Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1447: Plan the East China Sea Dragon Clan

What really touches people's hearts is never reasonable, but tangible benefits.

That's what Li Changsheng thought. Although the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas has the same roots, because the East China Sea is far more prosperous than the other Three Seas, it is definitely impossible for the helms of the other Three Seas to say that they have no opinion.

In addition, the Four Seas Dragon Kings are not real brothers. Most of their cousins ​​and cousins ​​have a relationship, not to mention that the frequency of their meetings and exchanges is not high, so the relationship can be imagined.

Li Changsheng believed that when they attacked the East China Sea, unless the East China Sea Dragon Clan was slaughtered, the other Sanhai Dragon Clan would probably choose to ignore it and sit still on the Diaoyutai.

In order to avoid accidents, Li Changsheng informed the North Sea Dragon King in advance and asked him to persuade the South Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King on his behalf. It would take some time at the worst.

As a price, the three of Li Changsheng will notify the North Sea Dragon King as soon as they conquer the East Sea Dragon Clan, so that he can enjoy greater benefits.

In fact, in this attack on the Dragons of the East China Sea, Li Changsheng was also for the benefit, and the removal of the allies of the Emperor was second.

The broken horned scorpion is in the East China Sea, and there are still minors under it. In addition, the East China Sea Dragon King is probably also the blood of the Ancestral Dragon. As long as you get one, Li Changsheng’s Chilong can go further. If you are lucky, you may get it. One or two'long-term meal tickets'.

In addition, the East China Sea is the richest in the four seas. The treasures of the East China Sea Dragon Palace are countless, and there may be strategic treasures.

The last thing is to cut off the allies of the Emperor, which not only weakens the enemy, but also strengthens oneself. It can be described as the best of both worlds.

As for the demon monarchs in the areas under the rule of Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, they can take time to exterminate them at any time, which is far less important than the Dragons of the East Sea.

Prior to this, the three of them prepared a blindfold, each summoned the car, and then used a special method to create a vivid clone, believed to be able to confuse for a short time.

Even if these vehicles are attacked by the enemy, the loss is not great for them, as long as they can attract attention.

In the next moment, Emperor Wen threw out a blue and purple umbrella to cover the figures of the three of them, and then used the teleportation array to quickly come to the shore of the East China Sea and hurried towards the direction where the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea was located.

Li Changsheng knew the general strength of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

As the most prosperous East China Sea in the Four Seas, the East China Sea Dragon Clan surpasses the other Three Seas in terms of number and top combat power, and its comprehensive strength is almost twice that of the Beihai Dragon Clan.

In terms of top combat power, the East China Sea Dragon Clan clearly has two Demon Emperor-level and ten Demon Emperor-level Dragon Clan, as well as a large number of Demon Sage-level pure-blood dragon clan.

Not only that, there are also a large number of Sea Clan who depend on the East Sea Dragon Clan.

If the East China Sea Dragon Clan is prepared, even if the three of them are very strong, they are not very sure, and it is even more likely that they will lose out.

This is also the tactic that they will choose to fight Huanglong directly, as long as the resistance led by the East Sea Dragon King is resolved as soon as possible, it will be much easier behind.

As for whether there will be other human forces intervening, that's for sure, at least Human Sovereign will not let it go.

Li Changsheng also made some responses. Emperor Wen himself persuaded the elders of the Feng clan in the Flame Canyon to intercept the Emperor and Emperor Feng. The Emperor Feng must have not recovered his strength, at least for a period of time.

In addition, Li Changsheng also asked Ao Run to go to Beihai. If the Emperor Xuan or the Emperor Blood comes, he hopes that the Beihai Dragon Clan will be able to stop him for a short period of time. If both come, he will specifically intercept the Emperor Xuan and let the Emperor Blood in. .

However, Li Changsheng would not pin his hopes entirely on them.

In just a few minutes, the three of them appeared in the depths of the East China Sea, and the Beihai Dragon Palace was in the deep ocean dozens of miles away.

This is where the Dragon Palace is, and the defenses are tight. If you go on like this, you will definitely be discovered and you will lose the chance of a sneak attack.

Li Changsheng had planned for a long time, and naturally thought of a method, summoning the four-clawed yellow dragon, and by the way, hung a token and imperial edict that symbolized the Xihai Dragon Palace on its dragon horn.

These two things were secretly sent to him by the North Sea Dragon King, and they were all genuine products. It was self-evident what the North Sea Dragon King was making.

The four-clawed yellow dragon opened its big mouth, the three of them held their breath, condensed their breath, and entered the dragon's mouth together, rushing through the throat, one step to the stomach.

The scenes in the dragon's stomach are naturally unsightly, but the three of them will naturally not be affected by these scenes, waiting intently for the time to come.

The next moment, the four-clawed yellow dragon dived into the sea and rushed towards the direction of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Soon, a team of patrol Yaksha stopped the four-clawed yellow dragon, and the two sides began to negotiate.

The four-clawed yellow dragon has dragon heritage and is naturally proficient in the dragon language and mainland lingua franca, so it is not difficult to deal with it.

"The lonely messenger Ao Yuan from the West Sea, this time I am asking to see His Majesty the Dragon King of the East Sea by the will of His Majesty the Dragon King of the West Sea!"

The sound of the four-clawed yellow dragon urn sounded. Xihai naturally has no shortage of four-clawed yellow dragons, and one of them is named Ao Yuan.

"This majesty, please wait a little while, the slave and maidservant will report to your majesty now."

The leader of Xunhai Yasha was very low, and hurried to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to report to the Dragon King.

From the beginning to the end, the four-clawed yellow dragon has not transformed into a human form, and it is not surprising that Xunhai Yasha is not surprised. Unless it is entering a place such as the Dragon Palace, few dragons will choose to transform into a human form.

Before long, the leader of Xunhai Yasha returned and led the four-clawed yellow dragon to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Unfortunately, when there was still some distance from the Dragon Palace, an invisible barrier suddenly fluctuated, and then a loud sound rang, which could be heard within a hundred miles.

Obviously, there are special restrictions near the East China Sea Dragon Palace to prevent the enemy from approaching.

The leader of Xunhai Yasha was visibly startled, but without waiting for it to react, the four-clawed yellow dragon swung its tail and rushed towards the dragon palace at the fastest speed.

Now that it had been exposed, the three of Li Changsheng got out immediately.

For the first time, Li Changsheng threw out the Dinghaigod Chain, and the 12 beads were turned into the size of a human head and rotated and dispersed, almost instantly emptying the seawater within a range of 10,000 meters.

However, the greater the sea pressure, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Dinghaigod chain consumes more mental power. The continuous dragon palace is located below 10,000 meters above sea level, and Li Changsheng will last a quarter of an hour at most.

As the water was drained away, the restrictions on the three and the monster pets were obviously much smaller.

At this time, the large forbidden formation surrounding the Dragon Palace began to activate, turning into huge water dragons, sweeping over.

Due to the emptying of the sea from Dinghaishen Chain, the power of the large forbidden formation has been weakened a lot.

The demon pets easily stopped the water dragons and exploded them instantly.

"Go together!"

As the voices of the three of them sounded, the demon pets released their long-range offensives one after another, and all landed on the large forbidden formation.


A strong explosion sounded, and the large forbidden formation was blown up instantly.

At this moment, a thousand-meter-long five-clawed golden dragon rushed out from the center of the explosion.

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