Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1420: Tears of the Fallen Angel

The merits gained this time are so great that the gate of light and darkness will take only half a year to reach.

Obviously, Heaven's reward for the demon lord was far beyond Li Changsheng's expectations.

This is not surprising. With the system of the abyss, mass production can be achieved like Demon Lords and Demon Leaders. Only the Demon Lords are counted, and the ‘yield’ is very low.

The demon lord is very destructive, but quite cunning, it is not easy to kill. For hundreds of years, only two demon monarchs were killed, beheaded by the human emperor and the blood emperor respectively.

This time, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen were the demon monarchs who were killed as the double-character kings. According to the usual practice, the reward was ten times that of the emperor who killed the demon monarch. This allowed them to reap a lot of merit. Xuan Huang Qi.

Li Changsheng looked into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he saw a large cloud of meritocracy suspended in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. Although it is certainly not enough to refine the most valuable merits, the spiritual treasures of merits are definitely enough, and can even approach or even reach the point of Xuanhuangbaojian.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Changsheng decided to use up this batch of Kungfu and Huangzhi Qi, and he decided to try to condense the Golden Wheel of Kungfu.

The golden wheel of merit is like a special treasure, but it does not require material refining, only a large amount of meritorious yellow energy is needed to condense it.

In the next moment, a large amount of energetic Xuanhuang Gongde Qi emerged, spontaneously converging behind Li Changsheng's head, and finally turned into a group of golden wheels with a diameter of only 20 or 30 centimeters.

This is not so much a golden wheel, as it is a golden group, as long as you continue to infuse the gong virtuous yellow energy in the future, it will eventually turn into a merit golden wheel.

Even so, the golden group also has part of the effect of the golden wheel of merit. Although it will not be invaded by all evils, it is not far behind. As long as the evil type is close to Li Changsheng, it will continue to be hurt.

Not only that, anyone who wants to kill Li Changsheng must carefully weigh it. Once he kills Li Changsheng, he will be backlashed by powerful karma, and it is likely to directly form a red lotus karmic fire back to his body, unless he possesses a large amount of merit and profound yellow energy. To offset, or have a special means to subdue karma, otherwise you have to carefully weigh it, which also means that Li Changsheng's safety is a little more guaranteed.

In addition, Li Changsheng felt that his head was clear, his thinking was no longer negatively affected, and his comprehension was improved to a certain extent.

Li Changsheng expressed his satisfaction with the effect of the golden group. This is only the golden group. If a complete merit golden wheel is formed, the effect will definitely be greatly improved.

Li Changsheng believes that it will not take too long. As long as he kills a few demon monarchs as the double-character king, or accumulates a few years, he can condense a complete golden wheel of merit.

At that time, I am afraid that no one will be willing to kill him, at most they will only choose to seal him.

Against the backdrop of the Jin Tuan, Li Changsheng gave people a feeling of dignity and solemnity.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved, the gold group behind his head disappeared.

Even so, as long as they are strong, they can faintly feel the golden group hidden by Li Changsheng.

Soon, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen appeared in front of the Gate of the High Abyss.

Without hesitation, the two entered the 422nd floor of the Bottomless Abyss.

The 422nd floor of the Bottomless Abyss was named by Yenogu as the domain of Yenogu. There is a round of **** red sun hanging low, and there are countless wolves, demons and even human slaves.

In this place, there is a special fortress, this fortress the size of a human city is placed on a huge rock roller, so that it can cruise on the entire level, only to use human power to promote.

This fortress will cruise the three permanent campsites in the Yenogu realm in a counterclockwise direction every year, stopping near the dormant Obiris Lord Bachard's huge body on the way, so that Yenogu can have telepathic discussions with him. And at the assembly gate to replace the slaves who died of dragging the fortress and causing overwork.

As the spirit emperor of the demon lord, the ancient realm of Yeno can be said to be extremely broad, not inferior to the dawn plane, completely reaching the category of the small thousand world.

Soon, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen found this mobile fortress.

The last demon lord under Yeenogu stayed here. His name was Adrian. It was an abyssal dragon that had lived for an unknown number of years. Its size was still above the five-color dragon god.

Adrian was still sleeping soundly in the square of the fortress. He obviously didn't know that Yeenogu had fallen. By the time it found something was wrong, it was too late.

Soon, after Li Changsheng convinced others with reason, Adrian finally chose to join Li Changsheng. Not only did he swear to Styx, but Li Changsheng learned of its real name.

For the devil, once the real name is known, the consequences can be described as disastrous.

As the territory of the demon lord Yenogu, the 422nd floor of the abyss is not only huge in area, rich in resources, but also has a large number of resource points.

Under Adrian's spare no effort to describe, Li Changsheng had a better understanding of the ancient realm of Yeno.

Li Changsheng’s most concern is naturally the resource point. Although the "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow" only has nine revolutions, it is also the ninth revolution. There is still a big gap between the initial stage of the ninth revolution and the completion of the ninth revolution. This requires refining a large number of natural resources. .

After reaching the ninth rank, the requirements of the "Golden Crow Nine Turns" can be described as further. The heaven and earth rare treasures of heaven and earth are no longer valid, and the world wonders of heaven and earth treasures must be used.

Most of the treasures in the abyss are of no use to Li Changsheng, and they are most suitable for the growth of "The Ninth Revolution of the Golden Crow".

There are two world wonder-level resource points in the ancient realm of Yeno, and the rest are countless.

One of them produced a treasure named Tears of Fallen Angels. This resource point is located in the ruins of Azar.

Before Yenogu ruled the 422nd floor of the Bottomless This was an ever-expanding desert, surrounded by flowing sand dunes and dumped cities. Its owner was named Azar the Addictive. A powerful and abnormal fallen angel is a hero in a big mutation.

Since ancient times, Azar has been imprisoned in chains and ruled the 422th floor of the abyss from here. At that time, it was called barbaric withering. In the end, Azar, the former demon lord, only left a greasy piece. Black smudges.

Although it no longer exists, Azar's influence still lingers here. Over time, this black stain forms a world-class resource point, and a tear-like black crystal is produced every ten years. Because of Azar The identity of Er, therefore, is called Tears of the Fallen Angel.

Tears of the Fallen Angels: Inferior world wonders, if added in the process of forging a magic weapon, there is a certain chance to increase the power of the magic weapon. Note: The boost range depends on the level of the magic weapon, the higher the level, the smaller the range, and vice versa.

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