Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1423: Ancient Ruins

On the way to the back of Qianyuan Island, Li Changsheng found that the King of Fire seemed to have something to say, and always looked at him inadvertently.

"What? Is there a flower on my face?"

Li Changsheng ridiculed, making the King of Fire feel like a spring breeze, making his inner tension a lot easier.

The King of Fury took a deep breath and did not dare to hide: "Under the crown of the King of All Saints, in fact, I concealed one thing. The snake is guarding a ruin. I suspect it came out of the ruins."

If you conceal it, the King of Fire would be afraid that when Li Changsheng could see the doorway, it would be bad. He and Li Changsheng also met once or twice. How could he know his personality? For fear of Li Changsheng's dissatisfaction, he killed him casually.

It's better to be honest.

"That's it!"

This was not beyond Li Changsheng’s expectation. After all, no matter how the King of Fire would be compassionate to the residents of Qianyuan Island, he could not be so generous as to exchange the corpses of prisoners' cattle. He could move the residents of Qianyuan Island with his abilities. This is not difficult.

Although the snake is also a beast and is still at the pseudo-demon emperor level, the prisoner cow is the eldest of the nine sons of the Ancestral Dragon. The dragons are notoriously treasured all over, and their value is more than that of the pseudo-demon king high.

The King of Fury asked Li Changsheng to deal with the snake at a loss, in the final analysis, it was for profit.

If this pseudo-demon emperor-level transforming snake really came out of this ruin, it also means that the owner of this ruin may be an emperor.

Of course, it is even more likely to be the King of Double Characters, after all, this Snake is also a pseudo-demon emperor who has recently been promoted.

"Don't worry, I will abide by the agreement, as long as the corpse of the cow is prisoner, the rest is yours, including the ruins!"

Li Changsheng waved his hand, he was still willing to abide by the spirit of the contract.

"This...isn't it great?"

"Ok, deal!"

While the King of Fire Fury breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt admiration for Li Changsheng's grandeur. After all, if someone else came, after learning that this ruin must be the ruins left by the emperor, I am afraid that he will feel his heart moved and it is impossible to let go After such an opportunity, even for exclusive benefit, it is possible to turn against the Fire King.

As for why the King of Fury took the initiative to tell Li Changsheng, the main reason is that he doesn't know why. He always feels that he can't keep the other side secret. This is probably the sixth sense.

After chatting all the way, in just a few minutes, the two successfully arrived in the northern part of Qianyuan Island.

This is a wasteland with countless long strips of boulders, so it is also called the boulder wasteland, and it has now become the site of the pseudo-monster emperor-level snake.

In the center of the boulder wasteland is a huge muddy lake.

Before the two approached, a huge shadow rushed out of the lake.

This is a monster with a human face and a jackal body, with wings on its back, walking like a snake, and squirming around. This is the snake.


The snake swallowed the black snake letter, made a cry like a baby crying loudly, and set his scarlet eyes on the two of them, especially the King of Fire.

A few months ago, the Snake had fought against the King of Fury. Although the Snake won the victory, he did not leave the King of Fury.

Snake fairies are more hateful in nature, and Snake is no exception.

As the snake made a sound, the lake suddenly became choppy, turning into a huge wave hundreds of meters high, and swept toward the two of them.

The snake seldom speaks, and once it is pronounced, it will cause a flood. This can be said to be its instinct.

The fire-fury king's expression changed, and he subconsciously wanted to fly higher, as long as he exceeded the height of the huge wave, he would not be threatened in any way.

Li Changsheng did not step back, just stretched out his right hand, and a golden flame emerged in his palm, flying lightly towards the huge waves.

At the moment when the two touched, the huge wave was like kerosene, and the golden flames suddenly soared, instantly spreading over the surface of the huge wave.

Zi Zi Zi

The sound of incompatible water and fire sounded, accompanied by a large amount of water vapor, quickly spreading towards the surroundings.

Before the giant wave rushed in front of Li Changsheng, he was burned out by the real fire of the sun.

The King of Fire was dumbfounded, and could only sigh with emotion that he deserves to be the King of All Saints who is comparable to the emperor.

The snake is different. Its snake pupils have become vertical, and its eyes are full of human vigilance and dignity. Its huge body is curled up into a disk, and it doesn't act rashly anymore.

"It's my turn!"

As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, the day and night standing on his shoulders turned into two afterimages, rushing towards the snake.

Li Changsheng had no idea of ​​letting the snake a way out. Divine beasts are also divided into good and evil, and the snake who likes to make waves is undoubtedly evil, and it definitely has a lot of lives.

In addition, in the agreement, there is a regulation that the dead body of the snake should belong to the King of Fire, which means that the snake must be killed.


The two cats appeared on the left and right sides of the snake in an instant like arrows from the string, and sprayed out a large number of energy balls, and the bee pupae rushed towards the snake.

The snake made a sound like a baby crying again, and the huge wave formed again, submerging the energy ball.

Boom boom boom~

There were countless explosions, countless water splashes, and huge waves crashing, but the energy ball was also exhausted, only the two cats were missing.

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound from the top of the snake's head, but it did not know when the two cats appeared above its head.

Bang bang ~ sizzle ~

The snake didn't have time to react, and he felt his head sank, followed by a sharp pain, and countless hard snake scales flew up, directly grabbing deep blood marks.

Seeing that the two cats still wanted to expand their battle, the snake hurriedly fell into the abnormally turbid lake and disappeared.

At this moment, Li Changsheng held his right hand high, and countless real fires from the sun gathered and instantly turned into a huge sphere with a diameter of several tens of meters, and smashed it towards the lake.


The huge sphere exploded in a blast, and countless real fires of the sun spattered all over the lake, and then spread quickly.

Unless water reaches a certain magnitude, how can it stop the real fire of the sun?

The water in the lake seemed to become fuel. In the blink of an eye, the surface of the lake was full of real fire.

The entire lake instantly turned into boiling water, boiled instantly, countless water vapor surged crazily, and the temperature reached a rather alarming point.

In this environment, the snake had to rush out of the lake, violently instigating its wings, and wanted to rush towards Li Changsheng.

However, how can two cats be displayed?

Before the snake approached Li Changsheng, two huge apertures suddenly appeared on the surface of the snake, and the wings were tightened fiercely. Such an accident caused the snake to lose its balance in the air and plunged toward the ground.

Without giving the snake a chance, the two huge flame swords condensed in an instant, and they fell straight down.

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