Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1443: Unilaterally rubbing the silver bimon

It stands to reason that Li Changsheng alone is sure to kill the Monopoly Mountains, but sometimes it is not good to eat alone, not to mention that this can also effectively prevent accidents. By the way, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu can restore their strength. Why not do it.

Using the teleportation array, the three converged and directly teleported to the place near the core area of ​​the Monopoly Mountain Range.

This teleportation formation was secretly established by King Yuheng recently. It is located in a hidden cave. The former owner of this territory was killed by Li Changsheng last time. There is no new lord allocation yet, which reduces the possibility of being discovered.

All three of them concealed their vision. After leaving the cave, Li Changsheng discerned the direction a little, and pointed towards the core area of ​​the Monopoly Mountain Range.

At this time, Emperor Wen threw a flying shuttle, which quickly expanded and looked like a five-meter-long boat.

This is the Langhuan treasure of Emperor Wen. The biggest feature is that it is fast, and it can converge the figure and breath. The reason why Emperor Wen was able to draw out the encirclement of the Emperor of the People, the Emperor of the Phoenix and the East Sea Dragon was the most important thing.

After the three of them entered the shuttle, the silver light flashed, and then it seemed to be invisible, disappearing.

The speed of the shuttle is extremely fast, not even inferior to the Lihuo Changhong of the Demon Emperor Grade Three-legged Golden Crow, and it is quite flexible. The only drawback is that the mental power is consumed too fast, even for Emperor Wen.

This is also a common problem with strange treasures, the higher the rank of the strange treasure, the more mental power it consumes.

In less than half a minute, the shuttle finally entered the core area.

After all, this is the territory of the high-level Monopoly Mountain Range. I don't know how many forbidden formations and institutions have been arranged. As soon as the three of them entered the core area, the Demon Emperor-class Chi Yanju immediately noticed it, but did not know who had broken in.

Judging from the actions of the other party, it is probably the idea to play it.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Demon Emperor Chi Yanju became solemn, and he hurried up to the sky and let out a long roar, the sound spread rapidly, and the small half of the monopoly mountain range could be heard.

For the first time, the Demon Emperor-level Scarlet Smoke Horse started to gather the elites. Before the opponent arrived, five demon emperor-level goblins arrived first and gathered in front of the Demon Emperor Grade Scarlet Smoke Horse.

In addition, in the area near the core area, the voices of the demon saint-level and demon king-level goblins sounded from time to time. Judging from the number of voices, there are probably hundreds of them.

This is the foundation of the Monopoly Mountains, worthy of a big power.

In the blink of an eye, the flying shuttle emerged from the shadows, and the three of them flew out. The two sides did not immediately take action and looked at each other's opponents.

As the leader of a large power, the Demon Emperor-class Akasmoke Ju is very aware of the importance of intelligence, so he specially bought some humans to help him gather intelligence.

For the forces and individuals that could threaten him, the Demon Emperor-class Chiyanju all marked them.

Among them, all three of them are within this range, and the rankings are very high. In particular, the Monopoly Mountains borders all the jurisdictions of Li Changsheng, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Wu, and they are more prepared.

With just a glance, the Demon Emperor Chi Yanju couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and his whole body trembled even more, feeling bad in his heart.

Not only the Demon Emperor-class Red Smoke Horse, but the five generals under it also felt bad.

Among them, the largest Demon Emperor Grade Ba Snake turned around and wanted to escape. Like Bai Yin Bimeng, it was the right arm of the Demon Emperor Grade Chiyan Ju.

"The three of us have two each, Chi Yanju and Baiyin Bimeng will be handed to me."

Li Changsheng first made the assignment for himself, and the two cats in his arms flew out and rushed straight towards Chi Yanju.

At the same time, Li Changsheng also summoned a four-clawed yellow dragon. The vengeance of killing his mother was not shared. Its opponent was Baiyin Bimeng.

Precisely because of this, Li Changsheng did not intend to capture this silver Bimeng.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. As soon as the four-clawed Huanglong saw Bai Yin Bimeng, he immediately rushed towards it.

From a realm point of view, the four-clawed yellow dragon still at the pseudo-demon-emperor level is definitely not as good as Silver Bimeng, similar in race and quality, and relatively inferior in strength.

However, Li Changsheng blessed the four-clawed yellow dragon with several secret methods and a large amount of heaven and earth power, which directly offset the disadvantages of the four-clawed yellow dragon.

The most shameless thing is that, in order to avoid the loss of the four-clawed yellow dragon, the lotus platform of the eleventh-grade star palace and the nine-day clear air tower are suspended above the head of the four-clawed yellow dragon.

Two Langhuan Supreme Treasure Bodyguards, Baiyin Bimeng was afraid it would be difficult to break the defense.

Although Baiyin Bimeng can ignore defenses, it's about physical defenses, and it doesn't have much effect on energy defenses.


The four-clawed yellow dragon was red with longan, and slammed into Baiyin Bimeng, making a dull sound.

Due to the relationship between the two Langhuan treasures, the four-clawed yellow dragon was almost unaffected. Instead, Baiyin Bimeng stepped back involuntarily and knocked a 100-meter-high tree to the ground.


Baiyin Bimeng roared, it was very clear that it couldn't run at its own speed. This time it was afraid that it would be bad luck, so he wanted to squeeze his back.

In the next moment, Bai Yin Bimeng rushed up and grabbed the four-claw Huanglong with one claw.

Unfortunately, the sharp claws fell on the fluorescent barrier, producing a lot of ripples, but they never broke.

Li Changsheng expended a small amount of mental energy and quickly restored the starlight barrier to its peak.


The four-clawed yellow dragon slammed it and slapped it heavily on Baiyin Bimeng, and the huge force directly knocked Baiyin Bimeng away.

Silver is thicker and thicker than skin, and naturally it is impossible to be defeated so easily. He hurriedly got up from the ground, facing the four-clawed yellow dragon that was chasing after another.

There was still no starlight barrier on this claw, and what made Baiyinbi depressed even more was that the thinned starlight barrier was restored in an instant.

How to fight this is exactly the rhythm of being beaten unilaterally.

When the four-clawed yellow dragon rubbed and abused the Silver Beamon, the Demon Emperor-class Red Smoke Horse was chased by two cats shortly after they ran and began to fall into a bitter fight.

Compared with the demon emperor Fei Lian or Chong Ming bird of the human emperor, the quality of the red smoke horse is one level lower than that of the demon emperor-level Fei Lian or the Chong Ming bird. In addition, the quality of wild goblins is rarely trained, and the strength is inevitably inferior to one level.

Therefore, the Demon Emperor-class Red Smoke Horse was crushed by two cats, and I was afraid that it would not be long before it would be a failure to meet him.

Not far away, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu completed the distribution of the remaining four demon emperor-level demon pets, and they were dealing with them in full swing at the moment, but they had no killers.

Even so, how did these four demon emperor-level goblins withstand the offensive of the two emperors? In half a minute, the four demon emperor-level goblins, including Ba Snake, were defeated, and they lay on the ground and stood no longer. Can't get up.

At this time, some of the fast-moving demon saint-level demon pets finally rushed over, but they were shocked after seeing the scene at the scene, and had no idea of ​​saving.

Li Changsheng observed for a while, and immediately summoned Lei Qilin. Its target was a demon saint-class ancestral bronze dragon.

As a divine beast, this ancestral bronze dragon has a strength comparable to that of an ordinary monster emperor-level goblin, and its key potential is greater. Naturally, Li Changsheng has not let go of the truth. The key is a giant dragon.

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