Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1444: Demon Emperor Class Qiongqi

The demon saint-level ancestor bronze dragon's combat power is comparable to ordinary demon emperor-level demon pets, but how can it be on par with the demon emperor-level Thunder Qilin.

Lei Qilin's short-range explosive power was extremely fast, and he appeared in front of the ancestral bronze dragon almost instantaneously, crackling all over his body, filled with a lot of electric light, and hit it straight.

The ancestral bronze dragon was obviously taken aback, seeing that he couldn't avoid it at all, and could only bite the bullet and resist.


The dull voice sounded, and the ancestral bronze dragon only felt a huge force rushing over, and then his body was numb, and countless electric currents spread rapidly on its body surface, causing it to directly fall into a short-term paralyzed state.

Under this collision, the ancestral bronze dragon turned a tumble in the air. Due to its paralyzed state, it fell straight from the air, directly crushing a big tree, and fell to the ground in a very embarrassing manner.

Just for a moment, the ancestral bronze dragon was hit hard.


Before the ancestral bronze dragon stood up again, a thunderbolt measuring more than ten meters thick fell and smashed directly on the back of the ancestral bronze dragon.

This is what Li Changsheng wants to catch alive, making Lei Qilin converge a little, otherwise the ancestral bronze dragon may fall directly.

However, at this moment, the red smoke horse, which was obviously under the wind, swooped down, not knowing what it did, and the ground nearby shook violently.

"Huh, seal!"

With the help of the secret method of seeing, seeing and hearing, Li Changsheng saw that Chi Yanju had destroyed a simple and majestic altar. As the altar was destroyed, a huge and complex pattern suddenly appeared on the ground.

Li Changsheng can be sure that this is a seal, but he can't recognize what kind of seal it is, but Chi Yanju can be used as a life-saving straw, and the target of the seal must not be weaker than Chiyanju.


The seal was broken, the wind was violent, and a roar like a dragon resembling a tiger rang out, accompanied by a burst of coercion belonging to the Demon Sovereign rank alone.

In an instant, a cyan streamer suddenly rushed out, but before Chi Yanju showed a happy expression, the other party went straight back in front of it and bit at its neck.

Chi Yanju was completely caught off guard. It was crucial that his attention had been focused on the two cats, and it was too late when he found out.


The opponent bit Chiyanju's neck in one bite, and its bite force was extremely strong, and he snapped the Chiyanju's neck bone in a daze.

Of course, this is also related to the opponent's strength above Chi Yanju.

Li Changsheng looked at the other party. It was a tiger that looked like a tiger with wings on its back and blood-red eyes. It looked quite vicious.

Such obvious characteristics, Li Changsheng recognized at a glance, this is one of the four evils, Qiongqi, a real category of top sacred beasts, and it is also a Qiongqi of the Demon Sovereign level.

While keeping the two cats on guard, Li Changsheng used his mental power to scan Qiongqi's data.

[Fairy name]: Qiongqi (At maturity, taking Sunda Wind Elite to enhance the power of wind skills, having the effect of ignoring wind resistance, comprehending the Sunda Wind God Thunder. Understanding the origin of the Dao, its power soars; Dao Guardian: save part of the damage, depending on the opponent Depending on the realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: Top Mythical Beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: None

[Fairy Attributes]: Wind

[Fairy State]: Hunger, weak, bloodthirsty

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

This Demon Emperor-level Qiongqi is very strong, and it is quite similar to the panel of Beiming Kunpeng. It is a legendary quality Demon Emperor-level top beast, and its strength can be said to be almost the same.

However, this Qiongqi has been sealed for many years, and its state can be imagined.

Weakness and hunger make Qiongqi not in peak state, and bloodthirsty state makes Qiongqi almost lose his mind.

With three negative states, Qiongqi is far inferior to Beiming Kunpeng in terms of threat.

"Brother Li, do you need help?"

Not far away, Emperor Wu's voice sounded. At this moment, he was surrendering the defeated monster emperor class fairy.

Emperor Wen did not speak, judging from his expression, he also thought the same.

"No, you are busy with you!"

Li Changsheng chose to refuse, showing an expression of eagerness. If this Qiongqi is killed, the bloodline of Qiongqi, his natal demon pet Ai Xi, must go further, and even have a lot of surplus.

Before that, 365 star pans appeared, scattered in the void, and turned into the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array, making Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu unable to see the scene inside.

Qiongqi immediately stopped chewing the flesh and blood of the Red Smoke Horse, and his blood-red evil eyes watched the changes around him.

Suddenly, a huge and abnormal figure suddenly appeared behind Qiongqi, but the sound of breaking through the air it brought was one step too late.

Qiongqi subconsciously folded his wings, and suddenly fell from the air, causing the huge black shadow to fly over its head.

This figure is the Kunpeng in the state of Pengbird. Before Kunpeng turned around, Qiongqi quickly rushed up from the back. It is also a top beast known for speed. Due to its realm advantage, its short-range explosive power is more than that of the demon emperor-level Kunpeng. Fast three points.

As soon as Qiongqi approached Kunpeng’s ass, a Lihuo Changhong shot from behind. Qiongqi felt bad at once, but his bloodthirsty state made it react for a while, and he was directly transformed into Li Changsheng, a three-legged Golden Crow of the Demon Emperor. Hit Fei and rushed towards Kunpeng.

At this moment, Kunpeng quickly completed his turn, his sharp beak was filled with golden glow, and he pecked at Qiongqi's soft abdomen.

Qiongqi hurriedly raised his forelimbs and resisted in front of the bird's beak.


The bird's beak is already extremely sharp, and coupled with the increase in the power of the gold system, it directly pierces the epidermis and slams into the forelegs of Qiongqi, but it is difficult to break the bone.


With a roar, Qiongqi wanted to bite the Kunpeng who was close to Chichi, but unexpectedly two lightsabers attacked from the rear, slashing the roots of its left wing.


The root of Qiongqi's left wing was cut off The left wing immediately shrugged off.

At this time, Kunpeng instantly turned into a collision state, and the huge fish body pressed Qiongqi and pressed down with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Qiongqi wanted to avoid it, even if it lacked a wing, it would still avoid it with confidence.

At this moment, countless vines drilled out of the void and directly tied it up.


Breaking the shackles of the vines was not a problem at all for Qiongqi, but it also took a little time for Qiongqi, and the Kunpeng who was pressing on it had already hit the ground heavily.


There was a sound like a thunder explosion, countless mud splashed, and the core area of ​​the Monopoly Mountains seemed to have a magnitude ten earthquake, and it shook violently.

For the first time, Kunpeng stepped aside, and a thick golden pillar of fire instantly fell from the sky, covering the entire pit in an instant, and Qiongqi screamed with pain in his anger.

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