Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1434: Kunpeng falls

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Not waiting for Li Changsheng to use the Purple Pole Golden Jue Starry Sky Crown, at the critical moment, the four-clawed silver dragon temporarily reached the power of the demon emperor level to overload the operation time.

Regardless of race, quality, or realm, the four-clawed silver dragon is not as good as Kunpeng, but if you work hard, it will still have a certain effect.

Of course, there will be backlash.

In an instant, Kunpeng stiffened for a moment, and the sky-swallowing land that was originally running was forcibly interrupted.

Kunpeng opened his mouth wide, but never issued a powerful swallowing ability.

The few demon pets who were still awake immediately seized the fleeting opportunity and launched a fierce attack on Kunpeng.

At the same time, Biluohuangquan Shuangjian attacked again.

At this moment, it takes only one or two seconds for a full play, but for the strong, one or two seconds can be enough to change the situation.

As a price, the four-clawed silver dragon twitched all over, vomiting crazily milky white and red blood, and immediately became sluggish, as if frost hit the eggplant, it didn't last for three seconds.

Just holding Kunpeng for a moment, the four-clawed silver dragon was hit hard.

When Kunpeng recovered, he was shocked suddenly, which made him feel as if he had lost his memory. The sky-swallowing land that had been working stopped for some reason, and the opponent launched an offensive and was already very close to him. .

The current Kunpeng is like a black question mark face, his face is full of confusion, but at this time he still has time to think, facing the close offensive, his eyes are full of despair.

The Kunyu form is indeed rough and thick, and the problem is coming. Today's Kunpeng is at the end of the battle, how can it be able to withstand this round of offensive.

If the Hetuluo book is complete, it might be able to hold a wave, but unfortunately there is no if.


In an instant, with Kunpeng as the center, countless splendid brilliance vented around.

The next moment, a huge, **** figure fell from the sky.

From the induction of mental power, the light spot that originally represented Kunpeng became brighter or darker, which meant that Kunpeng was already dying and would swallow this breath at any time.


During the fall, Kunpeng stared at Li Changsheng with huge eyes.

From beginning to end, Kunpeng didn't know why Li Changsheng had to deal with him.

"The North Sea Dragon King has given too much!"

Li Changsheng shrugged and gave a reason casually.

"Save me, I can give you... twice, no, three times!"

Kunpeng seemed to want to grab the last straw, and there was a little hope in his eyes.

Li Changsheng stared at Kunpeng with strange eyes, and said: "You are dead, everything is mine!"


Kunpeng opened his eyes wide and swallowed his last breath.

Kunpeng didn't fall to the ground because he was easily dragged by the power of Hunyuan Heluo's forbidden formation.

From the feedback of mental power, the bright spot of light representing Kunpeng suddenly disappeared, which meant that Kunpeng had indeed died, instead of pretending to be dead.

Li Changsheng smiled, and then came to Kunpeng's corpse with the demon pets.

In this battle, Li Changsheng lost a lot, but the gain was beyond imagination.

The biggest gain is Hetu Luoshu, this ancient heavenly emperor's enlightened thing, has shown its value in the battle just now.

In addition, the Hetu Luoshu will also become Li Changsheng’s first best Langhuan treasure. With the Hetu Luoshu, Li Changsheng’s safety is absolutely further guaranteed.

In addition to Hetu Luoshu, and then Kunpeng's corpse, Kunpeng's bloodline has reached the limit. Li Changsheng has at least a 50% purification rate, and it may be possible to make the big head evolve into Kunpeng.

Although Kunpeng belongs to the top sacred beast, he is formed by the fusion of the blood of the two upper sacred beasts, Pengniao and Kunyu. The amount of the two types of essence and blood required is naturally equivalent to that of the upper sacred beast, that is, both essence and blood are only ten Five cans will do.

As for the broken Demon Master Palace, compared with these two, it can almost be ignored.

What I have to say is that Kunpeng even lost the strength to self-destruct the internal space in the end, so the contents inside were all preserved.

With the death of Kunpeng, his internal space was also in a state of collapse, but was temporarily taken over by the four-clawed golden dragon, stagnating the progress of the collapse.

Li Changsheng took the opportunity to take out all the items inside, and put them into the secret realm without even looking at it.

It is still not the time to count the harvest, because he can feel fierce fighting over the sea hundreds of miles away.

As the overlord of one party, Kunpeng seems to have no allies in the face, but in fact it is not.

So soon after Li Changsheng ambushed Kunpeng, Kunpeng immediately sent his allies to avoid accidents.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng just made a target. If he wants to rescue Kunpeng, he must first pass the test of Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu and even the Beihai Dragon Clan. This is not easy.

With their help, Li Changsheng can deal with Kunpeng wholeheartedly.

It's just that after Kunpeng's fall, the opponent hasn't been defeated or repulsed, which is a bit beyond Li Changsheng's expectations.

Judging from the current situation, Kunpeng's allies are by no means idle, otherwise they will not be able to last until this time.

Li Changsheng took back the demon pet, rode on the two-legged golden crow, turned into a long rainbow from the fire, and rushed in the direction of the fierce battle.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to transform into the three-footed Golden Crow, but it is more mentally intensive to maintain the state of the three-footed Golden Crow.

In addition, his enemies did not know for the time being that Li Changsheng could change the Demon Emperor-level three-legged Golden Crow, and he could completely use it as a hole card, perhaps with miracles.

As for the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array, which is still in operation, you don't need to worry about it. With the rapid loss of origin, it will collapse soon. This is an irreversible process.

During the flight, Li Changsheng had already activated the secret method of seeing, seeing and hearing, and saw the battle hundreds of miles away.


Li Changsheng's heart sank He thought that Kunpeng's ally should be the remaining overlords of the four overseas countries, but it turned out to be the Emperor Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, Li Changsheng showed an expression of gloat. If the power of Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Beihai Dragon Clan were combined, it would really be possible to leave the Emperor Xuan.

It's a pity that this is only an extravagant hope after all, because the Human Emperor, the Phoenix Emperor, the Blood Emperor, and the Thunder Emperor are divided into two camps standing in different directions not very far from the battlefield.

Li Changsheng didn't know their thoughts, but one thing was certain, the Emperor Human and Emperor Feng were his mortal enemies, and once he joined the battlefield, he would probably join forces with the Emperor Xuan.

The blood emperor and thunder Emperor are also unstable factors.

Before Li Changsheng flew, Xuanhuang left one step ahead of time, floating in the void, his charming pretty face was full of evil spirit.

Obviously, she had learned that Kunpeng had fallen, and she could imagine the indignation in Li Changsheng's repeated beheading of her allies and subordinates.

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