Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1459: Yin and Yang, Origin

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The jade for seeking Taoism fell in front of Li Changsheng, and Li Changsheng's consciousness instantly entered the jade for seeking Taoism.

Different from the past, as soon as Li Changsheng's consciousness entered Qiu Dao Yu Jue, he saw a dense ball of light.

These photospheres have different colors and emit different frequency fluctuations, and some are large and some are small. The deeper the photosphere, the larger the volume.

With just one thought, Li Changsheng came up with a total of nearly three hundred complete three thousand avenues.

Li Changsheng controlled his consciousness to take the initiative to contact the nearest small ball of light, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling poured into his heart.

In the blink of an eye, if Li Changsheng realized something, this was a great charm technique in the Three Thousand Dao.

With Li Changsheng's extremely high charm, it can be regarded as complementing each other.

It's a pity that Grand Charm is ranked too low and has a better choice. There is no need to choose at all.

Li Changsheng controlled his consciousness to advance rapidly, and finally entered the deepest place.

There are three huge **** of light floating here, one is a ball of light with five colors, which naturally symbolizes the Big Five Elements in the Three Thousand Avenue.

The second is a big ball of light that exudes white and black. Li Changsheng controlled the conscious contact, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling came to his mind again.

Great Onmyoji!

Compared with the Big Five Elements technique, the Big Yin Yang technique ranks at the end of the top ten avenues.

Although the Great Yin Yang technique is slightly inferior to the Great Five Elements technique, there are some connections between the Great Yin Yang technique and the Great Good Fortune Technique, and they can be combined with the Great Five Elements technique to form a great cycle of Yin and Yang Five Elements.

In the end, it was a big colorless ball of light, and Li Changsheng's consciousness returned to Qingming again shortly after the contact.

This time it was a great origin technique. Complete cultivation can open up nine seas of consciousness, which is almost equivalent to nine times as much spiritual power as the demon master of the same rank.

Even if it's just getting started, it can still open up a second sea of ​​consciousness, and the effect is even better than that of the Nine Apertures Ding Yuanzhu of the Mid-Rank World Wonder.

The only flaw is that even if it is just to add a sea of ​​consciousness, Li Changsheng will need to double the training time, which is not conducive to his goal of becoming an emperor as soon as possible.

Under such circumstances, although the Great Essence Technique is very tempting, it is not possible for Li Changsheng to practice for the time being, and he will wait until he becomes the emperor.

As for whether to practice the Great Yin Yang Technique, Li Changsheng still hesitated.

Soon, Li Changsheng's consciousness broke away from seeking the truth and Yujue.

In addition to nearly three hundred kinds of complete three thousand avenues, Qiudao Yujue's understanding of the holder has been greatly improved, and as long as you are immersed in the internal space of Qiudao Yujue, you can integrate your consciousness into the light ball of the representative and comprehend the speed. It will speed up dramatically.

From the point of view of the effect of comprehension, it is more than ten times higher than before.

In addition, Qiudao Yujue’s perception of the same kind has reached a range of hundreds of miles, and as long as it is close enough, it will ignore the space barrier, which means that even if there are fragments of Qiudao Yujue in the space ring or the internal space of others , As long as the distance is enough, Li Changsheng will perceive it.


At this time, Li Changsheng suddenly took out a space ring, because he felt the aura of jade shards in this space ring.

"Ai Di's Space Ring!"

From the soul aura of the space ring, Li Changsheng understood the identity of the owner of the ring, and it was the Ai Emperor who was jokingly called the Three Minute Emperor.

Li Changsheng checked the soul imprint in the ring, and because the time was too short, it would obviously take a while to dissolve the soul imprint.

In the next moment, Qiu Dao Jade Jue turned into a brilliance, and when it touched Li Changsheng's Yintang point, it disappeared and entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda was also integrated with the light blue orb that symbolized the wind system.

After merging into this orb, the wind orb, thunder orb and ice orb resonated, making the power of the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda a step further and smoothly reaching the level of the middle-grade Langhuan supreme treasure.

As a result, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda has collected eight beads, and the distance to Consummation is getting closer.

"Does the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda require nine or ten orbs?"

Li Changsheng was a little puzzled. If there were only nine pieces, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda would reach the top-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure, and it would be impossible to become the top-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure.

If it is ten, where is the tenth inlaid, the spire or the bottom?

Li Changsheng didn't think much about it. He felt that since the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda was the treasure of the ancient Star Emperor, as long as he obtained the Star Emperor inheritance, he would know everything.

After taking back the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, Li Changsheng glanced to the side. At this time, the ten-armed naga has completed the evolution, and a pair of arms has grown, and it has successfully become the twelve-armed naga, and has been promoted to the level of the demon emperor.

The twelve-armed naga belongs to the upper-level beast, and it is said that a certain **** in the different world is the twelve-armed naga.

At this time, Li Changsheng looked to the other side again.

There are four demon pets trying to break through there, namely the five-color dragon god, the nine-day Xunfeng cat, the bright dragon horse, and the eight-tailed snow fox. They are using the crystallization of rules to try to break through.

Among them, the five-color dragon **** uses the rule crystallization of soil, the nine-day Xunfeng cat corresponds to the secondary rule crystallization, the bright dragon horse is naturally the bright rule crystallization, and the eight-tailed snow fox is the rule crystallization of ice.

What I have to say here is that the Dragon King of the East China Sea deserves to have lived for tens of thousands of years. There are nine days of fresh air in his internal space, which has allowed Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen's demon pets to reach the breaking point.

In addition to these four demon pets that were trying to break through, Li Changsheng's four-clawed silver dragon and four-clawed yellow dragon were also digesting the two divine dragon-patterned jade obtained this time.

These two pieces are the dragon-patterned jade left over by Yinglong and the five-clawed golden dragon. Yinglonglong-patterned jade is naturally handed over to the four-clawed yellow dragon for refining and the four-clawed silver dragon can only be refined. Five-clawed jade with golden dragon and dragon pattern.

This made the physical quality of the two monster pets slightly improved, and Longwei became more vast and pure, more or less improved some strength.

When the four demon pets tried to break through, Li Changsheng continued to refine the essence and blood, preparing to refine the remaining corpses in one breath.

This is undoubtedly a big project, even if Li Changsheng is extremely skilled, but the quantity is there, it won't work at all without a day or two.

In the process of refining, Li Changsheng was also distracted.

The Tianji stone and the mysterious turtle shell floated in the void in front of him. Among them, the Tianji stone was a dragon scale stained with blood, and the mysterious turtle shell was a small dragon horn.

The dragon scales came from the Dragon Empress of the East China Sea. They were severely injured by the four-clawed silver dragon at that time, and some of them were naturally left behind.

The dragon horn came from Ao Feng, the prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, and was given to him by Ao Sen. At that time, Ao Sen had the upper hand and cut off a small piece of the dragon horn.

As for why Ao Sen gave it to Li Changsheng, everyone is smart, so there is no need to say more.

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