Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1458: The power of the avenue

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Note: Thank you for your corrections. I forgot that there is a canister of Zulong Essence and Blood. It is now modified as the East China Sea Dragon King Contribution Can, the four-clawed white dragon and the four-clawed golden dragon can be combined, and the sacred + tyrant can be combined. , Plus the tank inventory, total tanks. The reason was that the situation was urgent at the time of the battle, and Li Changsheng had no extra energy to collect a large amount of dragon blood that escaped during the battle of the East China Sea Dragon King, the Four-Clawed White Dragon, and the Four-Clawed Black Dragon. As for Jumei and Baxia, Jumei only drew once not long ago, and he has not recovered much. Baxia is still a minor. If he smokes too much, its potential will be reduced, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

After eliminating the third possibility, among the remaining two choices, Li Changsheng preferred the first one.

Although the second option, the Dragon Ball, is more powerful, it does not have future problems after all. Not only is it unable to behave like an arm, but it may even have an accident in the process of the five-clawed golden dragon trying to break through the Demon Emperor.

Li Changsheng chose to be stable, not to mention integrating the dragon ball essence of the East China Sea Dragon King into the five-claw golden dragon's dragon ball, which may increase the probability of being promoted to the Demon King rank.

After all, this is a demon king-level dragon ball, and it must be accompanied by some great power. If the five-clawed golden dragon is familiar with it in advance, understands the nature of the great power, and even integrates a little great power, this will be very good for the future.

After the decision, the five-clawed golden dragon spit out his dragon ball, and the dragon ball of the East China Sea Dragon King was suspended in mid-air.

In terms of size, the five-claw golden dragon's dragon ball is not as big as half the size of the East China Sea Dragon King.

In the dragon clan inheritance obtained by the five-claw golden dragon, there is a method for refining the essence of dragon ball.

The two dragon **** began to spin. In the process, the five-clawed golden dragon faintly resonated with the heavens and the earth.


The incomparably hard dragon ball of the East China Sea Dragon King suddenly cracked an impenetrable crack, and strands of water-blue mist floated out of the crack, instantly pulled into the dragon ball of the five-clawed golden dragon, and disappeared.

The dragon ball of the five-clawed golden dragon began to radiate brilliance, and its volume was gradually increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, accompanied by an increasingly astonishing coercion.

During this process, more and more cracks appeared on the dragon ball of the East China Sea Dragon King.

After a quarter of an hour, the dragon ball of the East China Sea Dragon King was covered with dense cracks, looking like a glass bead about to break, and it could break at any time.

Li Changsheng hurriedly released the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace and the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda, ready to resist the explosion caused by the broken dragon ball.

Click ~ Wow!

After half a minute passed, the Dragon Ball of the Dragon King of the East China Sea could no longer bear it, and crashed into slag. The power was far less powerful than Li Changsheng had imagined, and it was easily resolved.

After the dragon ball shattered, a deep blue brilliance emerged. If you observe carefully, you will find that this brilliance is composed of countless invisible chains, and it feels similar to the divinity of another world.

This is the power of the Great Dao of Water that the Dragon King of East China Sea understands, possessing mysterious power, and is also the supreme law of the fairy world.

The five-clawed golden dragon struggled to pull one of the chains, but these chains were like a mess of wool that was tied into a ball. There was no difference between pulling one and pulling the whole, and naturally it didn't move.

At this time, the power of the road of water exposed to the air is also rapidly dissipating.

The five-clawed golden dragon dare not let the dragon ball come into contact with the power of these water avenues, otherwise it will greatly exceed the dragon ball's upper limit. Once the dragon ball explodes, it will also suffer incurable injuries.

As the master of the secret realm, Li Changsheng felt that the secret realm's water system rules are rapidly strengthening, and the ocean area in the secret realm is rapidly expanding. It is obvious that the power of the escaped water avenue is being integrated into the secret realm.

Even if the dragon ball of the five-clawed golden dragon could not obtain the power of the Great Dao of Water, it was not a loss to Li Changsheng.

In just a few breaths, most of the power of the Great Avenue of Water has dissipated.

Up to this moment, the five-clawed golden dragon seemed to have made up a certain determination, and did not know what method was used, the remaining power of the Great Dao of Water suddenly shattered and turned into countless dark blue chains.

This increased the escape speed of the power of the Great Dao of Water, and at the same time gave the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon see hope.

The five-clawed golden dragon controlled the dragon ball, and instantly made contact with one of the aqua-blue chains.

The aqua blue chain pulled into the dragon ball and disappeared.


It's just that, after all, this is the power of the avenue, and Dragon Ball seems a little unbearable, and cracks appear on the surface.

Even though the dragon ball appeared cracks, the five-claw golden dragon still did not stop, and continued to repeat the operation just now, once again absorbing the power of the four water avenues, and then stopped.

It's not that it can't continue to swallow, mainly because the dragon ball is about to be close to the upper limit of tolerance, if it continues to be absorbed, it is likely to explode.

Not only that, the power of the swallowed five great avenues is still rushing from the left to the right in the dragon ball, causing the cracks to continue to increase.

Under such circumstances, the five-clawed golden dragon could only watch the power of other water avenues disappear.

The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon hurriedly settled, and once again moved the Famen to suppress the power of the Five Great Ways of Water. With its efforts, the power of the Five Great Ways gradually fell silent and concentrated in the center of the Dragon Ball.

In this way, the dragon ball of the five-claw golden dragon can be regarded as possessing some of the power of the demon king-level dragon ball, provided that the dragon ball is repaired.

In order to repair the dragon ball, apart from spending a lot of time slowly recovering, the other is to integrate the dragon ball of other dragons.

Li Changsheng had more than a dozen dragon **** in his hands, many of them at the Demon Emperor level, enough to quickly recover the five-claw golden dragon's dragon balls.

Prior to this Li Changsheng communicated with Five-Clawed Golden Dragon.

In this evolution, the characteristics of the five-clawed golden dragon naturally changed.

In addition to the characteristics of Calling the Wind and Calling Rain, Dragon Power, and Dragon Hidden, there is also a Dragon King characteristic.

Dragon King: Racial characteristics, it is mandatory to summon aquariums that are lower than their own realm and race to fight together. The scope of influence depends on their realm. At the same time, they weaken the will and combat power of the opponent's dragon pets, depending on the realm and blood concentration of both sides.

The characteristics of the Dragon King are almost the same as the characteristics of the King of Birds, except that the former corresponds to the aquarium and the latter corresponds to the bird.

However, compared with the birds, there are obviously more aquatic races, which naturally include the dragon race. It is no wonder that the dragon race has always ruled the four seas.

When the five-clawed golden dragon was repairing the dragon ball, Li Changsheng spent a little time to extract a large amount of twelve-armed naga blood, which was more than enough for Ning Bizhen's ten-armed naga to evolve.

When the ten-armed naga evolved, in the sky, the original large and small two pieces of Taoist jade finally merged completely. Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, it barely reached the low-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

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