Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1450: The Emperor's Compromise

Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the catastrophe is imminent and fly separately!

With the escape of the Dragon Queen of the East Sea, this was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the East Sea Dragons who were still resisting.

The East China Sea dragon clan had fallen into the wind, and was declining at all times. The morale was not high. As the extremely high position of the East China Sea Dragon Queen fled, it began to show a tendency of collapse.

Some dragons who were afraid of death or low-spirited began to learn how to leave the team in the name of seeking reinforcements, not to mention the aquas attached to the East China Sea Dragons.

As more and more East China Sea Dragons and Shui tribes left the battlefield, the situation became more and more favorable for Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng did not entangle these dragons who wanted to leave at all, but instead concentrated on the East China Sea Dragons and Shui people who were still stubbornly resisting.

For a time, the gap in numbers became more and more obvious.

The border between the East China Sea and the Despair Strait is also in a big battle at this moment. Nielong and Ao Feng are fighting and have a little upper hand, but the East China Sea Dragon Race has more elite borders, and the two sides can only be regarded as a tie.

However, Nielong had the confidence to entangle Ao Feng for a period of time.

Ao Feng received information from Donghai Dragon Palace from time to time. His mind was heavy. After learning that Donghai Dragon had left, he gave up the idea of ​​going back.

Judging from the situation, this time the East China Sea Dragon Clan will definitely be hit hard, and even his father king is likely to be more ill-fortuned.

At this time, there is no difference between going back to rescue and Roubaozi hitting a dog. After all, Nielong can't let go of this opportunity, and will definitely chase him.

In addition, Ao Feng saw the opportunity to control the East China Sea and become the new Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Under this circumstance, Ao Feng made a false move, forcibly repelling the Nielong, and then rushed towards Beihai.

If the East China Sea Dragon King falls, as long as he obtains the support of the other Three Sea Dragon Kings, he can firmly become the next East China Sea Dragon King.

The reason why the North Sea Dragon King was chosen was mainly because the North Sea Dragons were the poorest and paid relatively less.

Nielong chased after him for a while, seeing Ao Feng enter the Beihai, he had to stop, he didn't want to offend the Beihai Dragon Clan again.

Nielong thought for a while, and then rushed towards the East China Sea Dragon Palace with his elite.

In the area between the northern region and the North Sea, a kilometer-long five-clawed golden dragon leads a large number of dragons, Yalongs, and aquas. The huge longan stares at the palace-dressed beauties and gloomy middle-aged people hovering in the void.

"Your Majesty Xuanhuang, please stay!"

This five-clawed golden dragon is the true body of the North Sea Dragon King, and the beauties in the palace costumes and the gloomy middle-aged people are needless to say that they are the Emperor Xuan and Emperor Xuan.

The first time they learned that Li Changsheng was dealing with the East Sea Dragon Clan, Emperor Xuan and Emperor Yu went to the East Sea Dragon Palace together with the plan of swift warfare. They were ready to wait for an opportunity. As a result, they were intercepted by the North Sea Dragon King as soon as they left the northern region.

Judging from the number of dragons led by the North Sea Dragon King, it seems that there are not only the North Sea Dragons.

"I wonder why the Dragon King blocked it?"

The Emperor Xuan also faintly felt that there were two powerful and abnormal auras in the water, which seemed to be no less inferior to the North Sea Dragon King.

This is difficult to handle, even if the Emperor Xuan is confident of his own strength, he doesn't have much confidence in the face of such a strong lineup.

"Entrusted by others! Please be relieved, Your Majesty Xuanhuang, in half an hour, we will take the initiative to evacuate!"

This time, the Beihai Dragon King did not hesitate to offend Emperor Xuan, but also to help Li Changsheng, nothing more than benefit.

From the beginning to the end, the Beihai Dragon King hadn't looked at Emperor Ruan directly. This made Emperor Ruan angry, but he was helpless. After all, everyone knew that he was the puppet of Emperor Xuan.

