Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1417: Lucky Zhao Yuanqing

During the waiting time, Li Changsheng was preparing to re-refine a set of star pans. Now he has occupied the Heavenly Spirit Empire. The rulers of nearby countries are also rushing to proclaim their vassals and claim tribute. He is already the ruler of the southeast region, and How can there be a lack of these more common materials.

Even the materials for refining the Sun Star Pan and Lunar Star Pan of the Purple Mansion Precious Treasure level, he can get them together.

This wait lasts for five days, which is a bit beyond Li Changsheng's expectation. Originally, in his opinion, Yeenogu should be like other chaotic evil demons eagerly trying to occupy the fortress.

Among them, Li Changsheng spent two days refining a set of star pans, which is a bit stronger than the previous one. This is mainly a more skilled relationship, including the rare sun of the purple mansion and the lunar star pans.

With three days left, Li Changsheng spent most of his time comprehending the Big Five Elements technique, and finally reached the threshold.

It is worthy of being one of the top ten in the Three Thousand Avenues. It is far more difficult to comprehend than grand deduction. Fortunately, the five-color peacock blood contained in Li Changsheng's body, coupled with the effects of the Taoist jade and the fruit of wisdom, can make a preliminary understanding in a short time. Big Five Elements Technique.

Li Changsheng experimented a lot, even if it was only a beginner's threshold, the power of the Big Five Elements technique performed well, especially when incarnation of the five-color peacock, the power of the five-color light was increased by more than 50%.

There is such a big bonus at the initial entry barrier, so what about small success, great success or even consummation? Li Changsheng couldn't imagine that if this continued to improve, it could be said to be the nemesis of the five-element demon pet.

In the past, Li Changsheng used to transform into a giant with a hundred arms and Dijiang most often. He rarely transformed into a basalt, a five-color peacock, a giant python, or an ice crystal phoenix. The main reason was that the giant with a hundred arms and Dijiang had too obvious advantages.

Now that he understands the Big Five Elements technique, transforming into a five-color peacock will become a routine method.

Of course, there is also the demon emperor-level three-legged Golden Crow transformation that comes with "Golden Crow Nine Turns" after reaching the ninth turn.

In addition to greatly increasing the power of the five-color sacred light, the Big Five Elements technique can also bless the five-element demon pets, but it can only increase the power of the skills of that attribute by 10%, which can only be regarded as slightly better than nothing.

In addition to the perception of the Big Five Elements technique, Li Changsheng also spends some time practicing every day. With the assistance of the time delay forbidden formation and the four-claw silver dragon, one day is equivalent to three days. s help.

Of course, every three days, Li Changsheng still displays flowers for some top spiritual plants for an instant. The star fruit trees in the big week have already grown green fruits with faint stars. I believe they will mature in a few days.

During these five days, those kings and double-character kings who were trapped by Li Changsheng in the Hall of Kings have come in droves, and most of them have come to the Heavenly Spirit Empire, including King Yuheng.

By convention, these kings and double-character kings have taken the oath of heaven to be loyal to Li Chang.

Li Changsheng arranged them to various key points. Among them, King Yuheng took ten kings to guard the border of the Monopoly Mountains.

With their strength, dealing with the beast tide can be said to be nothing. If the monopoly mountain range invades, Li Changsheng does not expect them to be able to stop it. Their duty is to warn and delay.

What I have to say is that the two senior double-character kings promised by Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu are already in place, and their duty is to suppress the gate of the middle abyss.

In addition, Li Changsheng also asked a king to go to the kingdom to replace the bitter king Zhao Yuanqing to suppress the inferior abyss gate, allowing Zhao Yuanqing to enter the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

Li Changsheng desperately needed a confidant of the Shuangzi King level to sit in the imperial capital, among which Zhao Yuanqing was undoubtedly the most suitable goal.

One, Zhao Yuanqing is already the top king.

Second, he has a strong character and swears allegiance to the way of heaven.

Third, the lifespan is not much.

As for Ning Bizhen, Li Changsheng has not entrusted him with important tasks for the time being. Bringing him around can not only ensure her safety, but also add two points of strength out of thin air, and he has greater confidence in the face of the emperor.

In view of the fact that there are not many resources in his hand to assist in breaking through the demon saint level, Li Changsheng directly handed the blood of Zhao Yuanqing's demon pet to Zhao Yuanqing. I believe that as long as the luck is not too bad, Zhao Yuanqing will be able to gather six demon saint level demon pets and try to advance. Double word king.

Zhao Yuanqing's luck was not bad, but on the contrary, it was quite good. Among them, three demon pets were directly promoted to the Demon Saint level. While Zhao Yuanqing's strength greatly increased, he also had a greater certainty to try to break through the Double Character King.

No accident, Zhao Yuanqing was promoted to the Double Character King smoothly.

Zhao Yuanqing's appearance has undergone a lot of changes, from the original wrinkled and dying old man to a soft-faced middle-aged man, he is obviously younger.

After being promoted to the Double Character Queen, Zhao Yuanqing wanted several demon pets that had reached the 9th demon saint to try to break through the demon emperor level.

Originally, Zhao Yuanqing didn't hold out much hope, but unexpectedly, Li Changsheng once again gave him a lot of blood that matched the demon pet. Among them, the four-clawed black dragon had the most blood, with twelve pots in full.

Zhao Yuanqing's Demon Sage Dragon Python evolved into a Flood Dragon as early as last year. It has the bloodline of a four-clawed black dragon. As long as it absorbs and refines these twelve pots of blood, it can smoothly evolve into a four-clawed black dragon.

Including the Jiaolong, Zhao Yuanqing has four demon pets trying to break through the Demon Emperor level. Whether it can break through the Demon Emperor level depends on his luck.

Zhao Yuanqing's luck was not good. In the end, the Flood Dragon successfully broke through the Demon Emperor level after evolving the four-clawed black dragon.

Zhao Yuanqing, who possesses a monster emperor-level sacred animal, is strong enough to compare with the senior double-character king, even if he encounters an ordinary top double-character king, he can basically retreat with his whole body.

This time, Zhao Yuanqing entrusted Li Changsheng's blessing. Not only was he promoted to the King of Double Characters, he also possessed a monster emperor rank. The key point was that he would no longer have to worry about Shouyuan, at least he could live for a few hundred years.

For Li Changsheng's generous help, Zhao Yuanqing was naturally grateful and heartfelt, making it feel like he was treating a new parent.

Li Changsheng sent him to the imperial capital Cangping City, UU reading asked Zhao Yuanqing to manage the Heavenly Spirit Empire, and Xiang Yutian assisted him. I believe it will not take long for the Heavenly Spirit Empire to return to turbulence.

On this day, Li Changsheng was floating above the Diamond Fortress, watching the distance quietly.

From his point of view, you will find that there is a black line in the distance, which becomes larger and larger as the distance is drawn.

Obviously, the magic wave is coming. After Yenogu was fully prepared, he finally took the initiative to invade the Diamond Fortress.

In the past five days, the treacherous Yeenogu also asked his demons to test the Diamond Fortress many times. Li Changsheng took the initiative to show the enemy’s weakness, drew a lot of the number of people in the Diamond Fortress, not to mention, and deliberately left a few lives. .

After these few cheers and vinegar returned to Yeenogu, Yenogu finally made a decision to invade the diamond fortress of the ‘defense emptiness’.

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