Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1433: Devour the sky

At this moment, the Luobao fishing rod had turned into fly ash, and the light emitted by Hetu was restrained again. The key to Kunpeng's brand was forcibly erased by the Luobao fishing rod, so it fell lightly from the sky.

Of the two, Li Changsheng is closer to Hetu, but Kunpeng is faster, and it seems that everyone has the possibility of grabbing.

Li Changsheng's changing three-legged golden crow also rushed towards the river map, spewing black and white beams of light during the day and night, and rushed towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng directly let Luo Shu resist the offensive, causing the mask that Luo Shu transformed to vibrate violently, Guanghua quickly slid down, and it was about to shatter.

At this moment, there was only a few tens of meters between Li Changsheng and Kunpeng.


Unexpectedly by Kunpeng, Li Changsheng did not grab the river map at all. Instead, when he was very close to Kunpeng, the two swords of Biluohuangquan rushed out of the Lingxiao sword box, and the two swords merged into a stunned sword dragon, stabbed in Luo. On the condensed light cover of the book.

The mask was originally the end of the crossbow, wherever it could bear it, it was directly broken open by the stegosaurus.

"not good!"

Kunpeng's heart secretly was not good, at the moment of the moment, he tried his best to avoid his head, and immediately the stegosaurus stabbed the already injured scapula fiercely.


This time, the shoulder blades that even Dragon Ball could not break were directly interrupted by Stegosaurus.

The stegosaurus's remaining momentum slowed down, and continued to break open the flesh and bones and even the internal organs along the way, deeply piercing into Kun Peng's body.


Kunpeng let out a stern scream, and hurriedly used the secret method, a large amount of cyan energy rushed into the two swords of Biluohuangquan, forcibly forcing the two swords out of the wound.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng exhausted his three legs and scratched Kunpeng's back with three long scars. The real fire of the sun attached to his paws poured into Kunpeng's body and burned, causing Kunpeng to suffer a second injury.

Kunpeng's fierce state was revealed, and Li Changsheng's changed three-legged golden crow was directly knocked into flight, and then a huge wind blade was released, which swiftly rotated towards Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng only felt the qi and blood in his body surge, and couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood.

Seeing the wind blade hit, the day and night on his back hurriedly spit out the beam of light, and the wind blade stalemate.

Suddenly, the huge wind blade was radiant and exploded.

Under the strong wind pressure, Li Changsheng and the two cats were obviously affected, were directly exposed and retreated some distance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kun Peng took a look at the place where Hetu disappeared. Due to the obscuration of the Divine Sword Formation, he could no longer sense the exact position of Hetu.

The key is that the brand on the river map is forcibly removed, otherwise Kunpeng can be recalled at any time.

Without hesitation, Kunpeng resolutely rushed towards the direction of the gate of the Excalibur Formation.

I have to say that Kunpeng's luck is really bad.

Before Kunpeng rushed out of the Divine Sword Formation, the space was shattered, and a four-clawed golden dragon came out, with Kailan and Lei Qilin standing on its back.

Under the effect of Xumidan in the future, Chilong temporarily evolved into a four-clawed golden dragon, and temporarily reached the Demon Emperor level.


The appearance of the four-clawed golden dragon was too sudden, and Kunpeng had no time to react, and collided with the four-clawed golden dragon, making a dull sound.

Under this collision, the four-clawed golden dragon vomited blood and flew, and was directly hit.

However, Kunpeng's momentum was also stopped.

Kailan and Lei Qilin, who had also temporarily reached the Demon Emperor Rank, were not affected. Their attack arrived, adding a few scars to Kunpeng's huge body.

Not waiting for Kunpeng to flap his wings again, Ashe, Four-Clawed Silver Dragon, Dumb, Chuankuan, and Four-Clawed Yellow Dragon all came out of the shattered space of the Four-Clawed Golden Dragon.

With the help of Future Sumidan, all the demon pets who were still at the Demon Saint Level have all reached the Demon Emperor Level.

On the other side, Li Changsheng's changed three-legged Golden Crow rushed again with two cats.

For a time, Kunpeng was frightened, and for the first time there was the shadow of death.

While the demon pet hadn't completed the encirclement, Kunpeng ignored the offensive from the rear, and charged again with a forward-looking attitude, about to break out of the Divine Sword Formation.


Accompanied by the sound of a strong explosion, the scarred Kunpeng was obviously severely injured, but he still forcibly rushed out of the Divine Sword Array.

Kunpeng obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately wanted to soar up to 90,000 li and escape.

To his surprise, Li Changsheng didn't even pursue it, which was far beyond his expectation.


Suddenly, Luo Shu trembled and conveyed a message to Kunpeng. Kunpeng finally knew what was wrong. He was in the phantom formation, and the intensity seemed not inferior to that of the Divine Sword Formation.

This is exactly the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation. It turned out that at the moment Kunpeng rushed out of the Divine Sword Formation, in order to prevent Kunpeng from escaping his birth, Li Changsheng had to launch a major bankruptcy again, causing all 365 stars to burn their origins, so Kunpeng I didn't notice it immediately.

Of course, this is also related to the absence of Hetu, which greatly reduced the effect of Luoshu, and did not see it in the first time.

Kunpeng seemed to be soaring, but in Li Changsheng's eyes, Kunpeng was completely circling.

When Kunpeng woke up, Li Changsheng and the demon pets finally completed the encirclement.

With the assistance of Luo Shu, Kunpeng sensed that his heart immediately became cold and cold, and instantly turned into a fish.

Pengniao wins in speed, but its ability to resist attacks is far inferior to that of kunyu.

At the moment Kunpeng completed his transformation, different forms of energy rushed from all directions, and he was about to drown Kunpeng.

Kunpeng had only time to condense a thick water curtain, which completely enveloped him, the Luoshu light above his head was relatively dim, and he could no longer condense the light mask in a short time.


In an instant of effort, the water curtain shattered, and the remaining energy smashed into Kunpeng's huge kunyu body.

Countless blood rushes have caused Kunpeng's injuries and injuries, almost losing his fighting ability.

Seeing that he couldn't escape from birth, Kunpeng, as the overlord of one party, showed a fierce look. Kunyu opened his mouth and emitted a terrifying sound.

This is a bursting sound wave, regardless of the enemy and us, which is most suitable for the current scene.

"Be careful!"

Li Changsheng reminded him aloud that the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda suddenly appeared, suspended above Li Changsheng's head, hanging down like a cyan shield composed of countless Yingluo, resisting sound waves.

The demon pets reacted differently some wanted to avoid, some defended, and some even wanted to attack.

Under the extremely strong sound waves, the four-clawed Huanglong, Yuankunkun, and Duan made all the moves, blood gushed from their seven orifices, and their heads were even blank.

Swallow the sky!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kunpeng once again used his ultimate move, Kunyu opened his mouth as wide as possible, a huge suction gushing out, madly devouring everything around him.

The petite demon pets were the first to be affected, and they could only hold on to the large demon pets so as not to be sucked away.

On the other side, the four-clawed Huanglong, Yuankuunkuun, and Dui still haven't recovered their sobriety, they are about to fall into the open mouth of the kunyu.

If this falls into the belly of the kunyu, the consequences will be disastrous.

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