Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1409: reward

The Emperor's hesitation caused the loss of the opportunity to kill Li Changsheng. The teleportation formation instantly dimmed, but it was Li Changsheng who directly destroyed the teleportation formation on the opposite side.

The destination of Li Changsheng’s teleportation this time was Langya Kingdom. At this moment, he did not venture into the plane of dawn, otherwise the emperor might join forces with the **** of the night to deal with him. .

The God of You Ye may not be able to let the body and clone enter the plane of dawn, but in the end it is the most powerful'local' **** on the plane of dawn. After hundreds of years of accumulation, there are certainly not a few high-ranking legendary powerhouses in the church, even very May have top legendary powerhouses.

After returning to Langya Nation, Li Changsheng did not hide, and went straight to Yecheng, used the teleportation array to reach Xi Nation, and once again rode the two-legged Golden Crow and flew towards the Mu Cang Empire.

There is no way, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu are still on their way to the Mu Cang Empire, even if they have died back, it will take a while, it is hard to guarantee that the Emperor will not take the opportunity to deal with them.

Without the support of a strong ban, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, who are not in their peak period, are not opponents of the Emperor even if they join forces.

Naturally, Li Changsheng wanted to support them, and at the very least, he had to join them. As long as he took advantage of their strength, his safety could be protected by himself.

He also tried to take the opportunity to kill Emperor Feng when the Emperor Human Emperor dealt with Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, but the risk was too great, not to mention that Emperor Feng was not a target, and the success rate was really low.

In order to be safe, Li Changsheng prepared to join Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu before discussing countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, after Li Changsheng suddenly teleported away, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, who had just entered the Central Territory, immediately chose to turn around and return. However, the Emperor did not intend to let this opportunity pass and directly use the Qinglian Yunjie Flag, and he was about to chase him. On them.

It was just that before the two parties started, the emperor showed disgusting eyes again, but he once again felt the unabashed breath of Li Changsheng, and he was not far from here.

In addition, Emperor Wen was ready to face the battle, using the array flags to arrange the Liangyi dust forbidden array, making the surrounding space hard as iron.

In this way, the emperor will have to weigh it up. After seeing Li Changsheng’s combat power, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can deal with three at once, especially Li Changsheng obviously still has a hole card in his hand, and if one is not good, he may lose. Disastrous, not conducive to his plan.

However, the emperor did not want to let Li Changsheng go easily. Who knew that after letting Li Changsheng go this time, the strength of the opponent might improve again next time.

At this point in time, Li Changsheng finally reunited with Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, and hid together in the forbidden formation in the dust of Liangyi.

Emperor Wu slapped Li Changsheng on the shoulder enthusiastically, with a smile on his face: "Brother Li, good job! I didn't expect you to be in the limelight this time than the last time."

"King Wansheng, thanks to you and Emperor Wu this time, otherwise the old man is afraid that it will be over this time, so I won't say anything polite. In the future, you can always find me wherever you are useful."

Emperor Wen's eyes were complicated, and he didn't expect that Li Changsheng, who had tried to attract him, would save his life together with Emperor Wu.

"Your Majesty Wen, we are an alliance. As long as we work together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties together."

Li Changsheng replied, but his eyes have been fixed on the hovering Emperor.

"Well said, don't call me your majesty. The old man's surname is Zhang Wenjie. You can call me directly."

"How about that, I'll just call you Big Brother Zhang. You don't want to call me the King of Halloween, just call me by name."

Li Changsheng hit the snake stick and began to make friends with Emperor Wen.

"Okay, Brother Li!"

"Sovereign, fight if you want to fight, we are not afraid of you."

When Li Changsheng was communicating with Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu's carefree voice sounded. Judging from the situation, he felt that the Emperor would not fight hard with the three of them.

"By the way, where is the dragon?"

Li Changsheng reminded him that he felt that the emperor might be waiting for the help of the dragon clan.

If the Dragon Clan joins, the situation will be more favorable for the Emperor.

"Don't worry, they have returned to the East China Sea!"

Emperor Wen was obviously prepared, and quickly ascertained the whereabouts of the dragon clan.

After all, the Eastern Region is where Emperor Wen belongs, and the Dragon Clan can't hide his terrible snake from nature.

"That's good!"

Without the dragon clan to be a stalker, the human emperor alone would not be able to take the three of them.

However, the three of them were still wary of abnormalities, after all, no one knew whether the emperor had any successors.

The Emperor did not answer, but took a deep look at the three of them, and then rode Fei Lian away.

Although the emperor wanted to kill Li Changsheng, reason still prevailed and finally chose to give up.

After it was confirmed that the Queen of Humanity had left, the three of them were obviously relieved, and immediately prepared to return.

Li Changsheng thought of Xiang Yutian, and couldn't help suggesting: "Two brothers, let's go to the Heavenly Spirit Empire first!"

Li Changsheng's real intention is not only to receive Xiang Yutian, but more importantly, to receive the heritage of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, including the entire southeast region and the powerhouses belonging to the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

After killing Emperor Ai and smashing Emperor Feng, Li Changsheng was not the emperor but was better than the emperor, and he was fully capable of occupying the entire southeast area and becoming the overlord of one party.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Changsheng to give up such a good opportunity.

"Okay, this can just unite our three regions."

"Let's go now, the soldiers are very fast, and the strong of the Heavenly Spirit Empire may already have a new place to go."

Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu have no objection. It is beneficial for them to take over the southeast area. Moreover, Li Changsheng will not eat fat in one go. He always has to share some benefits. Moreover, he can combine these three areas. Both governance and support will come. It’s easier.

After reaching an agreement, the three immediately flew to the southeast area and flew towards the capital of the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

The three of them didn't have any concealment of their respective visions. For a time, the purple energy rose for three thousand miles, the goddess scattered flowers, and the ground surged with golden lotuses.

In this process, Li Changsheng is also checking the harvest this time.

Ai Di: A ring, a broken bronze bell, a golden dragon cauldron, a number of corpses of a demon pet, a pile of top treasures and semi-sacred artifacts.

Emperor Feng: There are several corpses of demon pets, a pile of top treasures, semi-sacred objects, and even one artifact.

The ring of Emperor Ai can't be opened naturally, but he has just been promoted to the throne and has not changed the soul imprint in the ring, so it is the same as the ring of the Double Character King.

From another point of view, if nothing else, the space ring of Ai Di might be similar to the top double word No way, Ai Di has been the emperor for three minutes, so what is the background?

The big bronze clock belongs to Langhuan's most precious treasure, but unfortunately it has been damaged, and Li Changsheng is not ready to repair it, and is ready to use it as a refining material.

Needless to say, the Golden Dragon Ding made Li Changsheng the fifth of the nine tripods.

The corpses of the demon pets are a great harvest. Among them, the corpses of Qingluan and Hongluan are the most precious, and the rest are basically precious corpses of semi-divine beasts, which can purify a lot of essence and blood.

Most of the top treasures and semi-sacred artifacts can be ignored. At this point, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen's monster pets are basically semi-sacred artifacts, but they can also slightly increase the demon pet's strength after replacement.

At this moment, Li Changsheng looked at the artifact. The artifact in the fairy world was different from the artifact in the dawn plane. The former was specially used for demon pets.

Li Changsheng didn't remember which demon pet of Emperor Feng had exploded from, but it was certain that this was the first artifact he obtained in the world of demon.

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