Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1432: River Fishing Illustration

The Qiankun Pan appeared on the top of Li Changsheng's head, his face was slightly painful, and he directly used the Qiankun Pan with a big bankruptcy technique.

It's not that he can't intercept the Demon Master Palace, but that is too troublesome. If the Demon Master Palace cannot be effective for the time being, he can concentrate on dealing with Kunpeng.

In this way, the power of reversing the universe and shifting the universe becomes the first choice.

It's just that, even if the Qiankun disk is only one thread away, it is not the Langhuan Supreme Treasure. It is impossible to move the demon master palace that first entered the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, and can only resolve part of the strength.

Under this circumstance, Li Changsheng could only use the different treasure burial technique on the Qiankun plate.

As long as Kunpeng is killed, these losses are not a problem, just Kunpeng's corpse is worth the price, not to mention the ancient heavenly emperor's enlightenment-Hetu Luoshu.

At the next moment, the origin of the Universe Disk began to burn, its aura greatly increased, and it temporarily entered the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

Move the universe!

The Universe Disk was shining brightly, and how could the broken Demon Master Palace that had been beaten by the Sun's True Fire Pillar and the fiery red sword gas be able to resist it, it was immediately forced to move dozens of miles away by the Universe Disk.

Even if Kunpeng recruits, it will take some time for the Demon Master Palace to return. The key here is surrounded by layers of forbidden formations, and the Demon Master Palace may not be able to return.

At this moment, Kunpeng's expression suddenly changed, because there is a special teleportation formation in the Demon Master Palace. Even if the nearby space is turbulent or frozen, it can still exert the effect of the teleportation formation. However, now the Demon Master Palace is forcibly moved by the Universe Disk, which also represents He is temporarily unable to use the teleportation array.

Li Changsheng didn't know the details, he could only say that it was a crooked fight.

The Universe Disk has not disappeared, and there are still several blows.

At this time, the secret realm channel was opened, and several demon pets rushed out, including Ashe.

Among them, Li Changsheng didn't dare to let Ashe leave his side, for fear that Kunpeng would make a beheading action.

In an instant, the six future Xumidan turned into streamers and fell into the open mouths of Ah-Dai, Four-Clawed Silver Dragon, Lei Qilin, Four-Clawed Yellow Dragon, Chilong, and Chuan Kuan.

While the six demon pets were still digesting, Li Changsheng began to act with Ashe. Due to the soul grafting relationship, the two were connected in heart, and the coordination was not much inferior to the two cats.

The three-legged Golden Crow and Ashe, incarnation of Li Changsheng, mainly used harassment to prevent Kunpeng from breaking the formation.

Kailan, day and night also fell on the three-legged Golden Crow and Ashe, acting as a fort, and at the same time trying to defuse Kunpeng's offensive.

At this moment, Kunpeng's heart became more and more anxious, his eyes focused on the six demon pets that were still undergoing transformation, and he faintly sensed that they were a powerful threat to him.

Unfortunately, with the cooperation of the Divine Sword Formation and many demon pets, he couldn't get close at all for a while.

Kunpeng's eyeballs turned slightly, his mind was on his mind, and he pretended to approach the six demon pets. When the demon pets were ready to intercept, Peng's wings spread out and immediately turned the bird's head and rushed in the opposite direction. Want to rush out from the other side.

Kunpeng was already faster, and coupled with the first-mover advantage, temporarily left Li Changsheng and many demon pets behind.

Hetu Luoshu was always running at extreme speed. Suddenly, Kunpeng's eyes seemed to have distorted and fuzzy lines. In this short period of time, Hetu Luoshu finally caught the weakened version of the law of operation of the Divine Sword Formation.

These lines are constantly changing, but they have certain laws. Even if the Divine Sword Formation is changing all the time, there should always be a certain gap between changes.

Taking advantage of this short gap, Kun Peng flew quickly in the large array, and in the blink of an eye, he was about to leave the Zhu Shenjian array smoothly.

Just when Kunpeng was in the Excalibur Area, Li Changsheng used the ability of the Excalibur Sword Formation to instantly move to this place, and even the two cats with him were also in this line.


The three-legged golden crow screamed, and countless golden flames suddenly appeared all over the body, like a golden firebird, and slammed into it.

The two cats couldn't feel the temperature of the real fire of the sun at all. They grabbed the golden feathers of the three-legged golden crow and were always ready.

Just when he was about to approach Kunpeng, Kunpeng's body surface suddenly appeared with two apertures, one black and one white, which tightly wrapped Kunpeng's wings.


Kunpeng hurriedly used his force to break through two apertures forcibly, but even for such a small amount of time, Li Changsheng had already rushed in front of him.

In this case, Kunpeng can only be guarded by Hetu Luoshu.

'set! ’

At the critical moment, most of the remaining origin of the Universe Disk was instantly burned out and turned into fly ash, leaving only a large group of brilliance, which instantly wrapped the Hetu Luoshu.

Although it is impossible to forcibly move the Hetu Luoshu, but the Universe Disk burns most of its origin, it is still possible to hold the Hetu Luoshu for a second or two.

In such a short time, Li Changsheng slammed into Kunpeng's body, and the countless real fires of the sun attached to his body surface burst out, venting quickly toward the surroundings, and instantly enveloped most of Kunpeng's body.


Kunpeng let out a painful cry, immediately transformed into a fish form, spewing deep blue heavy water, annihilating the real fire of the sun, at the same time, a huge water column swiftly hit Li Changsheng.

It was also at this time that five large cauldrons of different colors appeared on Li Changsheng's head, and under his control, they slammed into the water column one after another.

There is a connection between the five tripods, and the power of suppression is absolutely beyond imagination, instantly suppressing the raging water column.

Taking advantage of the fleeting moment, Li Changsheng went directly out of the range of the water jet's attack and fully stimulated the power of the Excalibur Sword. Numerous golden sword lights exploded wildly, and finally turned into a 100-meter-long golden giant sword, a sword. Cut to Kunpeng.

Kunpeng hurriedly used the Hetu Luoshu to hold the giant sword, and at the moment when the two were deadlocked, a fishing rod appeared above Li Changsheng's head, and the hook seemed to shuttle through the space, and at the same time that there was no trace to be found, he instantly hooked the Hetu.

Just like Qiankun Pan, at this moment, the Luobao fishing rod was also blessed by Li Changsheng's big bankruptcy technique, and the burning origin temporarily entered the Langhuan treasure stage.

Although the treasure fishing rod possesses an extremely rare ability to drop treasure, it is ultimately limited by his rank, which is almost the same as a chicken rib for him now.

The Luobao fishing rod began to turn into fly ash, but it was Li Changsheng who burned the origin of the Luobao fishing rod at one time, which made the Luobao fishing rod exert an unimaginable effect in an instant.

Under the horrified eyes of Kunpeng Hetu was forcibly torn apart and forced to fly towards Li Changsheng.

"not good!"

Kunpeng let out a roar, and the anger in his eyes could not be concealed.

With the forced separation of Hetu, Luoshu was obviously affected, giving people the feeling of being alone.

The Kunpeng giant's tail, which had turned into a kunfish, swung its tail, slamming it heavily on the golden giant sword, and instantly smashed it apart.

In a short time, Kunpeng turned into a Pengniao again, rushing towards Li Changsheng, but wanted to get Hetu back.

Hetu Luoshu has always been regarded as a treasure by Kunpeng, not to mention that it is still in the Divine Sword Formation. Without Hetu, the difficulty of breaking the formation with Luoshu alone can be said to be a geometric increase.

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