Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1421: Obiris Blood Crystal

Another World Wonder-class resource point is located at a place called the end of Bachard, far before Hazard dominates the 422th floor, this was once the domain of the storm lord Obiris demon Bachard.

Although the betrayal and betrayal of the Demon of Tanari finally severed the connection between Bachad and this layer, and drained his vitality from his lifeless and huge shell, the pain of the death of the Demon of Obiris has continued endlessly. years.

Now, this huge and weird demon resembles a twisted stranded giant whale, lost the ability to move, and can only be exposed to the scorching sun.

What is shocking is that Bachard has not completely fallen yet, but it has been unable to speak, but still retains a part of the once vast consciousness.

If you contact Bachard through telepathy, you can talk to him, mainly about the rise and fall of the oldest demons.

If you are lucky, Bachard will tell that the demons did not originate in the bottomless abyss, but migrated from other planes.

Perhaps interested in these rumors, Yenogut modified the route of the mobile fortress in order to talk to the dying Obiris demon.

This resource point is located on Bachard's back, which can be described as a living resource point. Although Bachard is unable to act, he is the oldest demon monarch after all, and both strength and background are above Yeenogu.

In addition, Bachard's blood is also crucial.

As the oldest and primitive demonic race, the bloodline of the Obiris demon can be said to be quite powerful, comparable to the bloodline of the top beasts.

It is with the blood of Obiris demon that this living resource point can be formed, and the natural treasures produced are far beyond the tears of fallen angels.

The resource produced by the Living Resource Point is a blood-red hexagonal crystal, crystal clear, without a trace of magazine, but with pure evil and coercion.

This is a blood-colored crystal in the name of Obiris, and from the feedback of mental power, it can reach the middle-class world strange thing level.

Obiris blood crystal is formed by Bachard's original essence and blood. Its effect can stimulate the hidden Obiris bloodline in the demon body, and increase the bloodline concentration, which is not effective for Li Changsheng.

Originally, Obiris blood crystal could form a piece every twenty years, but as Bachard entered his deathbed, the birth time was even more than fifty years.

Although Obiris blood crystal comes from a living resource point, it is also in the category of heaven, material and earth treasure, because it is a product of the combination of Obiris demon essence blood and the unique rules of the 422 layer of the abyss.

Yenogu's treasure house is in the mobile fortress, and there are these two world-class wonders from resource points.

It's not that Yeenogu didn't want to use Obiris blood crystal, but it didn't have this kind of hidden blood.

There are naturally various treasures in the treasure house, but there are still very few that have reached the level of the world's wonders.

In addition to the blood crystal of Obiris and the tears of fallen angels, there are two other world-class treasures, namely a black sword and a black branch.

After Li Changsheng's appraisal, the black sword is a magic weapon, in which the tears of fallen angels are obviously added, and the energy fluctuations reach the low-grade world wonders level.

The black branches are nearly a hundred meters long and more than ten meters in diameter. The long black branches do not slip away from the autumn, and they look weird. At first glance, there is a feeling of shock.

This is the magic branch from the third layer of the abyss. As the most famous spiritual plant in the bottomless abyss, just a single branch exudes energy fluctuations of the middle-grade world wonders, and the body is at least the top-grade spiritual plant. , It may even be comparable to the existence of the World Tree.

Like most of the special products of the abyss, whether it is a black magic sword or a magic tree branch, it is almost useless to Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng is naturally very curious about the dying Obiris demon Bachard. The key is that Bachard has not fallen, and perhaps it is a supplement to the gate of hell.

When Li Changsheng came to the end of Bachard, he saw a huge mountain. This was Bachard's body, but Bachard could not move, and such a scene would be formed every day in the wind, sun and rain.

Using telepathy, Li Changsheng began to communicate with the ancient Obiris demon, and Bachard was still talking about the rise and fall of the oldest demon.

Although it is not known how many years have passed, Li Changsheng still has a better understanding of the bottomless abyss. After all, the abyss of that period is essentially different from the current abyss.

After half a day passed, Li Changsheng finally cut off the communication with Bachard.

"Bachard, thank you for your knowledge. In return, I will help you out."

As soon as Li Changsheng's voice fell, accompanied by a clear sword chant, the two swords of the blue and yellow springs merged, piercing Bachard's head, and disappeared.


Bachard's body is not weak, but after so many years, its bloodline has almost dried up, coupled with long-term weakness, the physical strength is far lower than normal.

In an instant, the Biluohuangquan Swords came out of Bachard's body and automatically returned to Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Soon, Bachard lost his breath, and a black gas like thick smoke floated out of its body.

Until then, the Gate of Light and Darkness was suspended above Li Changsheng's head.

An accident occurred. As soon as the gate of light and darkness appeared, the 422nd floor of the abyss trembles vaguely, and an evil will is brewing.

This is the 422nd floor of the abyss. As a treasure to restrain the consciousness of the abyss, it will naturally receive special attention.

Although the consciousness of the Bottomless Abyss is chaotic, it instinctively wants to annihilate the gate of light and darkness that threatens it.


Under Li Changsheng's control, the gate of **** opened instantly, and a huge suction emerged, swallowing up this evil will, and immediately turned to the gate of heaven for purification.

Li Changsheng didn't waste because he knew that the longer the door of light and darkness came out, the more he would be targeted by the consciousness of the bottomless abyss.

The gate of **** continued to work, until he swallowed the thick black gas, and then he was transferred to the gate of heaven.

Under the light of purification, the black gas quickly melted away.

It was Obiris Demon, even if Bachard's soul was extremely weak, it was still not much weaker than Yeenogu.

Soon, the black gas turned into a large group of abyss consciousness, and a pure black gas.

Surprisingly, this black energy is two or three times as much as Yeenogu, which may be related to their combat power during their peak period or the amount of abyss consciousness they have accumulated.

When this group of black energy merged into the gate of hell, the whole gate of **** trembled violently.

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