Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1449: 12 Pin Kui Shui Black Lotus

However, the East China Sea Dragon Queen has a very high status in the East China Sea Dragon Clan, how can there be no powerful treasures?

Just as the four-clawed silver dragon was approaching, a twelve-grade sunflower black lotus appeared above the head of the Queen of East China Sea, which turned into a heavy water curtain and wrapped it inside.

The attack of the four-clawed silver dragon fell on the water curtain, and it could only cause cascading ripples, unbreakable.

The reason why the Queen of East China Sea did not use the 12-Rank Kushui Black Lotus at the beginning was mainly because she was caught off guard by the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon, and it was too late to use it.

In addition, even as a top sacred beast, the spiritual power is relatively limited. The Langhuan Supreme Treasure consumes a lot of spiritual power, which is difficult to last, and can only be used at a critical moment.

After successfully dissolving the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon's offensive, in order to save mental strength, the East Sea Dragon Queen walked on the waves and swept towards the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon.

Seeing this scene, the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon did not temporarily avoid the edge, but took the initiative to greet it.

Suddenly, a five-color light swept across from the rear. Before the East Sea Dragon Empress could react, it hit the heavy water curtain outside the 12-Rank Kui Shui Black Lotus, but it was Li Changsheng's changed five-color peacock.

In an instant, the heavy water curtain disappeared and was forcibly sealed in the water blue tail feathers of the five-color peacock representing the water system.

Time stops!

Before the East China Sea Dragon Queen urged the 12-Rank Kwaishui Black Lotus again, the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon directly used the killer's magic, and the time was forcibly stopped in an area of ​​several hundred meters around the East China Sea Dragon Queen.

The four-clawed silver dragon feels very bad. The consumption of time stopping far exceeds time acceleration and time deceleration. The time energy in the dragon ball is passing by at an extremely fast speed.

In addition, the longer the time stops, the higher the realm of the target, the more energy will be consumed, and the more likely the opponent will break free in advance.

At the same level as the Demon Emperor, the four-clawed silver dragon might only be able to hold down the Queen of the East Sea for a few seconds.

However, a few seconds is enough.

In an instant, the four-clawed silver dragon spewed a silver-white dragon ball, which turned into a stream of light, and slammed directly on the inverse scales of the East Sea Dragon Empress.

The Dragon Queen of the East China Sea was still unable to move, and she was about to be hit by the dragon ball on the counter scale. If she was hit, the power of the dragon ball would be used for fear that she would fall directly.

At the critical juncture, a cute-looking ragdoll suddenly appeared at the back of the dragon queen of the East China Sea. When the dragon ball hits the ragdoll, the strength was instantly relieved.

At the same time, the rag dolls disappeared into flying ash, making the East China Sea Dragon Empress avoid the fate of falling.

"For the dead baby!"

Li Changsheng recognized it immediately, because he himself had a surrogate doll from the King of Yum. Ever since he got the surrogate doll, it has been carried by the natal demon pet Ashe, but it has never been used until now.

Death Doll: Collect the breath of the demon master or the demon pet. When oneself or the demon pet receives a fatal blow, the replacement doll will be automatically activated. It can save the fatal blow and prevent the demon pet from falling. fate. Note: The offensive of the Demon Emperor cannot be exempted.

Although the dragon ball power of the four-claw silver dragon is extremely powerful and comparable to the power of the Demon Emperor, it is not an offensive of the Demon Emperor after all, because the essence is different. After all, the Demon Emperor possesses the origin of the Dao that is further than the power of the rules. Will be completely resolved by the dead doll.

As the empress of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, it is not surprising that the Queen of the East China Sea has a replacement doll.

However, the materials needed to replace the dead doll are too rare, and the production is too difficult, I am afraid that there are not many East Sea Dragons.

After resolving the fatal blow for the dead doll, Donghai Dragon Empress automatically revealed a piece of jade pendant, which turned out to be a treasure that can be passively activated, and it is likely to be tied to the dead doll.

In an instant, the huge dragon body of the East China Sea Dragon Queen disappeared and appeared dozens of miles away.

Due to the area where the time of departure stopped, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea regained his ability to move, and also received the scene that just happened.

The eyes of the dragon queen of the East China Sea showed fear. If it were not bound to the death doll, she would probably fall away just now.

"My concubine, my concubine is limited in strength, so I'm going to seek reinforcements!"

Seeing the four-clawed silver dragon rushing towards her again, the Queen of the East China Sea was like a frightened bird. She didn't have a second baby to replace her, so she quickly found an excuse to go around.

There is a big horror between life and death, and the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea can't avoid it. She thinks she can't beat the four-clawed silver dragon. If the other party has another time to stop, she is afraid that it will be over, so she can only choose to slip away.

What's more, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea also saw the situation. If there is no support from the big forces, it is afraid that it will be finished by relying on the East China Dragon Clan alone.

"Dragon Queen, you..."

The East China Sea Dragon King, who was already in a panic, heard the voice of the East China Sea Dragon Queen, and couldn't help showing incredible eyes, saying that we should share weal and woe.


Suddenly, the Beiming Aurora Magnetic Mountain smashed the Middle East Sea Dragon King heavily and directly knocked it away for a short distance.

Before the East China Sea Dragon King could gain a foothold, more than a dozen Demon Emperor level demon pets took the opportunity to take the opportunity.

"Why hasn't Feng'er come back?"

The East China Sea Dragon Clan consists of two Demon Emperor Dragon Clan, namely the East China Sea Dragon King and his eldest son Ao Feng.

Among them, Ao Feng has been guarding the border of the East China Sea, guarding against the evil dragon in the Strait of Despair.

This evil dragon is also a demon king-level dragon family, and has lived for an unknown number of years. It was once an elite of the four seas dragon family. However, due to the crime of killing the same family, he took the initiative to flee the four seas before being wanted by the dragon family, and fought and fled. In the end Successfully escaped into the Strait of Despair, and fortunately obtained a great opportunity, and finally achieved the Demon Emperor rank and became the lord of a great power.

It is not that the Sihailong clan had never thought about but the same clan killed by Nielong was the youngest son of the East China Sea Dragon King at the time. Under the strong intervention of the East China Sea Dragon King, the two sides did not reach a reconciliation.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not know that Ao Feng at the moment was unable to rescue him, because Nielong in the Strait of Despair led the army to attack, and even more entangled Ao Feng.

Naturally, things could not be so coincidental. This also came from Li Changsheng's handwriting. Based on the principle that the enemy's enemy is a friend, the two sides reached an agreement secretly.

So at the first time the Dragon King of the East China Sea appeared, Li Changsheng informed Nielong, and he entangled Ao Feng.

Ao Feng wanted to get rid of the evil dragon, he was afraid that it would take a lot of effort, and as a price, the border of the East China Sea would definitely be occupied.

Li Changsheng also knows the story of this evil dragon. It is nothing more than the East China Sea Dragon King's too much doting on his younger son, causing the younger son of the East Sea Dragon King to be arrogant and domineering.

The name Nielong was mainly named for him by the Dragon King of the East China Sea, mainly to discredit his reputation.

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