Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1442: Goal: Monopoly Mountains

Emperor Xuan looked at a few people blankly, and then her figure disappeared. Even if the emperor Ruan's reputation is notorious, it is a fact that she is an emperor in the end.

Therefore, Emperor Xuan did not say much, after all, the greater the pressure of Emperor Decadent, the more he would rely on her.

If he wanted not to follow the path of Emperor Ai, Emperor Ruan had to rely on the will of Emperor Xuan, and this was almost his only way.

Xuanhuang's figure disappeared. For the present plan, she must increase the strength of Emperor Ruan as soon as possible, at least not as vulnerable as Emperor Ai.

The best way she could think of was to let Emperor Decadent forcefully ban the demon pet contract that had not yet become the Demon Emperor Rank, and then let Emperor Decadent contract the wild Demon Emperor Rank goblin.

As long as the emperor Ruan possesses all the demon pets of the Demon Emperor rank, the emperor Ruan's strength will increase greatly in a short time.

Of course, the sequelae of doing so are also obvious, the potential of Emperor Tuan will be greatly reduced, but for Emperor Tuan, of the two choices of potential and fate, fate is naturally more important.

After Emperor Xuan and Emperor Xuan left, Li Changsheng immediately communicated with Emperor Blood and Emperor Lei for a while to discuss alliance matters.

The Lei Di moved intentionally, but in the end he still had the style of respecting the blood emperor, and the blood emperor took the initiative.

As one of the three emperors, the blood emperor is naturally not a friendly master, he is completely ambiguous, neither agrees nor refuses.

In the eyes of the blood emperor, his side controls the initiative, the reason is very simple, he did not have any evil with any party, giving people a feeling of detachment, which also became the reason why the other three parties were vying to win.

Li Changsheng was also helpless. He had a serious relationship with the Emperor Human and Emperor Xuan. In the face of huge interests, the two guys would be able to unite at any time. He must guard against the slightest failure and prevent it from happening, and it is best to win over one side.

Judging from the words of the blood emperor, the other party has no tendency for the time being, but there is no guarantee which party will be inclined someday, and everything is still based on interests.

But one thing is certain, no matter which side the blood emperor is inclined to, it must be crushed on the bright side, and this has to be prevented.

Seeing the blood emperor shirk off, Li Changsheng's heart suddenly changed and he began to think about other methods.

Generally speaking, it is nothing more than two methods of strengthening oneself or relying on other forces.

Strategically, it is natural to combine vertical and horizontal lines.

In addition to the human race, the dragon, phoenix, and qilin races are the most influential. Now the North Sea Dragon King has formed an alliance. There is no news about the Feng race yet, and the Qilin race has no way out.

In addition to the three clans, there are still many second-class powers, similar to the previous Beiming Kunpeng, dominated by powerful demon emperor-level goblins, but like the Qilin clan, there is mainly no way out.

In order to strengthen oneself, in addition to win over more idle kings and double-character kings, the strength of Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu must be further restored.

With the Battle of Beiming, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu have recovered more than half of their strength. Probably as long as they kill another force similar to Beiming, they can be fully restored.

In the choice, Li Changsheng naturally tends to monopolize the mountains.

How could anyone snore on the side of the couch, not to mention other forces might not cooperate with Monopoly Mountain to make trouble for him.

Li Changsheng continued to win over the idle kings and double-character kings. Although they could not help much at this level, as long as they obtained the inheritance of the star emperor, it would definitely be of great use when arranging the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation.

Once the 365 kings and double-character kings hold the star pan, the Zhou Tian Xing Dou ban can be fully utilized to fully utilize the full power of this large-scale top ban.

However, there are not many idle powerhouses after all. Those who really want to have intentions have been overwhelmed by Li Changsheng last time. This time even if Li Changsheng carries the power to kill the Demon Emperor Kunpeng, the responders are very small. It can only be said that it is better than nothing. .

Soon, the other emperors and emperors disturbed the consciousness of withdrawal.

At this time, Li Changsheng looked at Aoki Wang Luo Yuanjun, who had not left, and began to exchange consciousness.

"Brother Luo, how are you doing soon?"


Luo Yuanjun's expression did not change, it seemed to be really good.

However, Li Changsheng believed that the emperor did not trust him, because the emperor did not let Luo Yuanjun become the commander of the emperor's palace, and the number of demon emperor class demon pets of Luo Yuanjun did not increase, still only four.

In addition, Li Changsheng heard that the Emperor of Humanity is secretly gaining access to top double-character kings from other forces.

Obviously, the emperor did not trust Luo Yuanjun.

"Brother Luo, as long as you can join us, we will definitely fight for you a throne, how about?"

"I used to rise up to Heaven and be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor..."

Seeing the effect, Li Changsheng's mind immediately became active.

As for why it took such a lot of effort to invite Luo Yuanjun, the main reason is that Li Changsheng has not yet reached the requirements of becoming emperor. Once there is a vacancy in the emperor's position, it is better to occupy it instead of taking advantage of other forces, so that it can greatly increase its own strength, and it will not be enough. Watching other forces become stronger.

Among the three, only Emperor Wu has a top double-character king, but as the leader, Li Changsheng naturally hopes to be able to take the lead, so as not to lose power.

Li Changsheng and Luo Yuanjun are more knowledgeable, and they are also his best candidates.

"As long as you can come, you don't have to think about this. We have our own methods to deal with the backlash of the heavens. In addition, I also prepared a great gift for you."

"Give me three days to think about it!"

Luo Yuanjun had an intention to move. Although the situation is chaotic now, since the emperor does not trust him, he naturally has no idea of ​​hanging on a tree. Moreover, the recent actions of the emperor are very irritating to the self-proclaimed Luo Yuanjun. It is disgusting.

In addition, Li Changsheng could not be aimless, which also made Luo Yuanjun full of intentions. No matter how he looked at it, it would be more beneficial for him to take refuge in Li Changsheng, and maybe one day he would have the opportunity to become the emperor.

Even if in the end it doesn't have his own territory like Emperor Yu, but the emperor is the emperor after all, and the mighty power belongs to himself, this will not change, and there is no rule not to grab the territory.

Li Changsheng didn't stay in the Palace of Kings for a long As the Dark Moon King became the Emperor of Decay, he was bound to make some response, first of all, he had to clear up his worries.

1. Resolve the large forces on the borders or boundaries of the trio, such as the Monopoly Mountains and the Vientiane Basin, and even the Dragons of the East China Sea can be included in this scope.

Second, clear the demon monarchs within the territory of the three people.

After the consciousness returned to the body, Li Changsheng got in touch with Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu and told them his thoughts.

No accident, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu chose to agree, after all, this is also a good thing for them.

After the discussion, the three of them did not choose to fan out, otherwise they would be easily targeted by other human forces, avoiding the possibility of being flanked by two sides, and finally the first target was to lock the monopoly mountain.

There are five Demon Emperor-level demon pets in the Monopoly Mountains, and maybe there are also Demon Saint-level beasts. Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu can also contract three demon pets. Only when the two of them are restored can they better cope with the increasingly chaotic situation.

In addition, it depends on whether Ah Dumb can go further.

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