Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1437: The legendary 9th turn golden core

After leaving Beiming, the three first met with the Beihai Dragon King to discuss the alliance, and swear to Tiandao after negotiating the details.

With the help of the Beihai Dragon Clan, Li Changsheng's power and influence will be further enhanced.

What's more surprising is that Ao Run didn't want to stay in Beihai, but hoped to go to the southeast area with Li Changsheng.

Obviously, Ao Run wanted to be closer to Feng Zi. With Li Changsheng's care, it would be easier to see each other in the future.

In addition to Ao Run, there is also Yerogagarde, a demon-sacred sub-dragon dragon as a gift.

The Beihai Dragon King didn't stop it, maybe he thought it was a good thing for Ao Run to follow Li Changsheng.

No way, the blame is Li Chang's growth too fast.

Li Changsheng didn't refuse. With Ao Run joining, he not only added a good hitman, plus Ao Run's identity, it also made it easier to communicate with the North Sea Dragon King.

Once Li Changsheng and Ao Run encounter a crisis, Beihai Dragon King will do his best.

After leaving Beihai, the three of them went to the Flame Canyon again. Li Changsheng handed the treasure bottle with Fengzi to a middle-aged woman with noble temperament.

This is the owner of Flame Canyon, a demon emperor-level phoenix who has lived for an unknown number of years, and also the elder of the Phoenix clan. At that time, when facing the invasion of the human emperor, the phoenix emperor, and the east sea dragon clan, it was this phoenix who led the clansmen to stop the east sea. Dragons.

Soon after hearing Feng Zi's description, the elder of the Feng clan became a little more angry.

"Too much bullying!"

The elder of the Feng clan had a relatively hot temper, and his tone was full of astonishing killing intent. He immediately said to the three of Li Changsheng: "The alliance is a big deal. I have to discuss it with the patriarch and other elders. But one thing is certain. , The treasure of our clan fell into the hands of Emperor Feng. After so many years, apart from Feng Zi, Emperor Feng secretly did not know how many Feng clan or collaterals had been murdered. We will certainly seek justice for these people and regain the treasure of Feng clan. I need your help."

The elder Feng clan paused, perhaps embarrassed, and then added: "Of course, when you have difficulties, you can come to the Flame Canyon to find me at any time. As long as it is within our power, we will do our best. "

The implication of the elders of the Feng clan is that the Feng clan may not form an alliance with Li Changsheng and others, but the Flame Canyon can, but cannot fall on the surface.

Compared with the Sihailong clan who are pregnant with ghosts, the Feng clan seems to be more united.

After chatting with the elders of the Feng clan for a while, the three left the Flame Canyon, parted ways, and returned to their respective areas.

In the imperial capital of the Tianling Empire, Li Changsheng arranged Ao Run in the man-made lake in the imperial palace, entered the secret realm, and began to count the harvest.

Needless to say, Hetu Luoshu is extremely important to Li Changsheng. It is not only his first superb Langhuan treasure, but also a multiplier with half the effort to deal with Zhou Tianxing's forbidden formation. Whether he can successfully obtain the inheritance of the star emperor is in this one move.

Then go to the dilapidated Demon Master Palace. For the Teleportation Array in the Demon Master Palace, the memory fragments obtained from Kun Peng happened to have this information.

After knowing this information, Li Changsheng secretly said a fluke. Fortunately, he moved the Demon Master's Palace with the Universe Disk at that time, otherwise it would really be possible to let Kun Peng Tao Yaoyao.

This is a very special teleportation array that Li Changsheng has seen for the first time. This teleportation array belongs to the heavenly heritage. It can almost be transported regardless of the solidification and turbulence of space. The materials are extremely rare. Many of them are specialties of the heavenly court, even Li Changsheng. Can't get it together.

Then there are the corpses of Kunpeng, Bingluan, Eight-Tailed Snow Fox, Lan Yukun, and Frost Giant. Except for the Frost Giant's corpse is of little use, the rest can be used to refine the essence and blood that is useful to him or Ning Bizhen.

The last is the gains in Kunpeng’s internal space and treasure house. As a leader, and he has lived for tens of thousands of years, Kunpeng’s accumulation can be said to be quite rich. Even if the treasure house is divided by Li Changsheng, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, it is still full of harvest. .

The only drawback is that most of these treasures are of ice attributes.

No way, Kunpeng has spent most of his life in Beiming, and after so many years, the treasures obtained from the heavens have basically been exhausted, so the output is extremely dependent on Beiming.

Even so, there are two treasures that Li Changsheng needs, which are more than ten copies of Nine Heaven Qingqi and two Yaochi Guiyuan Grasses.

Needless to say, Jiutian Qingqi can quickly make the demon saint-level demon pet approach the peak of the demon saint quickly.

Yaochi Guiyuan Grass is one of the main materials of the pseudo-super-grade pill, the Sixiang Guiyuan Pill. It is usually hidden in the body, and only when life is threatened with death, it will automatically activate and transform into the four elephants to guard against damage, and it can protect your life at critical moments. , Both humans and monster pets can be used.

In addition to these, there are 36 world-class treasures.

As before, 30 of these 36 world-class treasures are of the same kind.

This is the product of Beiming’s only resource point of the world's wonders-glazed cold crystal jade, which will be produced every 30 years. It is basically placed in the treasure house by Kunpeng, so Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu have also obtained a lot. .

Colored glaze cold crystal jade: a low-grade world wonder, freezing the vitality of living things for ten years. Note: After being frozen, creatures cannot breathe, move, think, or communicate, just like vegetatives.

This is undoubtedly a very special treasure. The biggest use is to be absorbed by the strong whose life is about to end. In a sense, it extends life for ten years, but it is useless for Kunpeng, who can almost live the same life as the world.

Not only that, but it can also be absorbed by organisms suffering from incurable diseases or incurable injuries, temporarily saving lives.

Li Changsheng intends to keep two pieces of this batch of glazed cold crystal jade, and all the rest will be used to practice "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow" to further strengthen his physical strength.

Among the remaining 6 wonders of the world, there is a rule crystal of Thunder, and two secondary rule crystals, one water and one wind.

The fourth piece is a bottle with a water-blue gas in the bottle.

"The air of innate sunflower water!"

Li Changsheng immediately recognized it, and as a result, he had already collected four of the five elements of the innate qi, and the innate qi of the wood attribute was missing.

The fifth piece is a piece of ice-blue ore the size of a millstone, called Ice Phoenix Meteorite. This is a product similar to the Blood Phoenix Wujin, but this time it is an Ice Crystal Phoenix, and the attached products are different. Said to be one of the top materials in the ice system.

Regarding this ice phoenix meteorite, Li Changsheng had no idea of ​​refining it for the time being, so he put it away, and then set his sights on the sixth treasure.

The last treasure is also a bottle, but there is a label on it, named Jiu Zhan Jin Dan!

Li Changsheng did not expect that Kunpeng still had the legendary Rank Nine Golden Pill hidden in his body.

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