Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1436: 7 generals

The North Ming region is vast, three points larger than the southeast region. Although there are few creatures and the land is barren, there is no shortage of resource points, especially ice attribute resource points. There is a world-class wonder and four treasures of the world. There are countless resource points at the middle and low levels.

However, these resource points will ultimately only be a waste of the Beihai Dragon Clan. Li Changsheng doesn't care much. What he cares about is Kunpeng's main subordinates and property.

There are seven generals under Kunpeng, six of them are monster emperor-level goblins, headed by the demon emperor-level ancestor Bailong, and the remaining one is demon saint-level ice-luan, which can rival the ordinary demon emperor-level goblins.

As for Kunpeng's property, most of the important ones are collected in the internal space, and useless ones are collected in the treasury.

Soon, under the guidance of Li Changsheng, the three entered the hinterland of Beiming and went straight to Huanglong.

Kunpeng’s base camp is guarded by two forbidden formations. One is the Innate Wutu forbidden formation, which is known for its strong defenses. It can continuously extract the power of the earth veins to repair oneself. It belongs to the same level of forbidden formations as the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation.

The other forbidden formation is called Beiming Ice Soul Forbidden Formation. This is the forbidden formation that Kunpeng has understood in Beiming all the year round. It is known for its rapid offensive and is slightly inferior to the Xiantian Wutu forbidden formation.

The two forbidden formations have one offense and one defense, and relying on Beiming's veins and weather, plus the guardianship of the seven generals of Kunpeng, even the emperor will not be able to break through in a short time.

It's a pity that this is coming from the combat power of the three emperor ranks, and Li Changsheng has also acquired a certain memory of Kunpeng, not only has a better understanding of these two forbidden battles, but also knows where the battle is the key.

"Enemy attack!"

The seven generals of Kunpeng, headed by the ancestor Bailong, reacted unpleasantly. Before the three of them approached, they immediately responded and launched the two forbidden formations with all their strength.

At this moment, under the guidance of Li Changsheng, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu separated and rushed towards the positions of the two forbidden formations.

"not good!"

The ancestor Bai Longnuo’s dragon’s eyes were full of horror. It didn’t know why the opponent knew where the two forbidden formations were, but one thing it was certain was that once the forbidden formations were gone, they might be horrible. less.

The next moment, the Seventh General of Kunpeng took the initiative to rush towards the eyes of the forbidden formation, trying to disperse and intercept Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu.

At the same time, the North Ming Ice Soul forbidden formation condensed countless blue ice cones, and launched an indiscriminate attack on the three offenders.

The offensive is extremely dense, and there is almost no possibility of evasion.

There is a big golden bell on the top of Emperor Wen's head. It depicts flowers, birds, insects, fish, mountains and rivers. As the bell rang, the cone of ice was not yet approached, and it was shaken into countless icy debris.

On the other side, Emperor Wu took out the book and turned to the fiery red page. Numerous fire phoenixes, fire dragons, fire tigers, etc. condensed from flames charged wildly, melting all the ice cones along the way.

Li Changsheng in the center stepped on the Lotus Terrace of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace and the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda above his head. No matter how close the ice cone was, there were only rippling ripples. Unless his mental strength was lacking, his defenses could not be broken at all.

Li Changsheng did not move, and quietly watched Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu's actions.

Although Kunpeng's seventh major relied on the forbidden formation to stop it, there was a gap after all, and it did not last long. The two major forbidden formations were almost broken at the same time.

At the moment when the two forbidden formations disappeared, Li Changsheng finally moved, and the two-footed Golden Crow under his crotch turned into a flame, and appeared in front of the panicked Demon Saint Bingluan in the blink of an eye.

Bingluan was obviously caught off guard, too late to react, and the two-legged golden crow's golden bird's beak directly penetrated its neck.


Bingluan only had time to let out a scream, and fell from the sky.

At this time, the two cats in Li Changsheng's arms rushed out, and their target was Demon Emperor Rank Lan Yukun.

Li Changsheng has reason to suspect that this Lan Yukun might be Kunpeng's heir, but there is no record of its identity in the memory fragments obtained from Kunpeng.

On the other side, the two-footed Golden Crow continued to charge and rushed towards the demon emperor-level frost giant who was moving at the slowest speed.

Lan Yukun wanted to break through the incomparably thick ice with brute force, as long as he entered the vast deep sea, its safety could be guaranteed.

It's a pity that Lan Yukun faced two cats. Before he could act, he was defeated as if they were abusive, and his huge head was beheaded by a huge flame sword.

After waiting for a few breaths, the two-footed golden crow grabbed the frost giant's head, twisted it forcefully, and forcibly twisted its head.

The headless frost giant continued to fly for hundreds of meters before falling to the ground. After twitching for a short period of time, he did not breathe again.

In a short time, Li Changsheng killed the three generals of Kunpeng.

As for the other four generals, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu will deal with them.

Unlike Li Changsheng, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu stayed a bit of strength, only hurting them.

If the two want to quickly regain their combat power, they must contract a monster emperor class goblin.

As for why Li Changsheng chose to kill, firstly, the blood of Bingluan and Lan Yukun was useful to him, and secondly, they weren't giant dragon-type fairies.

Only by letting Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu contract the dragon-like goblins as much as possible, could Li Changsheng's position be consolidated, even if they were reversed, they would have enough ability to deal with them.

As for Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, it’s not a problem. It’s not just that Beiming has wild monster emperors at the Demon Emperor level. There are many forbidden lands such as Monopoly Mountains.


Soon, with the sorrowful roar of the ancestor's white dragon, the battle finally came to an end.

The remaining four demon emperor level goblins are the ancestor white dragon, the second ancestor silver dragon, the eight-tailed snow fox, and the chilong.

Under the deterrence of Zhanlongtai, the five-color dragon **** and the precepts and deeds of the ancestral black dragon and the emerald green dragon contracted by Emperor Wu, the ancestor white dragon and the second ancestor silver dragon finally chose to compromise .

The eight-tailed snow fox and Chilong are much more difficult. Finally, after Emperor Wen promised many conditions, Chilong reluctantly agreed, but the eight-tailed snow fox kept his head high, swearing to death, and was eventually killed.

In addition to the seven generals, there are also a large number of wild goblins, including a batch of hundreds of white dragons. The three selected some wild goblins to supplement the secret realm, and left them to the North Sea Dragon King.

In addition, the three of them scoured the Kunpeng base camp and gained a lot of benefits. After confirming that there was nothing missing, they left contentedly.

Soon after the three of them left, Emperor Xuan's figure appeared. She had a pretty face. She also entered Beiming for the first time. She originally wanted to subdue the seven generals of Kunpeng, but she was still a step too late.

Therefore, Emperor Xuan could only wait and see from a distance. At the beginning, she had high hopes for the seven generals of Kunpeng, thinking that maybe she could resist for a period of time with the two forbidden formations, and she could wait for opportunities, but the result was a complete defeat, which made her disappointed. .

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