Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1410: Artifact

Qiangliang's Wrath: Thunder-based artifact, concentrated by Qiangliang's whole body essence and forged with the Purple Heaven God Thunder. It can increase the power of lightning skills by ten percent. After wearing it, it can activate the lightning field, greatly increase the damage and paralysis effect on evil creatures, and have a destructive effect.

  Only those with a bonus of 10% or more can be called artifacts. At the same time, artifacts also have 4 to 5 effects.

   Judging from this Qiangliang Wrath, it can only be regarded as the bottom artifact. Even so, its effect and value are far more than semi-sacred artifacts.

   Among them, the Thunder and Lightning domain is a domain skill, similar to the field skill, but it has the special effect of strengthening itself and weakening the enemy. Needless to say, it is cost-effective.

   Significantly increases the damage and paralysis effect on evil creatures, so there is no need to describe it. As for the final destructive effect, similar to the burst effect of the fire system, the opponent suffers more damage.

   This strong rage was naturally handed over to Lei Qilin to carry, coupled with this lightning artifact that greatly improved its effect on evil creatures, Lei Qilin definitely deserves the title of evil nemesis, and it will be easier to deal with demons in the future.

   It didn't take long for the Emperor of the Heavenly Spirit Empire to be in sight.

   Even though he was prepared in his heart, Li Changsheng was still surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.

   The original prosperous imperial capital was almost razed to the ground, with ruined walls and corpses everywhere, and a lot of stagnant water, which seemed to be accusing the emperor and others of the viciousness.

  As the imperial capital of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, the overlord of the Southeast region, it has the title of Southeastern Light. Needless to say, it is prosperous and has a population of millions.

   is such an imperial capital, but now it is ruined, and few people have survived by chance.

As a participant at the time, Emperor Wen said with a heavy tone: "When we fight with Emperor Human and Emperor Feng, we try our best to avoid hurting the innocent, but the dragons are different. They don’t have such taboos, and they make trouble in the imperial capital. The water floods Jinshan, how ordinary people can withstand such disasters."

   "They have a lot of karma, and they can't die."

   "If you are not my race, their hearts will be different. If you have the opportunity in the future, you should slaughter the dragons of the East China Sea!"

   The faces of Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu are very ugly. The East China Sea Dragon Clan commits a lot of crimes. Anyone who sees such a scene will have a bad feeling towards the East China Sea Dragon Clan.

   However, the three did not leave immediately.

   Even if the emperor was destroyed, there are definitely many treasures left. According to the foundation of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, this is definitely a great wealth.

   It took more than a long time, the three of them did not continue to stay in the imperial capital, and flew towards Cangping City, the second largest city of the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

   The harvest of the three people is naturally the biggest harvest of Li Changsheng. Using special abilities and the Vientiane Spirit Eater and Red Luan, most of the high-end treasures were put in the bag by Li Changsheng.

   It is a pity that all the secret realm portals in the imperial capital were affected by the aftermath, and were destroyed. If you want to reopen these secret realm portals, you need to make some preparations.

   Soon, Cangping City was in sight.

   Although it is the second largest city of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, the area of ​​the city is less than half of the capital.

   Xiang Yutian was here, and when the spirit emperor fell, he had to hide in Cangping City with some kings.

   Cangping City has a plane teleportation array, so many moon elves corpses obtained from Uda were obtained from this different plane, and the key here is a small thousand world.

   When the three of them came, dozens of streamers flew out of Cangping City, among them there were nearly 20 kings, and all the others were Tier 5 or Tier 6 imperial masters.

   It is strange that among these people, there is no double word king.

   Among them, the leader is Xiang Uda.

   "Welcome to Emperor Wen!"

   "Welcome Emperor Wu to come!"

   "Welcome to the King of Saints!"

   As if organized, everyone shouted slogans, and their expressions were full of respect.

   This time, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu specially asked Li Changsheng to stand in the middle, looking like Li Changsheng headed, which surprised Xiang Yutian and others.

   Although Li Changsheng is not an emperor yet, he is definitely stronger than Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu who have not yet recovered. The key is that he has saved their lives successively.

   "Free gift!"

Li Changsheng did not be polite with Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu. They certainly do not lack kings, but he lacks. If he wants to occupy the southeast area, he alone is definitely not enough. You must have a large number of kings and double-word kings. Otherwise, how can the gates of the abyss suppress .

   Li Changsheng is not nothing to do. Now that the Spirit Emperor has fallen, the gate of the abyss originally suppressed by the Spirit Emperor must be suppressed by him himself.

   In the following process, Li Changsheng began to negotiate with Xiang Yutian and others. From beginning to end, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu did not speak.

   There is absolutely no objection to Li Changsheng, Xiang Yutian and others. Because of the Wanwang Palace, they have learned that Li Changsheng has killed Emperor Ai in three minutes, and even almost killed Emperor Feng.

   How powerful, I am afraid that it is also one of the best among the remaining five emperors.

   With the fall of Emperor Ai, there is still one of the nine emperors hanging in the air, and Li Changsheng has a great chance.

   To take a step back, even if the throne is occupied by others, Li Changsheng can still achieve his goals through the killing of the emperor, instead of waiting like the previous double-character king.

   With the refuge of Xiang Yutian and others, the number of kings under Li Changsheng's group skyrocketed, directly reaching more than 20 people.

  It's just that the number of kings under the spirit emperor clearly exceeds fifty, and now there are only less than twenty left, so where did the other kings and double-word kings go?

   "My brother and the Dark Moon King took away most of the kings. They headed north and have already taken refuge in His Majesty Xuanhuang at this moment."

Xiang Yutian answered his doubts. His face was very ugly. He also tried to persuade more kings and even double-character but his appeal is limited. Maybe it is similar to the prince, but it is similar to the dark. The Moon King is far from each other.

   Dark Moon King is the only top double-character king in the Sky Spirit Empire. It can be said to be the right arm of the Spirit Emperor. It is rumored that he has five demon emperor level demon pets.

   Li Changsheng's heart sank, they were still late after all, and now there is no chance to stop them.

   After getting in touch with the Emperor Xuan, the Dark Moon King and others expressed their willingness to follow the Emperor Xuan. The Emperor Xuanhuang left the northern area alone and took them away.

   In this way, Emperor Xuan has another top double-character king, and a top double-character king with five demon emperor-level demon pets.

   If the Emperor Xuan devotes all his efforts to training, I am afraid that it will not take long for the Dark Moon King to sit on the throne of the emperor.

   Of course, there are also opportunities for the top double-character kings under the other two emperors and five emperors. In short, this vacant emperor will not stay for long.

  According to Li Changsheng's estimation, it is probably only a few months. If you have breakthrough resources such as rule crystallization in your hand, it may be possible within a few days.

   Obviously, this is not good news for Li Changsheng.

   "Anyone who is not good at taking refuge must take refuge in the Emperor Xuan."

Li Changsheng had a sullen face. If the Dark Moon King turned to the Blood Emperor, the Origin Emperor, and the Thunder Emperor, he wouldn't care, but he turned to the Profound Emperor and took away most of the kings and double-character kings. This made Li Changsheng feel that Disgusted.

   On Li Changsheng’s list of kills, the name Night King was added.


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