Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1428: North Sea Dragon King


As soon as he entered this area, a strong dragon roar came from the island not far away, and then a huge dragon flew out, but it was Yelloggard.

At the same time, the sea was turbulent, and a huge dragon head also rushed out, this time it was Northland Dragon King Aorun.

After discovering that it was Li Changsheng, Ao Run and Jerogaard flew over.

"It turned out to be under the crown of the Ten Thousand Saints. I heard that under the crown severely inflicted the Emperor Feng, it's really happy!"

Compared with the last time they met, both Ao Run and Jerogagarde have obviously become more respectful.

Even in the inaccessible Northland, Ao Run is the son of the North Sea Dragon King, and there will always be channels for receiving information.

Because of Fengzi's relationship, Ao Run and Jerogaard naturally regarded her as enemies.

"I'm here this time to send Feng Zi home!"

As Li Changsheng just finished speaking, Ao Run and Jerogaard were all taken aback. They naturally couldn't bear Feng Zi, even if Feng Zi had only the soul left.

"You don't need to show such an expression. Feng Zi is not going to come back. After all, the Feng Clan is also one of the three ancient tribes. Maybe there will be a secret method to revive Feng Zi."

"I hope so!"

Ao Run's tone was low. Although he didn't think the Feng Clan would have such a secret method, there was still a little more hope, and then he handed the treasure bottle that sealed Feng Zi's soul to Li Changsheng.

Feng Zi has a complete phoenix heritage, and since Feng Zi doesn't know it, it is very likely that there is no such secret method.

Of course, everything can't be absolute, maybe the Feng Clan has created this kind of method in recent years.

On the soul orb inlaid on the aquarium, there was a red phoenix figure that appeared to be virtual and real, which was Feng Zi's soul.

Feng Zi obviously heard Li Changsheng's words, and there was a complicated look in Feng's eyes, but she didn't say anything, she was completely tacitly agreeing.

After so many years, Feng Zi also wants to go home and have a look, especially to tell her friends about the treasures of the Feng Clan, hoping that they will guard against Emperor Feng and avoid following her footsteps.

"Ao Run, I want to see your father."

Li Changsheng received the treasure bottle, and he also wanted to test the attitude of the Beihai Dragon Clan.

"I will let Ao Qin take you to see my father!"

After Ao Run finished speaking, he handed a jade piece to Li Changsheng.


Li Changsheng nodded and agreed that entering the Dragon Palace privately can easily cause misunderstandings, and if there are acquaintances recommended, it can save a lot of trouble.

He didn’t stay in the North for much. The two-footed Golden Crow under his crotch once again turned into a Lihuo Changhong, disappearing in the blink of an eye. Ao Run and Jerogagarde glanced at each other, and they could all see the sadness and harmony from each other hope.

Not long after Li Changsheng descended on the Forgotten Strait, Ao Qin hurried out to greet such a big movement.

Li Changsheng went straight to tell him his intentions, and handed the jade piece given by Ao Run to Ao Qin.

This jade piece is refined by the secret method of the dragon family, and it is covered with golden dragon patterns, which can be easily distinguished from the authenticity.

"Under the Crown of Ten Thousand Saints, Xiaolong will take you to the Beihai Dragon Palace!"

After Ao Run finished speaking, he turned into a four-clawed black dragon, and then motioned to Li Changsheng to stand on his huge head.

Ao Qin is willing to put down his figure for a strong man of Li Changsheng's level.

Li Changsheng took back the two-legged golden crow and landed lightly on the head of the four-clawed black dragon.

"Hurry up, under the crown of the King of All Saints!"

After Ao Qin finished speaking, he dived into the sea like a dragon.

Li Changsheng shook the Dinghaishen chain in his right hand, and a gas mask instantly appeared on his body, directly isolating the seawater.

Although the main function of Dinghaishen Chain is to smash people, it also has a powerful Dinghai power. When it is full of power, it can displace as much water as possible in a 10,000-meter radius, including pressure.

In this way, even in the depths of the sea, Li Changsheng's demon pet would not be subject to much restriction.

Aoqin swims fast, but the Forgotten Strait is on the edge of the North Sea, a long distance away from the Beihai Dragon Palace in the depths of the North Sea.

The key Aoqin's speed was far worse than the two-footed Golden Crow, until nearly an hour later, the Beihai Dragon Palace finally came into view.

The Beihai Dragon Palace is located in a submarine basin and consists of a large number of magnificent palaces. Shrimp soldiers and crabs, patrolling Yaksas, and occasionally dragons can be seen everywhere.

Not yet close to the Beihai Dragon Palace, a team of patrol Yasha took the initiative to greet him.

It is worthy of the North Sea Dragon Palace, this team of patrol Yaksha at least has the level of Lord Level, and the leader is the Demon King Level, which is only outside the Dragon Palace.

When Aoqin knew his intentions, the leader of Xunhai Yacha glanced at Li Changsheng, and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, please wait with the distinguished guests in the Luoying Hall first, and I will report to your Majesty now!"

The story of Li Changsheng killing Emperor Ai and severely injuring Emperor Feng as the King of Double Characters has long been spread all over the world.

The leader of Xunhai Yasha gestured with his eyes, and immediately a Xunhai Yasha went to inform the North Sea Dragon King.

Soon, the leader of Xunhai Yacha took Li Changsheng and Ao Qin to a palace, and his own clam girls and mermaids served them with various delicacies and jade liquids, as well as exotic sea dances.

In just five minutes, the Prime Minister Turtle, who looked a little funny with a heavy tortoise shell on his back, walked awkwardly into the Hall of Luoying, still holding the imperial edict in his hand.

Li Changsheng did not despise the Prime Minister Turtle, because the Prime Minister Turtle had reached the Demon Emperor level, and its body seemed to be the Mystic Turtle.

It's worthy of being the Prime Minister tortoise next to the Dragon King of Beihai.

"Your Majesty has a decree, to announce that the King of Ten Thousand Saints, and His Royal Highness Ao Qin will meet!

After the declaration, Prime Minister Kame respectfully led the two to the Dezheng Hall located in the center of the Dragon Palace. Only the very important guests would be placed in the Dezheng Hall.

Obviously, Li Changsheng met this standard.

In the Hall of Dezheng, the North Sea Dragon King has a human body with a dragon head, wearing a dragon robe, a golden crown on his head, piercing eyes and a majestic face, sitting on the throne.

In addition to the North Sea Dragon King, there are also several dragons with leading figures sitting on both sides ~ one by one exuding powerful dragons.

Among them, the first seat on the right is vacant.

When Li Changsheng came in, the North Sea Dragon King stood up from the throne and took the initiative to greet him.

The few dragons sitting at the bottom saw this, one by one behind the dragon king, all of them looked at Li Changsheng from the corner of their eyes.

Li Changsheng felt it. Needless to say, the North Sea Dragon King naturally reached the Demon Sovereign level. As for the dragons that followed, they must be his heirs, and most of them were still at the Demon Sage level.

Even if the North Sea Dragon Palace is rich, the treasures that assist in breaking through the Demon Emperor rank are still rare.

The Dragon King of Beihai is also looking at Li Changsheng. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his vision of seeing people is naturally far-reaching. With just one glance, he can see Li Changsheng's extraordinary.

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