Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1425: Zhu Shen 4 Sword, Congenital Wutu Qi

In the central area of ​​this side, a fiery red sword is suspended, with the word ‘slaughter’ engraved on the hilt.

The Divine Punishment Sword Array is composed of four swords and a sword array. Obviously, this is the Divine Slaying Sword among the Four Swords of the Divine Punishment.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, this sword of slaughter is also worthy of reaching the Zifu rare treasure level, no wonder the power is far from the rumored sky, let alone the four emperors, any emperor can easily subdue it.

The key is not yet controlled, and the essence of the Divine Sword Formation cannot be used at all, so it can only deal with the ordinary double-character king.

If someone manipulates it, even if it can't deal with the emperor, it can at least drag it for a while.

When Li Changsheng approached, the Slaughter God Sword shook fiercely, and immediately shot countless fiery red sword auras from the sword, and shot at Li Changsheng bee pupae densely with the momentum of the return of ten thousand swords.

Regardless of whether it is southeast, northwest or up, down, left and right, there is no room for escape.

However, Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​avoiding it. He instantly turned into a five-color peacock, and the five tail feathers of different colors suddenly lit up, which was a five-color light.

This five-color light was boosted by the Big Five Elements technique, and its power was 50% stronger than before.

The five-color divine light is like a magnet absorbing iron filings. These fiery red sword auras leave the target one after another, automatically converge towards the five-color divine light, and then disappear.

The power of a brush, so terrible!

Li Changsheng once again activated the five-color divine light, and the colorful brilliance instantly hit the Slaughter Divine Sword.

The Slaughter God Sword disappeared in an instant, and was suppressed by Li Changsheng in the fiery red tail feathers, almost unable to move.

Unless the Slaughter God Sword reaches the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, don't even want to force it out.

As the Slaughter God Sword disappeared, the flames in this area turned into rootless grasses and began to quickly dissipate.

Li Changsheng headed to the next area, this time it was a golden ocean, full of embodied knives, guns, swords and halberds, all of which were made of metal sexual energy.

These swords, spears, swords and halberds can't hinder Li Changsheng, a swipe of the five-color light can clear a large area, and can also feed back to themselves to make up for the lost energy.

Well, as long as the environment is right, the five-color peacock can become a perpetual chicken.

In the center of this area, there is also a sword to suppress, with the word ‘Zhu’ engraved on the hilt, but this time it’s the **** punish sword.

This time, before the Divine Punishment Sword launched an offensive, Li Changsheng gave a five-color gleam and suppressed it in the golden tail feathers.

In the following process, Li Changsheng entered the water and wood areas one after another, and suppressed the Sinking Excalibur and Absolute Excalibur respectively.

Among them, the fire rage king's luck was very bad. It happened to be in the area of ​​the trapped sword with the water attribute. His demon pet was obviously biased towards the fire attribute, and the water system area made by the trapped sword was greatly restricted.

The King of Fire Fury was extremely embarrassed. If Li Changsheng was one and three quarters late, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

After taking away the four swords, a sword formation floated down from the center of the four areas and was caught by Li Changsheng.

There is no doubt that this is the Zhu Shenjian formation, just like Zhu Shen's Four Swords, it can reach the Purple Mansion Treasure level.

What I have to say is that the Divine Sword Formation is an earth attribute. Originally, Li Changsheng thought it was the principle of combining the four spirits of the sky, but it turned out that the five elements are possessed, and it is endless.

However, this complements the Big Five Elements technique, and I don't know whether it can increase the sword formation.

"Under the crown of the King of All Saints, great kindness, no retribution, please accept me!"

The King of Fire was still trembling, and his gaze at Li Changsheng was full of gratitude. If it weren’t for Li Changsheng’s timely rescue, he wouldn’t say whether he could get the treasures from the ruins.

Li Changsheng hurriedly helped the King of Fury and stopped his movements.

The Fire King thought for a while, and finally made up his mind, saying: "Under the crown of the King of All Saints, if you don't dislike it, I want to join your camp."

"Being able to join the King of Fury is just like a tiger for me!"

Li Changsheng showed a smile, and there were so many double-character kings in total, even for the emperor, it was the most important team, and their double-character kings were often just one hand.

Although a single double-character king is not much different from an ant in the eyes of the emperor, if several double-character kings work together, it can often be used for a short period of time or harass opponents in a battle between the emperors.

In addition, for every more double-character king, Li Changsheng's attraction to other strong players will also increase.

It has always been the icing on the cake, and there is little charcoal in the snow. Even if many people are very optimistic about Li Changsheng, they are still a little hesitant. After all, Li Changsheng has offended the Emperor Xuan, the Emperor and the Feng.

Li Changsheng pointed to the room in front and said, "Go in!"

"Mian, Hais, go in, I still won't pass!"

The King of Fire Fury knew how to measure. Although he was very unwilling to let go of the inheritance, he still gritted his teeth and gave up.

"You discovered this ruin. You can't let you come here in vain. Let's go in together!"

Li Changsheng shook his head, how could he fail to see the thoughts of the King of Fire.

"okay then!"

The angry king went downhill and accepted Li Changsheng's proposal, but he was a step behind, completely in a posture where Li Changsheng was the mainstay.

The two entered the room. The room was not very large and the decoration was not luxurious. The most conspicuous thing was a throne with a jade skull sitting on it.

Obviously, this skeleton was only a double-word king before his death.

The two-character king's remains were embracing, holding a five-story treasure box.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and the jade box flew over and hovered in front of him.

The first layer is a superb soul crystal, which only took a half.

The second floor was a jade bottle. Li Changsheng opened it and saw it was a gas of yellowish brown.

Innate air of earth!

Li Changsheng was slightly agitated. If he added the existing innate qi of Gengjin, he already possessed two innate qi.

There were two crystals in the third-layer treasure box. What surprised Li Changsheng was that they were a regular crystal of fire and a regular crystal of water.

"He was probably a top double word king before his death!"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his Judging from these two rules, he can roughly guess the sad story of this double-character king.

Not surprisingly, this is a top double-character king with more than six demon emperor-level demon pets. He waited hard for the vacancy of the emperor's throne, but unfortunately things went counterproductive. He waited until his life was exhausted and did not wait until that day.

Of course, it is possible to wait, but unfortunately failed in the process of competing with others for the throne, just like the Xuan Emperor and the Yum King.

The King of Fire Fury saw the crystallization of these two rules, his eyes changed, but he had to divert his gaze in pain.

"Firerage King, then, I believe they are useful to you!"

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng threw these two rule crystals directly to the King of Fire. Although the crystals of rules are also useful to him, he must not let the King of Fire get nothing, otherwise he would be embarrassed. To win over the King of Fire.

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