Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1422: Hell's Gate Promotion

In this process, the light spots representing the gates of **** became more and more bright.

The door of Hell's Gate also changed, and a lifelike portrait of Bachard appeared on it.


With a soft sound, the gates of **** vibrated violently, and then the momentum skyrocketed.

Mid-range Langhuan treasure!

Li Changsheng did not expect that just swallowing the origins of the two demon monarchs would actually make the gate of **** go further.

In the end, it is a combined type of strange treasure. As the gate of **** is promoted, the light spot representing the gate of light and darkness has also risen by a bit, but it is still a long way from the ultimate treasure of Langhuan.

It's not without its drawbacks. As the gate of **** and the gate of heaven opened up, the gate of light and darkness inevitably felt top-heavy, and its power was enhanced, but it was difficult to be able to do it like before. .

However, the Gate of Light and Darkness is after all an auxiliary type of strange treasure, so the impact is not great, after all, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

However, Li Changsheng did not dare to continue to be promoted to the gate of hell, otherwise once the gap with the gate of heaven was too big, he might not be able to use it with the gate of heaven.

Only after the fusion, the combined type can exert its 1+1>2 power, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced if it is alone.

Not only that, once the gap is too large, unpredictable negative effects may occur. Li Changsheng does not want to gamble, nor dare to gamble.

Originally, Li Changsheng wanted to enter the pale kingdom of the 421st floor of the abyss through the ancient gate hidden in the screaming peaks, and destroy the ghoul king Dorison, but the gate of **** was “too full” and he had to temporarily release Dory. Sen Yima, ready to wait until the Gate of Heaven is promoted to the Mid-Rank Langhuan Supreme Treasure.

In addition to these places on the 422th floor of the abyss, there is also a special place called the gate of assembly.

This is a huge circular portal that allows two-way access to the multiple primary material planes known to Yenogu, from which the human slaves came.

Through Adrian's narration, Li Changsheng has a one-sided understanding of these planes.

Most of these planes fell into Yenogu’s army. This was mainly due to their relatively weak power system. They did not give birth to a strong enough to contend with Yenogu. They were occupied by Yenogu’s army. The 422nd floor of the feedback abyss.

In addition, these planes are gradually being homogenized by the abyss, and after hundreds of thousands of years, they may merge into the bottomless abyss.

For these planes, Li Changsheng took some measures. In addition to allowing Adrian to repatriate the demon army, he also directly used the power of the Gate of Light and Darkness to forcibly cut the connection between the bottomless abyss and these planes, making the original source. The abyss consciousness that is constantly pouring into these planes is forcibly cut off, which can ensure that the abyss consciousness will not continue to erode these planes in a short period of time. As for the future, it will be difficult to say.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Li Changsheng returned to the fairy world.

With the fall of Yenogu, coupled with the dominance of the 422nd floor of the abyss to a certain extent, Li Changsheng no longer has to worry about the demon king threatening the world of the fairies in a short time.

In this way, Li Changsheng can also withdraw his hands, no longer need to be restrained.

Li Changsheng took out the orb from Yenogu and carefully looked at the eyeballs in the orb. These are a pair of eyeballs with double pupils, which are also soaked in light yellow liquid.

With such characteristic eyeballs, coupled with the ability to see through illusions, who else can there be besides the Chongming Bird.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng did not find the body of the Chongming Bird in the treasure house of Yenogu, it may be in its ring.

Of course, even if this heavy bird died under Yeenogu's hands, its corpse has a high probability of being used as food.

Even for the demon lord, the flesh and blood of sacred beasts and souls are equally tonic.

After being able to withdraw, Li Changsheng immediately began to contact the King of Fire.

In the exchange meeting held by the Emperor of Humanity, Li Changsheng and the King of Fire reached an agreement. The King of Fire entrusted Li Changsheng to assist in the killing of the pseudo-demon emperor-level transformed snake. The reward was a corpse of a prisoner cow, and the body of the snake and the rest of the income went to all Owned by the King of Fire Fury.

Regarding the corpse of the prisoner cow, Li Changsheng can be said to be determined to win, and his Chilong has the opportunity to go further.

Among the many double-character kings, the Fire Anger King belongs to casual repairs and has not established his own country, and mainly operates near the South China Sea.

The contact method is very simple. Li Changsheng directly plunged his consciousness into the Hall of Kings, and dropped an idea on the throne of the King of Fury.

The next moment, the figure of the King of Fire appeared in the Hall of Kings.

Regarding Li Changsheng's initiative to contact, the King of Fire was quite flattered. In his eyes, there is no difference between Li Changsheng and the emperor.

The non-emperor is better than the emperor. This is the evaluation of Li Changsheng by many powerful people, and he is worthy of the name of the King of All Saints.

The King of Fire is notoriously grumpy, but this does not mean that he will not judge the situation, especially when facing Li Changsheng.

Originally, the angry king thought that Li Changsheng was busy with everything recently and had no time for the time being, so he never contacted Li Changsheng actively and planned to wait for a period of time to mention this matter, but he did not expect that Li Changsheng would take the initiative to contact him.

The two did not stay longer in the Hall of Kings. After discussing, they pulled their consciousness away from the Hall of Kings.

Li Changsheng rode on the two-legged golden crow, turned into a long rainbow from the fire, and flew towards Qianyuan Island in the direction of the South China Sea.

Among the many South China Sea islands, Qianyuan Island can be said to be one of the best in terms of area, which is comparable to Langya Kingdom.

However, Qianyuan Island's land is barren, limited by resources, and the population density is very low, which is worth a million people.

The King of Fire Fury was born on Qianyuan Island, so he was very concerned about Qianyuan Island. After learning that there was a pseudo-demon emperor-level snake raging on Qianyuan Island, he wanted to help Qianyuan Island to eliminate harm for the people.

It's a pity that the King of Fire Fury is not the opponent of the Snake, and he has used many tactics, but this Snake is quite cunning and unmoved at all.

In this case, the King of Fury can only seek foreign aid.

This time out in the South China Sea, Li Changsheng was not afraid of being blocked by the because he carried two teleportation formations with him. As long as there was a dangerous situation, Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen could send them over at any time.

The same is true for Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen. This is also the fastest way to gather the three of them.

Of course, this is not insurance, such as entering the area where the teleportation array is prohibited, the prohibited array, etc., so there are several sets of backup plans to support each other at the fastest speed.

Before long, Qianyuan Island was in sight.

The King of Fury had arrived early, and after seeing Li Changsheng, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, using the emperor's ritual, which is known for his solemn and solemnity.

"Under the crown of the King of Fire, I am not an emperor yet, and I can't be an emperor!"

Li Changsheng hurriedly stopped the King of Fire and Fury, and then entered the northern part of Qianyuan Island with the King of Fire, where the snake's lair was there.

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