Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1418: The end of Yenogu

Compared with other demon monarchs, Yenogu is in the lower level, perhaps because of this, it is more cautious than other demon monarchs.

From the very beginning, Yenogu didn't take any action personally, but instead signaled his lord and commander to besiege the Diamond Fortress. It itself was always observing the movement on the fortress.

Li Changsheng didn’t move lightly, he began to organize a counterattack with a manpower to fight back the waves of demons. He didn’t go all out, just let a few demon saint-level monster pets attack, and he didn’t even use the demon saint-level beasts. He was completely showing the enemy. To weak.

On the other side, Ning Bizhen is the same.

Under the organization of the two, they successfully repelled waves of demons and even gained a clear upper hand in the fight with the two demon lords.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, other demon leaders, big demons, etc. also have other powerhouses to deal with, and the suppression of geography and heaven also prevails.

The place where the Diamond Fortress was established is naturally a place where the consciousness of the heavens obviously suppresses the consciousness of the abyss, and at least it can weaken the demon's combat power by 30%.

If it is more outside, the weakening will be greater, but it will greatly lengthen the front, and it will not be easy to deploy.

Seeing that the two demon lords fell in the wind, Yeenogu had to take action personally. There were only three demon lords under him, and one of them had to sit on the 422nd floor of the abyss. They could be said to be Yeenogu’s right-hand man, and the other one was great. Loss.

The most important thing is that Yeenogu used the Secret Treasure to explore the radius of a hundred miles, thinking that he had seen through the virtual reality of the Diamond Fortress, and confirmed that there was no emperor set up ambush nearby.

Yenogu shot, it rushed forward at a spooky speed, like a black meteor, almost spanning a distance of more than ten miles in the blink of an eye, towards Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen to kill.

Yeenogu didn't put the two double-character kings in his eyes at all, thinking that as long as he made his own moves, the two double-character kings would be solved by it like a chicken.

For a hundred years, Yenogu naturally confronted the Double Character King. He knew their combat power and overall strength was similar to that of the Demon Lord. Even the top Double Character King Dark Moon King was not his opponent. He could only cooperate with large-scale players. The ban barely dealt with it for a while.

In Yeenogu's view, how could it be its opponent with the combat power shown by the two.

It is this kind of self-confidence that Yeenogu can't help but belittle it.

However, at this moment, Li Changsheng's mind moved, and the entrance to the secret realm opened, and the demon pets exuding powerful aura came in droves.

Kailan was extremely fast, and instantly condensed the dark green lightsaber, colliding with Yeenogu's claws.

Yenogu's body only shook, but Kailan flew back a certain distance, seeming to be a judgement, but Kailan's shot also blocked Yenogu's offensive.

"not good!"

Feeling the amazing demon pets, Yeenogu's expression changed drastically. At this time, he didn't know that the other party was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, waiting for it to come up.

Without hesitation, Yeenogu wanted to leave the battlefield, and the opponent was clearly prepared, and coupled with the suppression of the heavenly consciousness, Yeenogu naturally had a retreat.

But at this moment, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved, 365 star pans emerged from the void, forming a Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation in an instant, and the nearby scenes changed rapidly, turning into the scene of the ancient fairy world.

At the same time, the figures of Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen's demon pets, and the two demon lords suddenly disappeared, and the nearby scenes changed rapidly, giving Yeenogu the illusion that the south, east, north, west, and even up, down, left, and right sides were all upside down.

Yenogu's look hits like never before. It is very clear that it has encountered an unprecedented crisis. If one fails to deal with it, it is likely to fall awaiting it.

After all, Yeenogu is a long-famous demon monarch, with a profound background, and he naturally has a way to deal with the illusion created by the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array.

In an instant, a bead that seemed to seal a pair of eyes suspended above Yeenogu's head, each of which had two pupils.

Under Yenogu's control, the eyes turned around, and there were no dead ends at all.

Yenogu's mind is connected to the beads, and the vision fed back from the beads is completely different from what his eyes see.

One is the scene in the Diamond Fortress, and the other is the ever-changing world of ancient goblins.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Before Yeenogu finished observing the nearby scene, he heard two deafening screams. Its expression suddenly became ugly, and he hurriedly looked in the direction of the screams.

The two demon lords who were fighting with Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen are now in different parts of their bodies. Their auras quickly disappeared and eventually disappeared.

The demon pets completely killed the two demon lords in a sec-kill attitude. In addition to the suppression of the heavenly consciousness and the effect of the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, the most important thing is the strength of the demon pets.

Yeenogu's mind was raised instantly, and he wanted to get out of Hunyuan Heluo's forbidden formation with the effect of the orb.

However, Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation is not waiting for idle forbidden formation, how can it be broken so easily.

As soon as Yenogu retreated to the edge of the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, the universe was reversed. The Yenogu who was retreating instantly became forward. Although Yenogu stopped the trend instantly, its speed was too fast. In a moment of effort, he returned from the edge of the forbidden array to the center of the forbidden array.

Without waiting for Yenogu's chance to escape, one black and one white lightsabers were condensed during the day and night, which were quickly cut from the left and right sides.

Ding Ding~

Yenogu merged his hands and eyes, and his claw lifted collided with the two lightsabers.

However, just when they were about to collide, the two lightsabers were suddenly released.

As the demon monarch, Yenogou has extremely rich combat experience, and he immediately felt bad in his heart and wanted to withdraw and retreat.

However, Kailan and Ashe intercepted from the rear, and the two-footed Golden Crow attacked above them, and it seemed that there was no enemy below.

The time is still has time to think, it can only grit its teeth and fall downwards like a pendulum.

Suddenly, a large amount of golden flames appeared below instantly, turning into a sea of ​​flames, and Yenogu, like a moth that flies to the fire,'actively' landed in the golden flames.

As soon as he came into contact with Jin Yan, Yeenogu felt a burst of intense burning pain, and the skin on his body almost instantly turned into charcoal, and it was rapidly eroding the flesh and bones.

In addition, there is also the high temperature that seems to melt the space, which directly caused Yenogu to be traumatized.

The true fire of the sun is indeed the most overbearing flame, even if Yenogu is the demon lord, it is still unbearable. Once it lasts for a while, it will be burnt to charcoal.

Yenogu hurriedly increased the amount of magic energy, and instantly condensed into a black shield, finally blocking the erosion of the real fire of the sun.

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