The South Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King still did not show up. Unless the battle situation is unfavorable, they are unwilling to tear their faces with the Emperor Xuan.

Even if Xuanhuang guessed their identities, he still didn't want to tear this fig leaf.

The Emperor Xuan was silent for a while, his nails sinking deeply into the flesh, his heart was extremely angry, but he could not even think of starting his hands.

The Sanhailong clan is united, how can she be an opponent.

As a result, the two sides were so deadlocked.

This is also the original intention of the Three Seas Dragon King. As long as he does not completely tear his skin, it may not be impossible to restore the relationship between the two parties in the future.

On the fringe of the northeast region, the Emperor of Humanity and Emperor Feng looked at the Feng Clan who had intercepted them with green expressions.

Standing at the forefront of the Feng Clan, a Lihuo Phoenix who covered the sky and covered the sun was the elder of the Phoenix Clan in Flame Canyon.

"Emperor Feng, hand over the treasure of the Feng Clan, otherwise the Feng Clan will never die with you!"

As the Feng clan elder's voice just fell, the Feng clan who fell behind also yelled.

At this moment, the Feng clan was in the same hatred and hatred, and was unanimous in the outside world.

Unless the treasure of the Feng clan returns to the hands of the Feng clan, they will have no sense of security in their hearts, and no one wants to follow in Feng's footsteps.

"You really want to be an enemy of the emperor?"

The human emperor's voice is low, if it's just the Phoenix Clan in the Flame Canyon, he is not afraid, he is afraid of the entire Phoenix Clan.

"Your Majesty, that treasure is inherited by our Feng Clan, and it is of vital importance to our Feng Clan. We can't let any of the Phoenix Clan's treasures be left out."

The elder of the Feng clan has a sonorous voice and a firm tone. For the lost treasure of the Feng clan, it can be said that she is determined to win. She has already informed the patriarch of the Feng clan that she will not give up unless she achieves her goal.

"It seems that you really want to do something with the emperor..."

There was a tendency for the Emperor to do things in his heart. Emperor Wen and the Feng Clan of the Flame Canyon made good friends, but the Emperor Feng had offended the Feng Clan because of the relationship between the treasure of the Feng Clan and Feng Zi, and the two sides had already become mortal enemies.

It's just that the Emperor Human feels that several huge momentums are flying towards this side before he does it.

"Ahem, this emperor is not a bad person. He has always maintained an attitude of friendship with the Feng clan for generations. In order to express his apology, Emperor Feng, take it!"

Feeling these auras, the human emperor's heart sank. These are obviously a few demon emperor-level phoenix clan. It seems that the phoenix clan has come out for this treasure of the phoenix clan.

In this case, the emperor finally chose to compromise under the choice.

Under the chaotic situation now, the Emperor is not willing to be an enemy of the entire Feng Clan, otherwise the situation will be very unfavorable to him.

Therefore, appropriate sacrifices are still necessary, not to mention that the sooner the Feng clan leaves, they will have more time to support the East Sea Dragon clan.

As the Emperor's voice just fell, Emperor Feng's eyes widened, his face was blue and white, and finally he sighed helplessly, and handed out the treasure of the Feng Clan with extreme reluctance.

As for what Feng Emperor thought in her heart, whether she hated the Emperor, only she knew.

What is certain is that Emperor Feng feels very uncomfortable. With the treasure of the Feng family, Emperor Feng has the current position, and the importance of the treasure of the Feng family to her can be imagined.

Now that the Emperor asked her to return to the Feng Clan, an irreparable rift had inevitably appeared between the Emperor Feng and the Emperor.

The Emperor also knew in his heart, but for the sake of the general trend, he finally chose to compromise, not to mention that Emperor Feng was originally a chess piece in his hand, not the partnership that Emperor Feng believed himself to be.

Now that this chess piece has become a tasteless one, it is time to find a chance to abandon her.

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