up. Moreover, Li Changsheng knows the techniques and materials for refining the Sun Star Pan and Lunar Star Pan, with the assistance of Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu. These materials are believed to be available in a short time.

In an instant, 365 star pans seemed to have been ignited, burning with blazing star flames, and their power skyrocketed.

Among them, the power of the leading Sun Star Pan and Lunar Star Pan is the greatest treasure of Langhuan.

Even the ordinary star pan is about to reach the low-grade world strange thing level, and the eleventh-grade star palace lotus platform suppresses the array.

From the power point of view, the combination of Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation this time is completely comparable to the eighth level test arranged on the steps of the Star Palace.

The problem is that the forbidden formation on the steps of the Star Palace is unhosted, unable to exert its full power, and it is easy to be found where the formation is.

365 star pans were concealed in the void, and the effect was exerted in an instant.

The Emperor dignifiedly looked at the changes around him, and could feel that the space within the scope had become solidified. Although the Qinglian Cloud Boundary Flag could still break through the space, it was difficult to do as he pleased.

Seeing that the figures of Li Changsheng and the demon pets also disappeared, there was a treasure in the hands of the emperor, its color was black and yellow, and the entire forbidden formation had a faint tendency to tremble during the irradiation.

"Xuan Huang Baojian!"

Li Changsheng's expression suddenly became ugly, he recognized Fang Baojian, because Xuan Huang Baojian could be said to be a famous name.

It is also a spiritual treasure of merit, but there is also a difference between superior and inferior, which is mainly determined by the amount of Xuanhuang merit.

Compared with the mysterious yellow seal and the gate of light and dark, the aura of Xuan Huang Baojian's merit is obviously stronger, and it is only one step away from the most valuable merit.

The most important thing is that the last holder of Xuanhuang Baojian was the famous ancient emperor, and for the heavens at that time, it was definitely one of the top three treasures.

But this kind of treasure, under the premise that the heavens are closed, is now in the hands of the emperor.

Li Changsheng didn't know how the Emperor Human got the treasure of the Heavenly Emperor, but he knew that the matter was big.

In addition to being the defensive treasure, Xuan Huang Baojian has a powerful restraint effect on the forbidden formation.

There is a picture of the ancient heavenly emperor displaying the Xuanhuang Baojian in the murals of the Ziwei Hall. Using Xuanhuangbaojian, the ancient heavenly emperor forcefully broke the Ten Thousand Kings Formation presided over by Emperor Xuan. Sitting on wax.

The same is the Ten Thousand Kings Formation. The Ten Thousand Kings Formation hosted by Luo Yuanjun is not even suitable for the poor version, and it is far inferior to the Ten Thousand Kings Formation hosted by the ancient Emperor Xuan. The last time he was a Tier 5 Demon Master, he could even fight against Zhou Tianxing in the forbidden formation.

But this kind of Ten Thousand Kings Formation was broken by the ancient Heavenly Emperor alone. In addition to the ancient Heavenly Emperor's super personal strength, it also has a close relationship with Xuan Huang Baojian.

Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, the light emitted by Xuan Huang Baojian obviously surpassed the gate of light and darkness, and I am afraid it has reached the level of the best Langhuan treasure.

This was also the first time Li Changsheng saw the best Langhuan treasure, but unfortunately it was the enemy.

The next moment, Xuan Huang Baojian flew up and shot a bright beam of light from the mirror.

Under the beam of light, the force generated by the forbidden formation was disintegrating at an extremely fast speed, and the entire forbidden formation was shaking more and more.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, it won't take long for the entire banned formation to collapse.

"Unfortunately it's not night!"

It is a pity for Li Changsheng. If it is at night, even if the Emperor has the Xuanhuang Baojian, the Hunyuan Heluo ban can definitely last a lot of time.

While the ban was still in effect, Li Changsheng signaled the monster pets to try their best to harass the Emperor and his monster pets, while he himself was waiting for an opportunity.

Because Li Changsheng possessed the purple pole golden starry sky crown and the future Sumidan, the emperor had to adopt a steady and steady tactical policy, not to give Li Changsheng the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.

Soon, one minute passed, and under Xuan Huang Baojian's attention, the entire forbidden formation was shaking extremely violently, as if it would break at any time.


Li Changsheng drew back and took back the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform. The 365 burning stars burst into light and exploded.

The Emperor felt bad and had to let Xuan Huang Baojian protect his body.

Xuan Huang Baojian is indeed the best Langhuan treasure, and he was able to resist this wave of self-destruction.

Taking advantage of this wave of self-destruction, Li Changsheng quickly backed away several miles away, and then took out a pocket palace. There was a teleportation array on top of UU Reading

"not good!"

When Li Changsheng activated the teleportation array, the emperor's heart felt bad, but because the aftermath of the self-detonation had not disappeared, the emperor could not immediately stop him. He could only make the Ruyi spear bigger and hit Li Changsheng again.

"go with!"

Li Changsheng threw out a bead, the bead shattered and turned into a big light mask, which was just like the cold weather.

The Ruyi spear was swung over, and he noticeably paused when he touched the cold miasma of Taiyin, and finally broke through the cold miasma of Taiyin.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Changsheng had already retracted the demon pet, stepped into the teleportation formation, and disappeared.

The Emperor hurriedly stopped the Ruyi Spear to avoid the fragmentation of the teleportation array.

In view of the fact that he did not know the destination of the teleportation formation, the Emperor couldn't help hesitating, after all, this teleportation formation might be teleported to some dangerous places that even he felt intractable.

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