Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1415: Incarnate as a 3-foot golden crow

If you ignore the unique nature of the beast, among the many top beasts, the three-legged golden crow can be said to be one of the best, not only offensive and defensive, but the key speed is really fast, and there are almost no defects at all.

Even many unique beasts with the same realm and quality may not necessarily be the opponents of the three-legged golden crow.

Li Changsheng ran the "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow", refining pieces of treasures, and his physical strength continued to rise.

It didn't take long to finally reach the tipping point.

At this time, the heaven and earth rare treasures had been used up, and Li Changsheng began to refine the low-grade world wonders of heaven and earth treasures, especially the round melt beads.

Except for one for Glidi, Li Changsheng can refine seven round melting beads.

Yuanrongzhu is a treasure of heaven and earth on the plane of dawn, which can greatly increase the probability of breaking through the upper legendary powerhouse, but it is of no use to Li Changsheng.

During this process, Li Changsheng's physical body continued to strengthen, and golden sun fire appeared on the surface of his body, and he spontaneously vented outwards, gradually covering a range of 100 meters.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng specially came to the edge of the secret realm to practice "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow", otherwise, if he was still in the Central Medicine Garden, he would not know how many precious spiritual plants would be destroyed.

In addition to the chaotic fire, the real fire of the sun can be said to be the most destructive flame in the world. The ground under Li Changsheng's feet melted and turned into hot and thick magma, and it continued to expand.

When the real fire concentration of the sun reached its extreme, a magma pool with a radius of 10,000 meters was successfully born, the temperature was exaggerated to the extreme, and the nearby space was emitting strong ripples.

The next moment, a three-legged golden crow that was hundreds of meters in size flew out of the magma pool, and the real fire of the sun appeared on the surface, full of mighty and domineering aura.

The three-legged golden crow soared in the sky for a few times, and immediately converged the real fire of the sun on the surface of the body, and when it fell on the ground, it turned into Li Changsheng's appearance.

When the "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow" reaches the ninth, you can have the ability to incarnate the three-legged Golden Crow.

Obviously, Li Changsheng reached the ninth turn in an instant.

I have to say that the advantages of "The Nine Revolutions of Golden Crow" are very prominent. It allows Li Changsheng to have the ability to incarnate the three-legged Golden Crow of the Demon Emperor at the stage of the Double Character King. , Can only play the demon saint level level at present.

This also means that Li Changsheng has one more trump card. The key three-footed Golden Crow is absolutely among the top three of many beasts in terms of speed, and it can exert a huge effect whether it is chasing or fleeing.

Li Changsheng felt it carefully, and roughly estimated that his physical strength had increased by more than 50%. I am afraid that even the emperor might not be able to beat him in physical strength.

The improvement in strength made Li Changsheng full of self-confidence, but he still took a deep breath and suppressed his inner desires. It is not the time to trouble the Emperor.

Even if you can incarnate the three-legged Golden Crow of the Demon Emperor, it will also shorten the gap between the human emperors. Even if you count the future Xumidan and the Ziji Jinjue starry crown, it is difficult for Li Changsheng to be the human emperor's opponent.

Even Emperor Wu has a treasure at the bottom of the box like the Yin-Yang Shen Shuo. Not to mention the Emperor who has lived for nearly ten thousand years. In addition to the treasures, there must be no shortage of things that have greatly improved combat power but have great side effects. Treasures or pill, but the emperor has no chance to use it for the time being.

After adapting, Li Changsheng began to calm down and began to refine the essence and blood.

Among the corpses of this group of monster pets, the corpses of Qingluan and Hongluan with the highest value are the corpses of middle-ranked divine beasts, and they are all of the Phoenix bloodline of Dacheng level.

12+3+1. In theory, they can purify each of 16 cans of Phoenix essence and blood. In fact, with Li Changsheng’s extraction rate, the two add up to about ten cans. It is a heavy task to let Hongluan evolve into a phoenix. And the way is far.

The corpses of the other demon pets are not of the Phoenix blood. The reason why the Emperor Feng is the Phoenix Emperor is mainly because she possesses a Phoenix and the most treasure of the Phoenix family. You cannot think that she has many demon pets of the Phoenix blood because of her title.

In addition to the corpses of the demon pets of Emperor Ai and Feng, there are also the corpses of the sacred unicorn and the twelve-armed naga that were captured when the Dark Night Empire was captured.

It also took a short half a day for Li Changsheng to finish refining and not only obtained a bunch of essence and blood, but also a lot of precious materials.

Among these blood, the Phoenix blood has the largest quantity, which is exactly ten cans, followed by eight cans of sacred unicorn blood, and six cans of twelve-armed naga blood.

Unlike Qingluan and Hongluan, which can evolve into phoenixes, the bloodline of the twelve-armed naga and the sacred unicorn has reached the end, and Li Changsheng has a purification rate of more than 50%.

Since the twelve-armed naga is only skin and bones, this is also the main reason why the amount of refined blood is not as good as that of the sacred unicorn.

There is still a big gap in Ning Bizhen's ten-armed naga to evolve into twelve-armed naga.

After processing, Li Changsheng went to the plane of dawn at the fastest speed, went to the Gourd Valley specially, removed the altar that sealed the death wing of the ancestral black dragon, and released the death wing.


Deathwing let out a dragon chant, inciting the dragon wings that covered the sky and the sun, and subconsciously wanted to escape.

Although it has three chapters with Li Changsheng, Deathwing does not trust humans.

However, he has not waited for the wings of death to fly far, Li Changsheng appeared in front of the wings of death at an exaggerated speed, and directly used the great supernatural power of Ruyi, large and small, and transformed into a giant hundreds of meters high. The wing of the dragon's tail is just a hug.


Deathwing wanted to struggle, but was unable to break free. It was stunned to find that its strength was not as good as a human being. It was easily knocked to the ground by Li Changsheng, making it dizzy.

Li Changsheng smashed Deathwing's two punches together, stunned directly, and began to draw its blood.

After these months of ‘cultivation’, the key to restore the bloodline imprints of the spiritual planting effect, the bloodline imprints in Deathwing's body have been restored a lot.

This time, Li Changsheng drew a lot of blood until he drew Deathwing to a weakened With these blood, plus the previous inventory, Li Changsheng felt that his secondary ancestor Black Dragon would be Go further.

This also meant that Death Wing was of no use anymore, and he decided to give it to Emperor Wu according to the plan.

Although Deathwing is only in the realm of Demon Saint, it is a sacred beast no matter what, its combat power is comparable to an ordinary demon emperor grade demon pet, and there is further hope.

Li Changsheng didn't stay on the plane of dawn for a long time, just after instructing King Hades, King Kun and Gridi some things, he immediately returned to the fairy world.

In order to avoid being attacked by the Emperor, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu have not yet left the Tianling Empire, and the three of them are ready to support them at any time.

After handing the Death Wings to Emperor Wu, Li Changsheng once again came to the secret realm and began to refine the blood of the ancestral black dragon.

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