Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1419: Anomaly at Hell's Gate

However, the good times did not last long. Yenogu just put the shield outside, and a three-legged golden crow with a wingspan of several hundred meters suddenly appeared in front of it, with a sharp beak pecking **** the black shield. Cooperating with the real fire of the sun that was still burning, the black shield only lasted for an instant, before it was broken, and continued to peck towards Yeenogu.

There is no doubt that this is the three-legged Golden Crow of the Demon Emperor incarnation of Li Changsheng.

Yeenogu was shocked and hurriedly raised his claws and collided with the three-legged golden crow's beak.


Yenogu felt a huge force coming and flew back involuntarily, but not far behind it was Dui, whose body seemed to be actively slamming into Dui's giant claws.

Due to the relationship of the orb, Yenogu can see through the illusion, and there is no dead angle in 360°. When he discovered that there was a giant bronze claw behind it, he was obviously taken aback, and he was evasive in the moment.

However, Dui had more than one giant claw. The next moment, another three giant claws attacked, almost covering Yeenogu.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Yeenogu had to choose to pass by with Dumb at the least cost.

The black blood hurriedly shot out, and Yeenogu's thigh had a deep bone scar. Fortunately, Yeenogu was a demon lord and had a powerful saving throw ability, otherwise his thigh would be absolutely unsafe.

Even so, Yenogu's situation is extremely disadvantageous.

Before Yeenogu stopped the retreat trend, a splendid lightning smashed down at an astonishing speed. Yeenogu couldn't react, and was hit by the lightning instantly.

This is Lei Qilin's Profound Demon Demon Slayer Thunder. Although it is not as powerful as the Purple Cloud Thunder, it has a powerful restraint effect on the evil camp.

In addition, Lei Qilin has absorbed the Zixiao Demon Extinguishing Profound Temple Orb, as well as comprehending the true meaning of Thunder, the **** of evil spirits, and carrying the artifact Qiangliang's Wrath has greatly increased the damage and paralysis effect on evil creatures, even if Lei Qilin is still in the demon. Holy rank, but the damage caused to Yeenogu by this blow was extremely astonishing.


Yenogu screamed sternly, and felt a pain deep in his bone marrow coming from all over his body, and his whole body was covered with flesh, and he was directly hit hard.

Even worse happened, and Yenogu fell into a state of paralysis.

Although for Yenogu, the devilish energy can be used to dispel the paralysis in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, there is still a chance for it to breathe.

Under Yeenogu's desperate gaze, the three-legged Golden Crow flew above it instantly and stretched out its third leg.

This leg is big and thick, and it can be changed in size and hardness. There are holes on the key, which can breathe the real fire of the sun concentrated into liquid, and hit the opponent by surprise.

Regarding the third leg of the Three-legged Golden Crow, Li Changsheng can be said to be like an arm, maneuvering freely, just like a part of himself.

Under Yeenogu's desperate and horrified gaze, Li Changsheng's third foot clasped Yeenogu's head, and the real fire of the sun attached to the third foot once again filled Yeenogu's body, and it screamed again and again in pain.

Without giving Yenogu a chance, the third leg of the three-legged Golden Crow twisted hard, and accompanied by the cracking sound of bone fracture, he directly took off Yenogu's head.

At this moment, a black light rushed out of Yeenogu's head, and it was about to turn into a streamer and flew toward the gate of the higher abyss.

As the demon monarch, Yenogu naturally could not die so easily.

However, as soon as Hei Mang flew for a certain distance, a huge swallowing force was concentrated on it, and then he was drawn into the gate of hell, and was immediately transferred to the gate of heaven.


Yenogu's screams sounded again, and then stopped abruptly, but its soul was directly purified by the light of purification, and its soul flew away.

Unexpected things happened. After purifying Yeenogu's soul, besides a large group of abyss consciousness, there was a pure black air in the gate of heaven.

Before Li Changsheng could react, this group of black energy was melted into the gate of hell.

As Li Changsheng's enlightened object, he was not generally concerned about the gate of light and darkness, and hurriedly checked it carefully with mental power, for fear that the gate of light and darkness might be lost.


Suddenly, Li Changsheng gave a startled suspicion, but from the feedback of his mental power, the gate of light and darkness, no, it should be that the light spot representing the gate of **** has risen significantly.

At the same time, the gates of **** changed slightly, mainly focusing on the portals, but with more portraits of Yenogu.

"Could it be that... killing the demon lord can strengthen the gates of hell?"

Li Changsheng couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, and he didn't blame him for thinking so, mainly because the gate of light and darkness had swallowed souls such as demon lord and demon leader, but such a scene had never happened before.

If Li Changsheng's thoughts are true, then in his eyes the demon lord will become a sweet pastry, a resource for promotion at the gate of hell.

The gate of **** is promoted, and even the power of the gate of light and darkness will continue to improve.

Of course, it may also lead to imbalances.

This is a complete set of treasures, after all, if the power of the gate of **** is far superior to the gate of heaven, it will not only have benefits, but also have disadvantages, and it may not be possible to do as it is now.

"The soul of the demon monarch can promote the gate of hell, so what about the gate of heaven? Corresponding to it should be a blazing angel? Or a god? Is the soul of a demon king-level demon pet feasible?"

Li Changsheng began to imagine that, from the perspective of the level of the soul, the demon monarch, blazing angels, and gods exist at the same level.

It's hard to say about Demon Emperor level demon pets. After all, compared with the demon monarch, most Demon Emperor level demon pets have longevity restrictions, and perhaps only Demon Emperor level beasts can live forever.

In any case, Li Changsheng wanted to try.

"It is very likely that you have to use the Light Department."

Li Changsheng made the following judgments and carefully checked the door of light and darkness. After confirming that there was no problem, he brought it back to the sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, Li Changsheng took back Star Pan, and after looking at the situation in the Diamond Fortress at will, he leisurely began to collect the spoils.

With the demon nature ~ As the demon lord and two demon lords died, they were naturally defeated, and immediately fled at the fastest speed.

The diamond fortress defenders started chasing and killing them all the way to the gate of the higher abyss before they stopped.

Li Changsheng had already cleaned the battlefield, and Yeenogu and the two lords carried space objects with them, but they all had soul imprints, so Li Changsheng had to soak them in the water of the stars.

In addition, there is the gem that can see through the illusion, these are the harvests of Li Changsheng.

With the fall of Yenogu, Tiandao naturally gave awards. Due to the relationship between Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen or the King of Double Characters, the merits and virtues of this award are ten times that of the emperor.

In terms of contribution conversion, Ning Bizhen is only 20%, but Li Changsheng is divided into as many as eight layers.

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