Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1431: Hetu Luoshu

Seeing such a scene, Kun Peng's vigilance subconsciously dropped a bit.

Obviously, Ning Bizhen is implementing the plan in accordance with Li Changsheng's requirements.

When the two sides discovered Kunpeng, Ao Run pretended to show the expression of the rest of his life, and immediately stopped the escape trend, and made a posture of turning around and dragging Ning Bizhen.

It was precisely because Ao Run and Ning Bizhen were too close that Kunpeng gave up the long-range offensive and instead approached quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Kunpeng pulled into the distance, and the bird's beak pecked at the two-legged golden crow.

Ning Bizhen threw the Hunyuan River Luobao umbrella and dropped it above his head.

When the umbrella was opened, the sky was dim, the sun and the moon were dull, and the circling Yingluo had the effect of confusing the enemy, making Kunpeng inevitably affected.

At the same time, a barrier completely wrapped the two-footed Golden Crow.

Suddenly, Ao Run, who was trying to hold Ning Bizhen, immediately countered, and opened his mouth to spray a dragon ball, which hit Kunpeng's head.

At the same time, the space behind Kunpeng suddenly shattered, and Li Changsheng, who was incarnation of Emperor Jiang, broke through the space. Day, night, and Kailan on his back immediately besieged Kunpeng from three directions.

In an instant, Kunpeng was surrounded.

Kunpeng's beak easily broke through the defense of Hunyuanhe Luobao Umbrella, but he hadn't touched the two-footed Golden Crow, and Ao Run made a counterattack.

Seeing Ao Run's rebellion, Kunpeng felt annoyed, no matter how fast he was, but at such a short distance, he had only time to deflect his head, causing the dragon ball to hit his shoulder blade fiercely.

Although Kunpeng surpassed Ao Run regardless of realm, quality, or race, Dragon Ball is the dragon's ultimate strength and great power. Under this smash, it broke Kunpeng's flesh and blood and collided with the bones.


Kunpeng only felt a sharp pain in his shoulder blade, but it did not break, but under the impact, the huge body couldn't help shaking.

Taking advantage of the fleeting effort, Kailan, day, night, and the two-footed Golden Crow's offensive arrived, and they fell on Kunpeng one after another.


Kunpeng was first hit with the head and face covered by the Sun True Fire Pillar of the Golden Crow, then he was pierced into the root of his left wing by Kailan's dark green lightsaber, and finally hit the tail by the light pillar of day and night.

After the offensive was completed, Kailan blew up the dark green lightsaber inserted in Kunpeng's body.


A muffled noise came from Kunpeng's body, and the blood splashed, causing Kunpeng to let out a scream, and there was a big blood hole at the root of the left wing.

Even so, the bones connecting Kunpeng's wings are still not broken, but the speed will inevitably be affected.

This sudden wave of sneak attacks only caused Kun Peng to suffer serious injuries.

When the demon pets were besieging Kunpeng, Li Changsheng was not idle either. He first arranged the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, and then took out the four swords of the God of Punishment and the sword formation, and directly launched the big bankruptcy technique-the burial technique of the different treasure!

In view of the fact that the four swords of the **** of death and the sword array map belong to the combined type of exotic treasures, a sacred burial technique of the different treasures activates all of these five Zifu treasures and starts to burn their origins, and their power has not only increased by several times.

Even though the five treasures that burned their origins did not reach the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, they could still exert the effects of the top treasures of the Purple Mansion within a short period of time. The power can be imagined.

In an instant, the Divine Sword Formation was set up and became the formation in the formation.

If he wanted to hold Kun Peng for a period of time, Li Changsheng had no choice but to make this move.

At the moment when the Divine Sword Formation was completed, Li Changsheng blessed the five treasures with the Great Five Elements technique, which increased their power more or less.

In this way, even if the Burning Primal Divine Sword Array is not as good as Hongdi’s genuine Divine Sword Array, the gap is not too big, at least it has reached the point of a weakened version, unlike the previous version that can only be regarded as a poor man.

With the arrangement of the Divine Sword Array, the five elements of energy gathered frantically, and five areas of different colors appeared in the sky.

At this moment, Kunpeng is in the sword formation area.

Kunpeng felt bad for a while, but before he could react, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand to pinch the tactics, and a huge force of gravity pressed on his body, which affected Kunpeng's agility.

While Li Changsheng was presiding over the Divine Sword Formation, the four Demon Emperor level demon pets and Ao Run continued to besiege Kunpeng.


Kunpeng burned with anger, slapped a wing on the two-legged golden crow, slapped it directly into the air, he vomiting, and then pecked the bird's beak, directly pierced the scales of Ao Run's dragon, pecked a huge wound, directly let Ao Run suffer Hit hard.

As a demon emperor-level top sacred beast, even if its strength is weakened by gravity, it can still easily damage or even kill the demon emperor-level demon pet easily.

Before Kailan, day and night's attacks hit, Kunpeng's head showed two brilliances, a mysterious turtle carrying map, and a dragon horse endorsement. The two merged into a rotating gossip phantom, dissolving the offensive.

Heavenly Treasure-Hetu Luoshu!

Seeing this picture book, Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance. They are also Heavenly Treasures, and the popularity of Hetu Luoshu is higher than that of Xuanhuangbaojian.

The functions of the two Heavenly Treasures seem to overlap, but in fact, the Hetu Luoshu is mysterious and contains the principles of heaven and earth. The key is the enlightenment of the ancient heavenly emperor.

Not only that, Hetu Luoshu also fits various forbidden formations, including Zhou Tianxing Dou forbidden formations.

Of course, Xuanhuangbaojian is not without its merits, at least Xuanhuangbaojian is more defensive, and also has the function of a spiritual treasure.

Even so, in the eyes of Li Changsheng, Hetu Luoshu is more important to him.

After resolving the attacks of the demon pets, Kunpeng hurriedly fanned his wings and used Hetu Luoshu to break the formation, leaving the sword formation area with a relatively relaxed posture, and turned into the Slaughter Godsword area.

Even if it is a weakened version of the Divine Sword Formation, Hetu Luoshu can still be easily cracked.

Li Changsheng is like changing shape and shadow, instantly appearing above the Slaughter God Sword. This is also the function of the Zhu God Sword Formation, allowing the user to instantly move the position on the Zhu God Four Swords and the Sword Formation Chart.

At the next moment, the Slaughter God Sword trembles violently, dissipating countless fiery red sword shooting towards the Kunpeng bee pupa with the momentum of returning ten thousand swords to the sect.

At the same time, Li Changsheng turned from Demon Saint-level Emperor Jiang into Demon Emperor-level three-legged golden crow. He opened his mouth and sprayed out a pillar of true sun fire, rushing straight towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng's expression changed slightly, and the three-legged golden crow, like him, belonged to the cutting-edge existence of the top sacred beast. Even if it was only the demon emperor-level three-legged golden crow, the speed was very fast, which could cause him no small trouble.

Facing countless fiery red sword auras and true fire pillars of the sun, as well as the offensive launched by Kailan, day and night from the rear, Kunpeng believed that Hetuluoshu could not stop, and hurriedly took out a pocket palace and threw it straight ahead.

The pocket palace instantly turned into a huge Demon Master Palace, and it smashed towards Li Changsheng quickly. The Sun's True Fire Pillar and the fiery red sword aura broke through the demon Master Palace's defenses, making the Demon Master Palace quickly broken.

However, the impulse of the Demon Master Palace has not been completely resolved, and Li Changsheng is about to be hit.

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