Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1448: Ancestral Dragon Crown, Sea Covering God Pearl

This five-clawed golden dragon exudes a huge and extremely powerful power, possessing the realm of the Demon Emperor, and naturally it is the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

[Fairy name]: Five-clawed golden dragon (at maturity, take Kuishui elites to enhance the power of water-based skills, weaken the speed of enemies hit by water-based skills, and comprehend Kuishui’s divine thunder. Absorb the golden elites, enhance the power of gold-based skills, with certain damage A function, comprehend the golden thunder of Gengjin. Absorb the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky, greatly strengthen the foundation of the five elements demon pet, and comprehensively improve the physical fitness of the demon pet by 20%. The absorption of the dragon and dragon pattern jade will comprehensively improve the physical fitness of the demon pet by 30% and improve the dragon. Power purity. Absorb Dinghai dragon blood fruit, possess the power of Dinghai, which can greatly increase the power of water attribute dragon breath. If you are in the water, the body surface will automatically condense a layer of water shield; absorb the ancestral dragon xuan jade and have the sea covering Ability, exempt water skills, greatly increase the power of water attribute skills, and comprehend a spatial skill. Comprehend the origin of the avenue, the power soars; Guardian of the avenue: save part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: Top Mythical Beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

【Fairy Bloodline】: None

[Fairy attributes]: water + gold

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

Worthy of being the helm of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, the East China Sea Dragon King possesses legendary qualities, coupled with the absorption of many rare and exotic treasures, which has effectively strengthened its strength. With the increase of these treasures, I am afraid that it is much better than the poor and the poor.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao dared to invade the East China Sea Dragon Palace!"

The majestic voice of the Dragon King of the East China Sea sounded, but after seeing the three of them, his heart burst.

He never expected that Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Li Changsheng would ‘visit’ together. Didn’t it mean that they were heading to the Eastern Region? Why are you here? And judging from the situation, it was obvious that the other party was not here to befriend him.

In the view of the Dragon King of the East Sea, the Dragon Palace of the East Sea is located in the deep sea. This is a natural barrier. Except for the water system monster pets, the other monster pets will be restricted. In addition, the East Sea Dragon clan has a transcendent position among the Four Seas Dragon clan and can always The other Sanhailong clan seek support, so it shouldn't be violated.

However, the three of Li Changsheng obviously did not take the usual path, and instead invaded the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the East China Sea Dragon King believed that there must be premeditated.

Even so, the East Sea Dragon King passed the news to the Three Seas Dragon King and the Human Sovereign in the first place.

At the same time, dragons burst out of the East China Sea Dragon Palace and nearby.

Among them, there are five dragons at the Light Demon Emperor level, namely, Juya, Yinglong, Five-Clawed Golden Dragon, Four-Clawed Black Dragon, and Four-Clawed White Dragon.

Among them, the five-clawed golden dragon is also the spouse of the East China Sea Dragon King, also known as the East China Sea Dragon Queen.

In addition, there are nearly a hundred demon king-level, demon-sage-level dragons, and aquatic powerhouses, including underage overlords that Li Changsheng has been seeking.

In addition, there are countless sea people who have not yet reached the Demon King level.


When it was said that it was too late, the Dragon King of the East China Sea uttered a dragon chant, deterring it, and at the same time it spread quickly, calling on all the dragons and vassal aquatics located in the East China Sea.

"Quick battle!"

When the Dragon King of the East China Sea called on the Dragon Clan, the three of Li Changsheng did not sit idle, while blessing the power of heaven and earth and secret methods for the demon pets, while opening the entrance to the secret realm, releasing a large number of powerful wild goblins.

At the same time, there were six figures, all of them double-character kings, including Ning Bizhen.

In order to deal with the East China Sea Dragon Palace, in addition to the two-character king who sits in the important place, the three secretly summoned the extra double-character king to take away.

There is no top double-character king among the six double-character kings. They are all senior double-character kings. They also open the secret realm and release a large number of powerful wild goblins.

The three are not afraid to sacrifice too many powerful goblins, as long as they defeat the East Sea Dragon Clan, they can completely replenish a large number of powerful wild aquariums and even dragons on the spot.

As for the King of Double Characters, unless they encounter the Dragon King of the East Sea, they are not easy to fall, let alone they are still nearby.

Before coming, the trio had planned the basic tactics, fighting against soldiers, fighting against generals, and besieged the East China Sea Dragon King by their powerful monster pets.

Because it is on the bottom of the sea, even if the sea is emptied, there is almost no energy for other attributes except for the water system skills.

Therefore, everyone smashed countless demon cores together, making the place temporarily flooded with a lot of energy of other attributes, and let the demon pet exert its strength as much as possible.

Seeing such a scene, the East China Sea Dragon King became more and more disturbed, because judging from the lineup, it was obvious that the opponent had the advantage.

In the next moment, the two sides began to fight hand in hand.

Every second, there were figures on both sides falling to the bottom of the sea, never standing up again, and even more bleeding drifting, blood flowed into rivers, and the original magnificent East China Sea Dragon Palace complex became even more dilapidated.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was embarrassed on the left, was besieged by more than a dozen powerful monster emperor class monster pets, and was also attacked by the three of Li Changsheng's strange treasures.

On the head of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, there is a cash-colored crown and an aqua blue orb. The former is called the Ancestral Dragon Crown, and the latter is the Sea-covered God Orb. Both are the most famous treasures of the dragon family, all reaching the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

Even with the guardianship of the Ancestral Dragon Crown and the Sea-Covering God Pearl, the East China Sea Dragon King is still in danger. Although the defenses of the two treasures are strong, they were broken without support for long, and the huge golden dragon body became scarred.

Facing the three of Li Changsheng, the Dragon King of the East China Sea fell into an absolute disadvantage, and it was only a matter of time before the defeat.

In addition to devoting most of his energy to dealing with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Li Changsheng has not forgotten to take care of Jumei, Ba Xia and the Queen of the East China Dragon, all of whom have the Ancestral Dragon bloodline.

Under Li Changsheng's secret arrangement, the four-clawed silver dragon dealt with the strongest East China Sea dragon queen of the three, and the four-clawed yellow dragon and Lei Qilin dealt with the broken horns.

Demon pets of the time attribute are best at abuse of food, which is not just talking.

At the moment the four-clawed silver dragon is rubbing the East China Sea Dragon Queen.

Although the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea only has a half-step legend, it has the advantages of race and small realm, and it is reasonable to say that it is not much inferior to the four-clawed silver dragon.

In fact, the Dragon Queen of East China Sea felt very useless, because she never hit the four-clawed silver dragon from start to finish. Instead, she was embarrassed by the four-clawed silver dragon, especially when she had just faced the four-clawed silver dragon. Knowing the thin bottom of the four-clawed silver dragon, he was directly caught off guard, and his soft abdomen was ripped apart, revealing a huge scar with a length of more than ten feet.

At this time, the speed of the four-clawed silver dragon suddenly doubled. This is the four-clawed silver dragon using time to accelerate and bless its body, increasing its movement speed and attack power in a short period of time.

"Come again!"

Just when the East China Sea Dragon Empress wanted to resist, her movements suddenly became much slower than usual, but the four-clawed silver dragon slowed down during its march. With the East China Sea Dragon Empress as the center, the time flow in the nearby area was significantly slower. A lot.

Here comes the problem, even if the four-clawed silver dragon enters the time slowing area, it will not be affected. This is really bullying.

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