Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1430: Demon Master Palace

After making the decision, Li Changsheng did not stay longer in Beihai Dragon Palace.

After bidding farewell to the Dragon Queen of the North Sea, Li Changsheng came to Northland. He thought carefully about the detailed plan along the way. Due to the relationship between Wisdom Fruits, his thinking moved extremely fast, and it was easy to find a breakthrough.

Li Changsheng did not have the idea of ​​breaking into the Kunpeng base camp alone. According to the description of the North Sea Dragon King, although Kunpeng did not have a monster emperor-level goblin, there were several demon-emperor-level goblins, including a demon-emperor-level secondary ancestor white dragon. As for the demon-sage level, Not to mention the Demon King level.

If this is to break into the Kunpeng base camp alone, Li Changsheng will not only be unable to win Kunpeng, but may put himself in danger, which is very undesirable.

Taking a step back, even if Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu are attacked head-on, it is difficult to keep Kunpeng. This is the same as the Sihailong clan besieging Beiming. Even if Beiming is captured, Kunpeng is not left behind. Instead, he was still alone at the time. Kunpeng's use of the essence of guerrilla warfare to harass was unbearable. In the end, the Beihai Dragon King had to use Ao Run as a proton and returned Beiming to Kunpeng.

In this way, the best way is to draw Kunpeng out of Beiming.

Therefore, Li Changsheng set his sights on Ao Run. He had heard Ao Run say that as soon as he left the northern boundary, Kun Peng would catch him back.

It’s not that the Four Seas Dragon Clan has never thought of making a fuss with this point, but if there are too many people, it cannot be concealed, and if there are few people, it can’t be beaten. Besides, there is no too strong forbidden formation, how can it stop the Kunpeng who wants to escape. , And ultimately ended in failure.

I have to talk about the combat power of Kunpeng here. From the description of the North Sea Dragon King, the two North Sea Dragon Kings may not necessarily be Kunpeng's opponents.

Li Changsheng had secretly read the information of the North Sea Dragon King. It was a half-step legendary five-clawed golden dragon. In this way, the Kunpeng might have reached the legendary quality.

Of course, they are all top beasts. The five-clawed golden dragon belongs to the bottom of the existence, while Kunpeng is as famous as the three-legged golden crow. It has strong combat power, can fight and escape, and can change into two forms.

However, eliciting Kunpeng is only one aspect. How to trap Kunpeng is the problem. With the background of the Four Seas Dragons, even if there is no top ban such as Zhou Tian Xing Dou ban, it must have the level of Hunyuan Heluo ban. Forbidden.

But there are countless treasures of the dragon clan, so it is impossible to trap Kunpeng, which shows how difficult this Kunpeng is.

This Kunpeng possesses a combined Langhuan treasure composed of one picture and one book. Judging from the description of the North Sea Dragon King, this Langhuan treasure is not only extremely defensive, but also has a powerful effect of breaking the formation.

The effect of this Langhuan Supreme Treasure reminded Li Changsheng of the heavenly treasure, Xuanhuang Baojian, held by the emperor. As for which is better, you have to see it before you know it.

In this case, if he wants to keep Kunpeng, Li Changsheng must use extraordinary means.

In order to prevent other forces from interfering, Li Changsheng did not call Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, nor did he ask the Beihai Dragon Clan to help, but if other forces interfered, they would block it. This was also their main task.

This matter sooner rather than later, Bei Ming is also a big power in the end, and it is inevitable that it will not be attracted by other forces.

After arranging everything, Li Changsheng used the Heaven's Path to restrain his breath, and came to the North Land to discuss with the North Land Dragon King Aorun for a while, and then began to act.

Ao Run turned into a winding four-clawed white dragon, and flew quickly towards the North Sea.

Within a quarter of an hour, Ao Run began to enter the Beihai area.

On the other side, Li Changsheng transformed into a Dijiang, broke through the void directly, began to shuttle in the different plane, and followed Ao Run closely.

Bei Ming is located at the northernmost end of the fairy world. Due to the extremely low temperature, a large amount of sea water has solidified into ice, forming a pattern of ice crystal continents. The volume is even three minutes larger than the southeast region.

Unfortunately, the environment here is destined to survive only a small number of creatures, and most of them are ice-attribute species, such as Frost Luan, White Dragon, Frost Giant and so on.

In the center of Beiming, there are a large number of ice crystal palaces, among which the ‘Monster’s Palace’ is the most, and this is also the residence of Kunpeng.

In the Demon Master’s Palace, there is a middle-aged man who looks like a yin-dove sitting at the top. He is the Lord of the North Ming, Kunpeng. The left and right sides of the bottom are his capable subordinates, all of whom are at the Demon Saint level and even the Demon Emperor level. .

Although the density of Beiming's creatures is thin, such a vast area, coupled with the harsh and unusual environment, makes the proportion of strong people born far more than other places.

Originally, Kunpeng was discussing matters concerning the Dragon Clan with his subordinates. Suddenly, Kunpeng's heart moved. He arranged something on Ao Run, and as Ao Run left the north, he immediately felt something.

Kunpeng still attaches great importance to the proton of Ao Run. Among the many juniors of the North Sea Dragon Clan, Ao Run's talent is definitely in the forefront. The key is that the most favored son of the North Sea Dragon King is him.

It can be said that Ao Run is Kunpeng's important **** in plotting Beihai.

"This is the second time!"

Kun Peng thought silently, and immediately stood up from his seat.

"Everyone, that little dragon Ao Run has run away again!"

As Kunpeng's voice just fell, the white-haired man in the upper left position immediately went out and shouted carelessly: "Lord, I will go and catch him now, this time I must take his skin off!"

This is the demon emperor-level ancestor Bailong, and it can also be said that Beiming is the strongest outside of Kunpeng.

"You and Ao Run are of equal strength, and you may not be his opponent. Moreover, this may be the plan of the Dragon Clan again. Let me come. After capturing Ao Run this time, I will imprison him in Beiming."

In order to avoid the possibility of losing soldiers and losing generals, Kunpeng still decided to take the action personally and catch Ao Run back.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to travel to the mountains. After all, Kun Peng is too confident in his own strength. The key is that he has too strong escape ability and Langhuan's treasure of restraint, almost invincible.

In terms of individual strength, this demon king-level Kunpeng was established on the top of the fairy world.

After making a decision, Kunpeng led his men to leave the Demon Master Palace. He stretched out his hand, and the Demon Master Palace turned into a pocket palace and was taken away by him.

This Demon Master Palace is a rare treasure, and the attack and defense are integrated. No one knows that there is a teleportation array hidden in the Demon Master Palace.

The next moment a big Peng appeared above Beiming, covering the sky and the sun. The back of Peng is thousands of miles away, and its wings are like clouds in the sky, flying towards the direction where Ao Run is located at an extremely alarming speed.

In terms of speed, excluding space monsters such as Dijiang and Zulong, the only three-legged Golden Crow that can compete with Kunpeng.

In just a few breaths, Kun Peng left Beiming, its speed was at least several times that of Ao Run, and it pulled into the distance at a rather exaggerated speed.

When Kunpeng saw Ao Run from a distance, he immediately understood why Ao Run left Beiming.

At this moment, not far behind Ao Run, Ning Bizhen riding a two-footed Golden Crow was chasing Ao Run.

Ao Run was full of scars and looked quite miserable. It was obvious that she was under the wind, and she gave people a shaky feeling.

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