Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1427: Win over the Phoenix tribe, test the dragon tribe

As soon as he returned to the Heavenly Spirit Empire, Li Changsheng first arranged for the Firerage King to temporarily suppress the gate of the higher abyss.

Although Yenogu has fallen, and Abyss 422 is also under Li Changsheng's control, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax. If you are unlucky, maybe a demon lord will take the opportunity to occupy the 422nd floor of the abyss after a while.

After arranging the King of Fire Fury, Li Changsheng couldn't wait to enter the secret realm, and took out the prisoner's ox body, preparing to extract the essence and blood of Ancestral Dragon.

As the head of the nine sons of Ancestral Dragon, although they look different from the dragons, they are like the dragons, but they are covered in treasures, dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon skins, dragon tendons, dragon teeth, dragon claws, dragon saliva, etc. Very precious treasure.

Of course, in the eyes of Li Changsheng, the most precious parts of a prisoner cow are the bones, flesh and blood, and internal organs that can purify the essence and blood.

As a superior beast, the prisoner cow can theoretically extract 19 pots of ancestral dragon essence and blood in 15+3+1.

It took a while, after Li Changsheng finished the purification process, according to Li Changsheng's submission rate, he finally obtained seven cans of Zulong blood.

If you add up the accumulation during this period, there are nearly 14 cans in total.

The next stage of Chilong belongs to the superior animal. It takes 15 cans of Ancestral Dragon's essence and blood to guarantee the bottom. There is still a gap in more than one cans.

If you want to obtain the essence and blood of the Ancestral Dragon, the best target is naturally the nine sons of the dragon, and the remaining dragons have a high probability of having the blood of other dragons.

Among the nine sons of the dragon, Li Changsheng has two choices, one is the underage hegemony, and the other is the 犴 encountered in the mysterious realm of heaven.

Li Changsheng once got rid of the demon saint-class ancient money turtle Di Maria on Golden Turtle Island. Pay attention, but he never received news from Di Maria.

As for that scorpion, Li Changsheng can use the sacred dragon horn to perform big deductions. As long as the scorpion is still in the fairy world, he can get its specific position with a lot of certainty.

It's just that Li Changsheng shed a lot of blood last time, and even if he has recovered a little now, there is still a big gap.

First of all, Li Changsheng got in touch with Di Maria on Golden Turtle Island and learned that the underage hegemon had never returned, and he did not know where he went.

In this case, Li Changsheng could only take the second place, take out the horns of the dragon, the stone of heaven, and the shell of the mysterious tortoise, and start to deduce the secret of heaven.

After some calculations, Li Changsheng expended a lot of energy, and he seemed to have something in the dark, and his eyes fell to the east.

East China Sea!

In a resplendent dragon palace, the old **** Jumei was enjoying the service of the clam girls, but at this moment, Jumei frowned, and the sixth sense began to feedback, always feeling a bad feeling.

Su Ma did not underestimate the whim. As the strongest race in the ancient times, the dragon clan has a rich heritage, and there are many records about whim.

In line with the policy of believing what he has, and not believing what he does not have, Jumei felt that he had better find a safe place to hide, and what place was safer than the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

As a result, Juma immediately set off for the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. Although it does not look like the dragon clan, it is the nine sons of the dragon, and the dragon clan would not reject it.

When Jumei went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Li Changsheng did not act immediately, and began to discuss with Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu in the air.

Because of the East China Sea involved, Li Changsheng had to be cautious.

"It's still a matter of thinking. Since the East China Sea Dragons are our enemies, we'd better kill them once and for all."

Without thinking about it, Emperor Wu yelled to find trouble for the Donghai Dragon Clan.

"His Majesty Wu, you'd better use your brains. The Four Seas Dragons are in the same spirit. If we want to attack the East Sea Dragons, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be attacked by them. We need to continue to discuss this matter."

Emperor Wen made a comment. He also wanted to destroy the threat of the East China Sea Dragon Clan. After all, the Eastern Region he ruled borders the East China Sea, and the central area under the rule of the Emperor Human feels like a sandwich biscuits.

It's just that the dragon clan is so powerful that Emperor Wen can't help being full of jealousy.

If the Four Seas Dragon Race teamed up, even the three of them would only have to escape.

In addition, the East China Sea is the stronghold of the Dragons of the East China Sea. If they fight underwater, it will not be conducive to their performance, so long-term consideration must be taken.

Li Changsheng had the same worries, this Donghai Dragon Clan couldn't fight, but it wouldn't work if he didn't fight.

"What did the Feng clan say?"

Since the Dragon Clan has been offended, it is natural to further win over the Feng Clan, which is the same tribe.

"The Feng Clan is also very worried and has no plans to form an alliance with us for the time being."

Last time, Emperor Wen managed to escape with the help of the Phoenix Clan in the Flame Canyon, but the Phoenix Clan in the Flame Canyon could not represent the Feng Clan at all.

Since the war between the three tribes in ancient times, the tribes have suffered heavy losses and had to recuperate, eventually allowing humans to become the protagonists of heaven and earth.

After so many years, the dragon clan recovers the fastest, mainly due to the dragon’s stallion spirit. For the dragon clan, as long as the opponent is of the opposite sex.

The Feng tribe and the Qilin tribe are different. They are too'picky eaters'. Although there are some side branches, the number is far less than the dragon tribe, so they have not fully recovered.

The key is strength. The Phoenix tribe alone is not an opponent of the Dragon tribe. It is necessary to draw on the Qilin tribe. This is also the main concern of the Phoenix tribe.

Li Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Perhaps I have a way to let the Feng Clan dispel his worries and form an alliance with us!"

"any solution?"

"Secret, wait for my good news!"

After Li Changsheng had exchanged with Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, he had to set off again, but this time his destination was Beihai.

This time, he wanted to ask Feng Zi to ‘get out of the mountain’ and try to persuade the Feng clan. With Feng Zi's "words and deeds", the news of the fall in the hands of the Feng Emperor was passed to the Feng Clan, and the treasure of the Feng Clan fell in the hands of the Feng Emperor, the possibility of persuading the Feng Clan is not small.

In addition, Li Changsheng also wanted to visit the North Sea Dragon King to see if the Four Seas Dragon Clan is as unanimous as the rumors.

According to Li Changsheng’s guess, the Four Seas Dragons must also be guilty for their Among the Four Seas, the East China Sea is far the richest than the other Three Seas. The other Three Seas Dragons will naturally be jealous. Li Changsheng thinks they are probably just Maintaining the peace on the surface, there may be an undercurrent surging in the dark.

According to Li Changsheng's speculation, unless the East Sea Dragon Clan is overthrown, the remaining Sanhai Dragon Clan will most likely not support it.

Of course, all of these are inferences, and we need to investigate on the spot.

As for whether it would be dangerous to enter the Beihai Dragon Palace alone, Li Changsheng had already arranged a way out in advance.

Li Changsheng converged his vision and rode the two-legged golden crow straight through the eastern region where Emperor Wen was seated, and flew north along the edge of the East China Sea.

In less than an hour, he came to the area between Beihai and Beiming, which is also the territory of Aorun, the dragon king of the North.

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