Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1424: Excalibur Formation


The sound of cutting meat with a knife and axe sounded, and the snake only felt tearing pain from his head and back, and couldn't help but let out a horrible hiss.

Li Changsheng grasped this fleeting opportunity, the two swords of the blue sky and the yellow spring merged into a crippled sword dragon, and he got in from the opened mouth of the snake.

The snake only felt a sharp pain in its throat, followed by this sharp pain all the way down, raging crazily in its body, and the flesh, blood, meridians, and internal organs encountered along the way were all shattered.

Compared with tough skin and snake scales, the body of the snake is fragile.

The snake's eyes protruded fiercely, giving people the feeling that they were about to jump out of their eye sockets, revealing a lot of bloodshot eyes, and it was obvious that the pain was extreme.

The snake was struggling frantically, Nuoda's snake body raged frantically on the ground, but there was no way to get rid of the blue and yellow spring double swords in his body.

During this process, the breath of the snake fell rapidly, and after a few breaths, it became dying.

Li Changsheng watched the Snake quietly, until he was sure that the Snake would no longer breathe, and then he recalled the Biluohuangquan Swords.


Returning to Li Changsheng's shoulders during the day and night, he still looked harmless to humans and animals.

The King of Fury took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

Although the King of Fire Fury had been prepared, he was still shocked by the power shown by Li Changsheng. In just one minute, the original imposing pseudo-demon emperor-level transforming snake was easily solved by Li Changsheng, and only showed a small amount of effort. Part of the strength.

At this time, the door of light and darkness emerged, and a force of suction emerged, swallowing the soul of the snake.

It's a pity that the Snake Soul of the Pseudo Demon Emperor is not effective for the promotion of the Gate of Light and Darkness, so Li Changsheng had to take it out and hand it to the King of Fire.

However, the Snake is only a pseudo-monarch emperor after all, and it does not mean that the soul of the demon emperor is useless.

Looking at the huge corpse and soul of the snake, the Huo Anger King shrugged off for a while. After he was sure that Li Changsheng would not accept it, he had to endure his excitement and take it away.

"Under the Crown of All Saints, this is your reward!"

The King of Fire hurriedly took out the prisoner cow's corpse, Li Changsheng was excited, and on the surface he quietly put the prisoner's cow corpse into the secret realm.

At this time, the two people's eyes fell on the original lake. At this moment, the water in the lake had been completely evaporated by the real fire of the sun, exposing a sunken ground.

The deepest point was a full 100 meters, and the two found a teleportation array that had already been activated.

According to the King of Fire Fury, he ventured into the teleportation formation the last time he dealt with the Snake. Although he was eventually driven out by the Snake, it is certain that this is an ancient relic and I don’t know who left it. Down.

"My task has been completed, and the rest is left to you."

Li Changsheng had no idea of ​​staying any longer, and according to the agreement, the harvest belonged to the King of Fire.

As for what the Fire Wrath King can obtain from this ancient ruin, everything has nothing to do with him.

For Li Changsheng, the corpse of the prisoner cattle is a great reward.

The angry king's mouth moved, and he couldn't say anything hypocritical, so he had to watch Li Changsheng leave.

Li Changsheng did not regret it, and went straight back to the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

However, in the middle of the journey, Li Changsheng's heart moved, but it was the King of Fire who used the Hall of Kings to ask Li Changsheng for help.

According to the King of Fire Fury, he was trapped by a forbidden formation deep in the ancient ruins, and the situation was severe, and there was even the possibility of falling, so he had to cheekily ask Li Changsheng for help.

"Such a powerful force, I don't know what kind of forbidden formation is?"

Li Changsheng thought for a while, and then he responded, and conveyed a message of peace of mind to the King of Fire.

In view of the tight time, he directly transformed into a demon emperor-level three-legged golden crow, transformed into a long rainbow from the fire, and flew to Qianyuan Island at an unimaginable speed.

Compared with the two-legged Golden Crow of the Demon Emperor, the three-legged Golden Crow's Lihuo Changhong is more explosive.

Soon, Li Changsheng returned to the northern part of Qianyuan Island, went straight into the teleportation formation, and disappeared.

After a while, Li Changsheng appeared on a barren half plane.

This half-plane is not big, it looks like a radius of tens of miles, and the most conspicuous and only building is a spacious palace.

Li Changsheng felt a little more vigilant in his heart, and went straight to listen to the secret method with heaven, sight and earth.

In the deepest part of the palace, Li Changsheng saw a large group of red glow, and he could still hear the roar. Obviously, the King of Fire was trapped here.

In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng appeared outside the ban.

Li Changsheng frowned, he could feel that this forbidden formation was full of killing intent, but this was a killing formation. No wonder the Fire Anger King was so anxious.

This forbidden formation can trap and threaten the life of the Firerage King, at least at the level of Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, maybe even higher.

In the four sides of the forbidden formation, Li Changsheng could vaguely see four swords.

"Could this be the legendary Zhu Divine Sword Formation?"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart, from the memory of King Qiankun, there is a record of the Divine Sword Formation.

In the ancient times, a **** system discovered the dormant fairy world and wanted to occupy it. This naturally caused the dissatisfaction of the aboriginal people in the fairy world. The powerful demon masters of that era began to fight against the invading gods. Relying on the home battle advantage, finally won.

During this period, the most outstanding performance was an ancient emperor known as Hongdi. He used the Divine Sword Array he created to kill three gods and even contended with the Lord of the gods for a period of time. Finally lost to the whole body and retreated.

Only the gods with powerful divine power can be called the masters of the gods, even if they are suppressed by the heavenly consciousness, they are far beyond the comparison of ordinary emperors.

This is the Divine Punishment Sword Formation, and Zhou Tianxing's Forbidden Formation, the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods' Forbidden Formation, and the Ten Thousand Kings Formation are the top forbidden formations.

The Divine Punishment Sword Formation is the supreme forbidden formation that dominates killing and cutting. The sword formation is mysterious, infinite, and dangerous.

It is rumored that once the Hongdi’s Divine Sword Formation is deployed, it must be unbreakable by the four emperors, and it is extremely dangerous. The biggest flaw is that the killing is too heavy to last for Li Changsheng can be sure that it is in front of us. This is by no means the original Divine Sword Formation, there is no way, if it is the original Divine Sword Formation, the King of Fire would not even have the chance to ask for help.

At this time, the King of Fury asked Li Changsheng for help again, and he was almost reaching his limit.

Li Changsheng was still cautious, and with a wave of his hand, 365 stars flew away, and the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array was arranged in an instant, completely encompassing the Divine Sword Array, and used it to contain the Divine Sword Array.

The next moment, Li Changsheng stepped into the Divine Sword Formation.

There were turbulent flames everywhere here, turning into firebirds, fire leopards, fire scorpions, etc., rushing towards Li Changsheng from all directions.

Li Changsheng hurriedly transformed into a demon emperor-level three-legged golden crow, ignoring the surging flames, and quickly flew to the center of this area.

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