Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1426: Ban

The King of Fire was extremely excited. He never expected that Li Changsheng would be so generous, and he did not hesitate to give him the two crystals of the rules.

This move gave the King of Fury an intuitive sense of Li Changsheng's character, his loyalty skyrocketed in an instant, and he had a tendency to die loyalty.

For many double-character kings, they are even willing to exchange a lifetime of accumulation for a piece of rule crystallization, let alone two pieces, and it is no wonder that the King of Fury has a tendency to die loyal.

With the crystallization of these two rules, if you are lucky, two demon emperor class demon pets may be born.

The Fire Wrath King itself is a senior double-character king, and if there are two more demon emperor-level demon pets, he can become the top double-character king.

Li Changsheng saw the look of the King of Fury, but he didn't say much, and opened the fourth floor of the box.

As soon as the fourth floor was opened, red, yellow, and blue brilliance suddenly burst out of the box. This dazzling brilliance made Li Changsheng's eyes dazzling.

When the brilliance converged, I saw three stones slightly larger than an adult's fist lying quietly in the fourth-layer box, each of which was crystal clear and exuding a different color of brilliance.

These radiances are condensed and formed. The fire-red stone is a phoenix, the aqua-blue stone is a five-clawed golden dragon, and the earthy yellow stone is a Wutu Qilin.

Just like Lei Qilinzhi and Zixiao Qilin, Wutu Qilin is an evolutionary version of Earth Qilin, which is barely considered a top-level animal category, but there is a certain gap with Zixiao Qilin and Mo Qilin.

What surprised Li Changsheng was that just from the energy fluctuations they radiated, each of these three stones had reached the Zifu level, representing the three attributes of fire, water, and soil.

With such a precious ore, only an unknown four-color ore in Li Changsheng's hands could meet this standard.

Li Changsheng thought hard, but couldn't find the information about the three stones, and immediately looked at the Fire-Angry King with questioning eyes.

"Mianxia, ​​I've seen it for the first time!"

The King of Fury hurriedly shook his head, and then pointed to the fifth floor of the box and said: "If no accident, this double-character king should have left a legacy on the fifth floor. It is very likely that there is information on these three stones."

Li Changsheng nodded and opened the fifth floor of the box.

This time it was three pieces of inheritance jade pieces, and Li Changsheng picked up one piece and looked at it.

This jade piece of inheritance records a "Golden Chapter and Jade Record", this time it is a chapter of Disha in silver seal script. It is about the magic of the formation. As long as you master it, you can not only quickly master the formation method, but also make it easier. Find where the forbidden formation is.

For Li Changsheng, who wants to break the forbidden formation of Zhou Tianxing Dou, it is simply timely rain. As long as he masters it, he has a greater certainty to break the Zhou Tianxing Dou forbidden formation and obtain the inheritance of the ancient star emperor.

Li Changsheng was in a good mood and began to check the second piece of inheritance jade.

This jade piece of inheritance records the knowledge related to the Divine Sword Formation, such as the method of array formation, the method of imperial envoys, the method of coping, the method of refining, etc. This is likely to be obtained from the Hong Emperor. .

Among them, in the method of refining, Li Changsheng found a peculiar banning technique, which can seal the essence of the beast's body in the stone, which is also the main material for refining the four swords of the gods and the sword array.

Among them, the top-level materials are naturally top-level beasts.

This also means that the box on the fourth layer is filled with three slander stones that contain the essence of the top sacred beast. It is no wonder that the energy fluctuations are so strong.

In addition to the top-quality slander stones, there are naturally substandard slander stones. The four swords and sword formations collected by Li Changsheng use the inferior slander stones.

But even if it is a substandard stone, it still requires the essence of the body of an ordinary sacred beast, and it is still very difficult to gather it all.

"good stuff!"

Just a cursory glance, Li Changsheng had an instant feeling. There are certain similarities between this forbidden technique and the principle of "The Book of Blood", which may be a further improvement of the "Book of Blood". help.

Until then, Li Changsheng picked up the last piece of inheritance jade.

This time, it was finally the turn of the inheritance of the Unknown Double Character King.

This double-character king is called the King of Thousands of Machines. Judging from the name of the double-character king, he is extraordinary.

Li Changsheng roughly checked the inheritance of the Thousand Chance King, and sure enough, this was a double-character king with more than six demon emperor-level demon pets.

But just as Li Changsheng guessed, the luck of the King of Thousand Chances was not generally bad. It was not until the end of his life that he finally waited for the emperor to be vacant, but he was defeated in the competition with his competitors, and finally died.

Looking at the name of the rival of Thousand Chance King, Li Changsheng only felt familiar for a while. Isn't this the title of the blood emperor before becoming emperor?

Judging from the time of the Blood Emperor's enlightenment, the Thousand Chance King has fallen for about three thousand years, and he is not yet in the ancient category.

As a two-character king who failed to fight for the throne, the inheritance of King Thousands of Machines is not unsatisfactory. Although most of the knowledge overlaps with Li Changsheng, the remaining small part is also of great help to him. The gap between the background of the people.

Li Changsheng thought for a while, copied a copy of the legacy of the King of Thousand Chances and handed it to the King of Fire Fury.

As for the Zhu Shenjian formation and the "Golden Zhang Yulu Formation Chapter", don't think about it. The banning technique in the former is too important, and the latter is just a copy of it and cannot be copied.

However, this was an extra gain for the King of Fire, and he was extremely grateful to Li Changsheng.

In the following time, the two buried the body of King Thousand Chance and carefully inspected the remains.

Except for a big pit, there is nothing else.

In this big pit, Li Changsheng found several snake scales. Judging from the memory of King Thousand Chance, this pseudo-demon emperor-level Snake is not his demon pet. King Thousand Chance once passed by and saw This snake brought up the wanton destruction of the flood, and in order to stop the snake, the two sides fought.

At that time, the strength of the Thousand Chance King had not reached its peak, but was slightly inferior to that of the Snake. In the end, the King of Thousand Chances used the God's Forbidden Array to severely damage the Snake, and finally sealed the Snake in this half ~Why didn't you kill the Snake? The main reason is that the Divine Sword Array lacks durability, and it has reached its limit.

In addition, the King of Thousand Chances is very afraid that the snake will fight back.

When the fight for the throne failed, the King of Thousand Chances had already suffered heavy losses. He came to this half-plane to leave his inheritance, but he wanted to solve the snake but felt powerless.

So after two to three thousand years, the seal was aging, coupled with the lack of energy, and finally the snake broke through the seal, opened the teleportation array and escaped.

As for why the Snake didn't destroy the palace, it might be related to the Divine Sword Formation. It was a type that had been bitten by a snake for ten years and feared the rope.

After confirming that there were no omissions, the two left the ruins. As the two-character king of scattered people without a site, the Firerage King did not need to pack anything, and directly returned to the southeast area with Li Changsheng.

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