Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1416: Yenogu, King of Gnolls

Before long, Li Changsheng's purification was completed, plus the previous inventory, there were 13 pots of ancestral black dragon essence blood, enough for the secondary ancestral black dragon to evolve.

In addition, Li Changsheng also summoned Ning Bizhen's bright dragon horse.

Tianma's essence and blood have not yet been collected, but Li Changsheng has enough sacred unicorn essence and blood in his hands, both of which are sacred beasts of the light type, and have a high compatibility.

There are about ten pots of sacred unicorn blood in Li Changsheng's hands. Even if the Bright Dragon Horse cannot evolve into a divine beast at once, it is enough to make its strength even further.

In the next moment, the secondary ancestors Black Dragon and Bright Dragon Horse began to refine their blood.

Among them, Guangming Rongma has one more step, and that is to integrate into the second bloodline. Needless to say, Li Changsheng has a lot of resources.

Soon, the ancestral black dragon lay on the ground, a blue brilliance appeared all over his body.

The bright dragon horse is suspended in the air, exuding a soft milky white brilliance, shining the light all over the earth, and it feels like a soft little sun.

Li Changsheng waited quietly, Guangming Longma took the lead in fusing the second bloodline, and his aura rose abruptly.

Since Guangming Longma has not yet reached the 9th level of Demon Saint, naturally he did not try to break through.

But this time integrating into the second bloodline still gave Guangming Ryoma a lot of benefits.

[Leprechaun name]: Bright Dragon Horse (growth period, semi-divine beast)

[Goblin Realm]: Demon Saint Tier 4

[Fairy Race]: High Domination

[Fairy Quality]: Half an Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: Pegasus (majestic), sacred unicorn (majestic)

[Fairy Attributes]: Bright

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

In addition to a slight improvement in realm, the race of Guangming Ryoma has risen to a higher level, and the most important thing is that the quality has been sublimated from the best to a half-step epic.

In addition, there are changes in characteristics and blood inheritance skills, which are enough to double the strength of Bright Dragon Horse.

On the other hand, the secondary ancestor black dragon has successfully evolved into the ancestral black dragon, which is two or three times larger than before, but it has not yet woken up and is trying to break through.

The secondary ancestor black dragon tried to break through the demon saint level three to four times, but all ended in failure. This time, after evolving into the ancestral black dragon, there is no possibility of failure in theory.

No accident happened, the ancestral black dragon successfully broke through the demon saint level and became the first temporary beast demon pet in Li Changsheng's hands.

As a result, including the temporary demon pet, Li Changsheng no longer has the Demon King-level demon pet in his hands.

[Fairy Name]: Ancestral Black Dragon (growth period, condense the source of the Upanishad, greatly enhance the power of skills; Guardian of the Uplandish: Part of the damage exemption, depending on the opponent's realm.)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Saint Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: The middle-ranked beast

[Fairy Quality]: Half an Epic

【Fairy Bloodline】: None

[Fairy Attributes]: Water

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

Like Guangming Longma, the quality of the ancestral black dragon has also improved a step, slightly strengthening Li Changsheng's combat power.

In terms of characteristics, the original strong characteristics are sublimated to the vigorous characteristics, making the ancestral black dragon more flexible.

At the same time, there is one more regeneration feature.

Although it is far from the five-color dragon god's broken finger regeneration characteristics, it can still improve the endurance after all.

As for the bloodline inheritance skills, they completely inherited all the dragon family inheritance of the ancestral black dragon, which is omitted.

At this moment, Li Changsheng has been sitting in the Diamond Fortress.

The Diamond Fortress is as its name. The city walls and buildings are crystal clear, and it is famous for its hardness. It feels like a diamond. This is also the origin of the name of the Diamond Fortress.

This is a low-level man-made material, but with the area of ​​the Diamond Fortress, the cost of these materials alone is an astronomical figure.

The diamond fortress suppressed the gate of the higher abyss. Since the spirit emperor fell, the slippery demon began to test and almost captured the diamond fortress without a leader.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng arrived in time and finally saved the Diamond Fortress.

However, all the kings and double-character kings who originally sat in the Diamond Fortress were taken over by the Dark Moon King, and they took refuge in the Emperor Xuan together.

In this case, Li Changsheng could only sit in the Diamond Fortress and sent several kings to assist in the suppression.

This high gate of the abyss communicates with the 422nd floor of the abyss, and the owner of this abyss is the king of the jackals, Yenogu.

Among the many demon monarchs, the strength of the king of gnolls, Yeenogu, is relatively weak, but no matter how hard it is, it is equivalent to the gods with weak divine power.

In the dispute with the spirit emperor, Yeenogu has always been at a disadvantage, but Yeenogu is more treacherous, coupled with the relationship of the abyss consciousness, this is not beheaded by the spirit emperor.

Of course, the suspicion that Lingdi raised the bandits' self-respect was not ruled out. After all, if Yenogu was killed, it would be unknown who would receive the 422nd abyss. It could be a more powerful demon monarch, or even the gods living in the abyss.

Due to Yenogu's relationship, Li Changsheng wanted to leave the Diamond Fortress. There were probably two options.

1. Let a top double-character king guard the fortress and cooperate with a large forbidden formation to resist the demon monarch for a period of time.

2. Kill Yeenogu.

The two plans have advantages and disadvantages. In the first plan, the Dark Moon King had always guarded the spirit emperor when he went out.

But Li Changsheng does not have a top double-character king, and the strength of the king of Hades has not recovered. Only Ning Bizhen has the ability to wrestle with the top double-character king.

However, this kind of work is dangerous, and Li Changsheng has no idea of ​​letting Ning Bizhen take risks.

Therefore, Li Changsheng can only choose the second one, even if there will be other demonic monarchs or evil gods occupying the 422nd floor of the abyss after the killing of Yenogu, but there must be a hollow period, which is likely to be more than one year, or even ten years. Not necessarily.

As long as Li Changsheng was given one year, he was not afraid even when facing the spider queen Rose's body, naturally he didn't take it too seriously.

Yenogu's strength is similar to that of the Demon Emperor's beasts, plus many good younger brothers and home advantage, if it weren't for the Xuankun Fortune Li Changsheng would not be too sure to stay. Nogu.

Due to the fall of the spirit emperor, Yeenogu took the initiative to come to the fairy world not long ago, sitting near the gate of the higher abyss, wanting to take the opportunity to capture the Diamond Fortress.

At that time, Li Changsheng rescued the Diamond Fortress. He did not encounter Yeenogu, but his lord. Therefore, he did not exert much strength and his performance was similar to that of the top double-word king. He was completely showing the enemy to weaken, so as to paralyze Yeno. ancient.

Li Changsheng did not take the initiative to find Yeenogu, mainly because Yeenogu had too many men, who were relatively loyal, and the gate of the abyss was nearby, Yeenogu could return to the 422nd floor of the abyss at any time.

Rather than that, it is better to wait and see, I believe that in a short while, Yenogu will take the initiative to invade the Diamond Fortress, and then it will be done once and for all.

The next thing to do is to wait, waiting for Yeenogu to throw himself into the net.

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