Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1446: Fire Lin Vine, Yundan Gourd

Note: The book friend pointed out that Chi Yanju is the next beast.

Ning Bizhen organized a vocabulary and said: "Yes, but the red smoke horse has fallen ten years ago."

Compared with ordinary goblins, the birth of sacred beasts often takes a long time, and it takes several years or even decades.

"I can rest assured that!"

Li Changsheng nodded, if the other red smoke horse was still there, he said he had to find it out.

At this time, the two entered Chi Yanju's lair together.

Chi Yanju’s nest is located in an active volcano in the core area. Looking at the magma pool with crimson bubbles, under the leadership of Xiao Chiyanju, the two jumped down, followed closely, and the body surface was filled. There is a gorgeous starlight barrier.

When the magma touched the starlight barrier, only rippling ripples appeared, which could not threaten the two of them at all.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chi Yanju led the two into the Nuoda Cave at the bottom of the magma pool.

The cave has its own isolation and forbidden formations, all the magma is lined up, and the temperature in the cave is not hot at all, not much different from the outside world.

The cave is tens of meters in diameter, winding and winding, at least a kilometer in length.

"Go to the left first!"

At a fork in the road, Li Changsheng made a choice.

The deepest part of the fork on the left of the two people, this is undoubtedly the place where Chi Yanju usually lives, and it looks rather messy.

The most conspicuous is a hill made up of a large number of clean and huge bones that have been eaten, and a mess of treasures that have been messed up.

From the feedback of mental power, Li Changsheng was lucky to find a treasure that exudes energy fluctuations of the world's wonders, as well as a bone of a divine beast.

This is a broken shield-shaped treasure, the whole body is fiery red, the surface of the shield is densely covered with a large number of fiery red scales, and the back is the pattern of a fire unicorn.

It is a pity that only half of the shield is left. Even so, this half of the shield has reached the mid-range world wonder level, and the finished product definitely reaches the purple mansion rare level.

Looking at the three ancient characters on the back of the shield, Li Changsheng muttered to himself: "Fire Lin Shield!"

Li Changsheng touched the notch on the Fire Lin Shield again. The notch on the top was extremely smooth. It was probably cut in half by a sharp weapon, and a sharp weapon that could instantly cut the Fire Lin Shield in half was likely to reach Langhuan. Arcana level.

This half of the Fire Lin Shield is useless and can only be used as a material for refining. It is no wonder that the Demon Emperor-class Red Smoke Ju didn't carry it with him.

Soon, the two of them came to the fork on the right again, red light filled the deepest part.

This is a huge grotto. As soon as I entered the grotto, I felt an amazing heat.

The two began to look at the scene in the grotto. On the ground was a huge fire-red corpse of a walking beast. On the fire-red corpse skull, there was a fire-red vine growing on it, with fire-red fruits the size of a thumb .

"Fire Lin Vine!"

Li Changsheng recognized it instantly. According to legend, when the ancient dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribes fought, the unicorn clan suffered heavy losses. As a result, for some reason, a vine plant grew on the corpse of a fire unicorn. This is the fire vine. The origin of.

As long as the fire vine vine absorbs the essence of fire unicorn, it will grow fruit. This is a very famous healing medicine. Because of its blood red color, it is also called blood bodhi.

The Kylin family has not tried other types of kylin corpses or other types of corpses, but in the end, only the fire kylin or the Binghuo kylin can cultivate the fire vine.

It is precisely by virtue of these blood bodhi that the Qilin clan further reduces losses and can retain the final vitality. Therefore, the blood bodhi is called the healing sacred fruit of the Qilin clan.

But I didn't expect that there would be a fire vine here, and this fire-red corpse must have been a fire unicorn or a fire unicorn before his death.

Fire Lin Vine can be said to be a real low-grade fire type top-level spiritual plant, but its growth conditions are quite peculiar. If you want to continue to maintain it, you can only use the corpses of the Fire Qilin or Binghuo Qilin.

Therefore, even if it is the unicorn family, the number of fire vines is definitely very small. After all, unless they are voluntary, they are afraid that it will affect internal unity.

The blood bodhi on the Huolin Vine was obviously mature. Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved, 17 blood bodhi gathered and placed in a jade box by Li Changsheng.

Although Blood Bodhi fits the Qilin family best, it also has a strong healing effect on humans or other fairies, and the effect is better than many top healing pills.

Li Changsheng put this Fire Lin Vine into the secret realm that originally belonged to Yan Wang Di Zhiyi, and put it together with the Scarlet Fire Dragon Scale Tree.

What I have to say is that although the fire vine is a low-grade top-level spiritual root, because it grows on the fire unicorn skull, it naturally cannot increase the stability of the secret realm, but can only improve the efficiency of the secret realm to absorb the energy of the fire system.

However, at the point of Li Changsheng, Li Changsheng could no longer look down on the extra benefits of the top-level spirit roots to the secret realm.

In the following time, Li Changsheng went to the lair of Baiyin Bimeng and the ancestral bronze dragon, and wiped out all the treasures.

Silver Bimon has no habit of collecting treasures, so the number of treasures in the lair is far less than the collection of bronze dragons of the ancestors, but the quality is better. The only two world-class treasures are all from the silver Collected from Meng’s lair.

One is a piece of secondary ice rule crystallization, which can slightly increase the probability of ice demon pets breaking through Demon Emperor level.

One is a yellow-skin gourd, which is a special kind of treasure. It comes with dozens of small spaces inside. It feels like a small grid, which can contain the pill and improve the effect of the pill. , And can effectively avoid the loss of the effect of the elixir.

Based on the effect of the gourd, Li Changsheng named it Yundan Gourd and gave it to Kailan for safekeeping.

There are many elixirs in Yundan gourd, but it is a pity that these elixirs are not of high grade and are of little use to Li Changsheng.

After counting the harvest, Li Changsheng once again joined Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu.

They also scrapped the demon lair they The specific gain is unknown. As for the contract demon pet, Emperor Wu contracted the demon emperor-level secondary ancestor Thunder Titan, and Emperor Wen was the demon emperor-level Six Wings. The ancestral bronze dragon of Frost Frost and Demon Saint.

As for the Ba Snake, the two emperors tried hard to make it surrender, but the result was rejected. The Ba Snake launched a suicide attack on the two emperors, and finally had to be shot to death.

At this time, Wendi asked the other two people: "Shall we go to the eastern region now?"

The eastern area occupied by Emperor Wen did not have such large wild forces as Monopoly Mountains. The biggest threat was the demon monarch and the East China Sea Dragons.

"Go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace first. It's best to force the East China Sea Dragon King to sign an armistice agreement with us."

"What if the East China Sea Dragon King refuses?"

"Then imprison it. As long as the dragons of the East China Sea have no leader, I am afraid that they will be caught in disputes, and the East China Dragon King is in hand. I believe the East China Dragons will also throw rats. If there is a chance, you can use the East China Sea as a bargaining chip to attract other Sanhai dragons.

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